Dear Steemit Songwriters ... I Have Never Written an Original Song Before and am Looking for Advice on How to Start

in #originalmusic7 years ago (edited)


The idea of writing my own music really intimidates me. I've always told myself that "I'm just not good at it" and have really blocked myself off from being able to creatively express myself in this way. Maybe I really am bad at songwriting - but I finally feel open to trying it.

I am calling 2018 my "Year of No Fear" and so I've decided to face this fear head on and start experimenting with the idea of creating music.

There are so many amazing songwriters here on the Steemit Platform and so I thought i'd reach out to you for help and advice.

In this video I talk about the below topics:

  • A bit of my story and the creativity scars I have around writing music.
  • Ask for advice on how to get started.
  • Ask for advice on how to get past some of those creativity blocks and start allowing music to flow.
  • My fear that I may accidentally steal someone else's work without realizing it. (Creating a melody that is similar to someone else's song)
  • Ask how YOU approach song writing. Where do you find inspiration? Do you start with a chord progression, a melody, the lyrics... or something else?

I so, so appreciate any and all advice on how to get started. I'm excited to start facing this fear and see if something beautiful comes out on the other side.

I also know that there are a lot of other Steemit musicians who only post covers as well - and I hope that this post might help encourage them to get out of their comfort zones too and perhaps try songwriting. (If that is something they want).

Even though I gave a high-level overview here... i'd really encourage you to watch the video if you have a couple minutes. You will get a better sense of my heart and where I am coming from.

Big hugs and love to you all. <3

▶️ DTube


This is an interesting reach-out for sure.

I've often thought about making some kind of songwriters 101, however, I haven't really seen a demand or rather, any real deficiency in the many excellent songwriters from Openmic & and the Songwriters Challenge.

Nevertheless, if you want some advice.... The best way to get started is to:

  • press record on your voice memo (iphone or similar app) plays some chords and just sing whatever comes to mind for a few minutes.

  • Listen back and if there was anything good, melody, lyrically or a mistake turned into a an excellent point of inspiration, try to use that small snippet and repeat the process (as in keep recording and reviewing) until you slowly start to form a main idea and supporting materials (like chord progressions and strum patterns or grooves etc).

Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out if you have any curiosities.


Thanks so much for your thoughts and advice @jaybird! I really look up to you as a songwriter, so it means a lot that you took the time to stop by my post.

Love the idea of just hitting record and seeing what happens. I just tried that this morning, and it went better than I thought! The nice thing about recording it too, is that if anything ends up being good or usable, I can reference back to it. I imagine it would be easy to forget a melody or riff a couple days later.

Also thank you SO much for stopping by my little sisters intro post and showing her some support!! It means so much to me that you did that. I I think you’re right that she can hopefully teach me a thing or two about songwriting. 😉 She’s been a little shy about sharing her original music in the past, but I think steemit will be a good opportunity for her to get out of her comfort zone a little bit and start sharing.

No Problemo on both fronts.

Are you making any progress?

You're bang on in thinking: "The nice thing about recording it too, is that if anything ends up being good or usable, I can reference back to it."

That's definitely the point of this method. It's an idea generator, which you can take further through repetition and workshopping.

Equally as important though is also paying attention to why something was good....all the subtleties that may have emerged with the initial improvisation. Elements such as dynamics, or voice quality, things that affect the vibe, emotional quality and the groove ie. laid back or pushed, or emphasis on syllables or words/how you said a specific lyric or line, melody ornamentation etc.

Those little things when preserved from the initial conception of the idea can sometimes make a "simple or bare bones idea" suddenly interesting as fuck...

Try to write about 1 big idea. It’s easier said than done, but the best songs have 1 central idea presented in the chorus and the verses and bridge support that main theme. Hope that helps!

Ahh that is GREAT advice! It’s funny, because that sounds like it she may be obvious, but I hadn’t thought of it. I can see how my lyrics could’ve ended up all over the place with different themes. Thanks for the focused advice.

You are a songwriter that I really look up to here on Steemit, and so I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and advice! 😊

Sure thing, good luck! Can’t wait to hear what you come up with

Me either!

