in #originals5 years ago

THE TOTAL TOLD TRUTHS: Today’s terrestrial territorial tribes termed the “American-Indians”, inferred “Indians”; are not necessarily NATURE’S Natural “Native-Indians”. The Indigenous Inhabitants, herein – hereon, South – Central – North America, are actually ancient ancestors ascendants as ALL-ALPHA-AMERICAS ORIGINAL-ONES.
YES YAWLS YO: We wholehearted Hue-Mains (humans), prehistorical physical and peculiar planetary personages, and historically has been living here, now nationally named the
USA, as biological bodily beings by a baby born bloodlines Birthrights, from the very beginning. Throughout the terrestrial terrains, thus territorial turfs transitional timetables. Termed “time immemorial: is a phrase meaning time extending beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition, indefinitely ancient, "ancient beyond memory or record".
"In law, it means that a property or benefit has been enjoyed for so long that its owner does not have to prove how they came to own it. In English law and its derivatives, "time immemorial" means the same as "time out of mind", "a time before legal history and beyond legal memory".
ADDITIONALLY: AmeriOriginal-Ones occupied the continent called AMERICA, first and foremost from the Eastern & Western, Southern & Northern geographical land-locations. The prehistorical periods prior to and in advance of history and His-Story. These truths are organically or originally Our-Story & My-Story. Meaning:“time so long past as to be indefinite in history or tradition” and “ a time antedating a period legally fixed as the basis for a custom or right.”
All newcomers and relatively recent arrivals are actual artificial-Americans, affixed and attached afterward and as aberrations and affectations. Acting as ambitious arrogant aggressors, antagonist adversaries and alien agencies. Also are anti-All-Alpha-Americas Original-Ones. Obscene objectionable offenders, otherwise officiated occupiers of our originating, Hue-Main-Kind (humankind), holistic healthy habitat homelands and Melanin-More majority members Master-Motherlands.
INDUBITABLY INDIGENOUS INHABITANTS “Identity Thefts”!!: = Tyrannical thieves, terrorist thugs, treacherous traitors took these terrestrial ‘tribal’ territories. Today they’re the transgressors and trespassers too. (Living lifestyles on "Indian Reservations") Some of our or my ancient aboriginal ancestors agreed to allow and permitted these takers to trade between themselves and us. Commoners commerce contractual trusts of trustees through treaties. Proposed peace and friendships, for financially funded freedom to the first family farmlands. Howsoever they were hybrid-humans and Melanin-Less mutant members of Orientals of the Orient, Mongolians out of Mongolia and Mongrels. Yellowish ocher or otherwise YELLOW-SKINS.
ADVENT: At these transitional timetables, these Asiatics out of Asia became admixtures and amendments, as amalgamations. We mingled – mixed – mated and married, making multi-millions more melaninated majority members. While those who wouldn’t integrate... decided to decline, interrelating and intermixing, remained the mutant melanin minority. And as direct and indirect and proximate results, it caused combustible civic conflicts crisscrossing continental South – Central – North AMERICA.
ASIATIC ARRIVALS: Discovered and uncovered the fact that the AMERICA ORIGINAL-ONES, had “dominant genes”. Overpowering phenotype traits. And each time they bred babies with us, had sexual intercourse, these newborn baby births bared basic BROWN-SKIN, superficial surface sunshine shades and solar sheen. So some significant numbers sought antisocial separation and segregation of sovereign sociopathy.
SOUNDLY - SANELY - SENSIBLY SAID: Sometimes history has a timetable tendency to repeat itself over again in another time period. Likewise many of my aboriginal-American ancient ancestors, visually saw how hybrid-humans out of Oriental Asia, had slanted eyes, expressly epicanthic fold about the comers of the eyelids. And the copulated conceived childbirths no longer looked like one of them. A true family and clans member. Both sides formed personalized prejudices decided to discriminate against one another, angry aggressive assaults and attacks, armed and aimed at another as adversaries. Going to weaponized warfare with each other as AmeriOriginal-Ones vs fearless foreign fighting forces. Militarized Mongolian mutant Mongoloid vs Americas Americoids!!