I'm Homeschooling my kiddos and multitasking while they're busy, so I can't watch their videos, but I have to tell you. I've been there. I used to write poems and lyrics when I was a teenager, but I never shared it. Then at 20, I was asked to sing in a rock band performing covers and originals. The other musicians were so awesome! They were welcoming and we would just jam for hours. They would start with some riffs while I rifled through pages of stuff until a word or a sentence stood out to me. The point is not to overthink it. I can't tell you how many original songs remind me of other songs. It's just the way it is. We all hear things and process things differently.
My last bit of advice is to try what I call meditative journaling. Keep a notepad by your bed and when you wake in the morning, start writing first thing. Don't think, just write. Even if it's something like this, "This is so stupid. I can't think of anything to say. What am I doing? Nothing. Nothing..yada-yada..." It sounds pointless, but you will release some of your inner critic and eventually start moving on to more meaningful writing. Best of luck to you!

Wow, thank you so much for the detailed and thoughtful advice! Especially since you’re in the middle of multitasking AND homeschooling right now!

The rock band you were part of sounds like such an amazing experience. I can definitely see how surrounding yourself with people who encourage your creativity would help that piece to blossom. 😊

Also, thanks for reassuring me that I shouldn’t worry too much about my song sounding like someone else’s. That is comforting to hear.

I also really LOVE your advice to start journaling when I first wake up. My sleepy, tired brain is less likely to judge what comes out on paper. I can imagine that would be a great exercise to get more used to free flow writing.

Thank you again for your great advice and feedback! Good luck with the rest of the school day! :-)

All I can tell you is what I do when I write music. There is always more than one way to do it. I surround myself with writers I love to listen. Listen close to the different types of melody there is in a song. Listen for all points they put harmonies into the song. How they structure the words in the song. Music is just poetry with rhythm. Study the different types of poetry writing style. Read the lyrics of songs and see how they match with the different poetry writing styles.

Write lyrics down everyday. Listen to the instruments in the song. How does the instrumentation make you feel, that's usually how you find what to write about. Pick topics that are close to your heart. Don't be afraid to talk about anything cause there are many going through the same things.

Now pick a some instrumentation and practice writing. Writing is a skill like any other. The more you do it the better you get. The songs I wrote in the beginning were horrible. They had good content but I didn't know what I was doing when it came to recording and mixing music.

That is another thing. Listen to music that is mixed and mastered and the difference between non mastered music. Then of course invest in your music. Make sure your engineer cares about the quality of your music. That person can guide you on how things should sound if they really care, but also learn how you want it to sound. Once you know how you want it to sound tell your engineer. Write the melodies with them if you have to.

Most important of all. Don't quit!!!!

Ask me anything and I will help with what I can

I love the intense level of detail you use to study other songwriters. A true master of your craft.

I am a dancer, and have spent some time analyzing music structure to better understand when there will be breaks, pauses and rises in the music so that I can better interpret the song in dance. I love that you take it to an even deeper level though, and I will definitely start applying some of these tactics when studying music.

How early in your song writing career did you invest in getting an engineer to mix and master your music? Sounds like having someone like that could be really helpful once I get the ball rolling and am writing more music. Where do you even find someone like that? Haha

Ps... I REALLY appreciate your open ended offer to answer questions. I may come back to you with more questions as I start actually trying to write and create. :-)

I invested in someone like that pretty much immediately. I am a perfectionist. I love putting time and effort into what ever I do. I just started trying to different studios and recording with different people. Eventually you just find out who works well with you. I did my whole first album with one person cause I liked that he took direction well and I liked the vibe the studio had. I met him recording a song that me and a friend did together at a studio that he used to work at. The engineer that was working with me and my friend was horrible. You could tell that he just wanted to record and leave as soon as possible so he didn't take the time to really mix it well.

Stay clear from people that never give advice. Don't be scared to take peoples advice either. Sometimes you end up liking the end result more than what you had planned for it. Test the waters with engineers. They all have different styles of recording. Try and find one that has a background in recording the type of music you want to make or at least has an ear for the type of music. It took me a while to find an engineer that I really click with.

I love writing songs for people or with them. I coach artist all the time with their music. Of course I have my own music but I just like working with people lol. Follow my instagram and message me if you have any other questions. I am glad to help out. That goes for anyone that is trying to make original music.

I used to dance a lot as well. That helps as well when you are breaking down music.

What type of music are you trying to make?

Wow, thank you so much for the detailed responses to my questions. It’s so kind of you to be this helpful! Thanks for giving me some more insight into the process of trying different studios and engineers. I’ve got to have songs to record first... but I will definitely reference back to your notes when the time is right.

In terms of style - I’m not 100% sure yet. Probably something on the softer, more lyrical side. Maybe something with a really uplifting/motivational feel. Probably some stuff that feels a bit darker too. I honestly don’t know what will end up coming out.

I’d also love to play around with mixing sounds/beats/ vocal overlays on music. I don’t know what that’s called exactly... but stuff kind of like what soundlegion creates.

I know that want very definitive, but I’m just all about exploring right now! 😊

Sounds to me like you should listen to a lot of Tori Kelly songs maybe mesh it with my cousins style of music. Her band is called The Internet....Solo name is Syd...Also listen to some SZA....Those are all really good artist....Try also listening to Solange's album. Then there is Alina Baraz and Jhene Aiko. Really pay attention to the production with them. No problem like I said I love helping out people.

Your awesome. Thanks for the artist suggestions! I’ll be sure to check them out. 😊

I can't write a song to save my life
That's the first line of your first song right there ;)
I'm off to bed right now, but I've been in your position and have written lots of song lyrics, some with melodies and even recorded one. Expect a video response from me the day after tomorrow. Really glad to hear you're willing to finally overcome your fear. I'm sure you'll get tons of good advice out here.
Love, Indy

Hahah you are a GENIUS. That’s some song inspiration right there.

Thanks as always for your thoughtful and encouraging comments, Indy! Can’t wait to see the response video!!! By the way, I just listened to the original song you posted a couple days ago, and it was amazing!

Totally, you could write about your hobbies and talents that to you seem effortless. Then, the chorus is a turnaround on the one thing you simply cannot do even if your life depended on it, which is - writing a song. Heck, break the 4th wall and end the whole thing by saying - oh wait, this is a song!

Thank you for listening to my record! It means a lot to know you liked it and it's really hard to act cool about it ;D
I already got lots of ideas for the video, hope it won't evolve into a 2 hour songwriting workshop...

What a fun idea for a song!!! Haha love the ending line too.

Also, it was such a pleasure to listen to your music! Thanks for sharing it. 😊

Well, I think you should start with melody and rhythm. When you get that you should go into your feelings and emotions, look for what you want to express and write it down in simple words, sentences or anything. After that you structurize it into that previous melody that you constructed. If you have an instrumental first it's also good to get inspired by it. Generally speaking - it's much easier if you have the music first and then go with lyrics. I'm writing things for 5 years by now and after training my skills I'm finally up to showing up soon. I keep my fingers crossed for you as well. Do what you want to do and don't you dare even thinking about the consequences. Okay, you may worry if you think that some of your actions might make you starve. Or actually.. even if you'll be starving - don't worry. Passion and dedication can make you go through all of the worst things with your chin up and win.

Wow, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights with me. Thanks for sharing your approach, and that starting with the music is a lot easier. I also really like the idea of looking at my emotions for inspiration on the lyrics. I’m sure that is a great way to make sure it really comes from the heart.

I would love to hear some of your original music sometime! Please let me know if you ever post, because I would love to check it out. :-)

I actually give songwriting workshops and also Skype consultations on songwriting via my website

Last September I attended a songwriting retreat with Judy Stakee (the artist development engine behind Cheryl Crow, Gavin DeGraw, Katy Perry) in California ... and I'm really inspired to share what I've learned there... therefore I have been thinking of starting video series on songwriting here on Steemit, exactly for people like you :) So if you like, subscribe to my channel, I'll start churning out my wisdom and experience nuggets soon - especially now that I see there is interest in it!

WOW, how lucky that I ran across you! Thank you so much for taking time to leave such a thoughtful reply. I am following along, because your video series sounds perfect for me!

So cool that you got to attend a song writing retreat with someone as talented as Judy Stakee.

Thanks again for your thoughtful comment!

You're welcome, @coruscate :) I look forward to connecting more with steemit musicians and the video series is one of the way! Stay tuned ~~~

Hey! @coruscate
As my number 1 fan here on #steemit the short answer is... write from your head and heart ...cliché I know, but it really works for me, and I'm sure it'll work for you too.
I look forward to hearing your original music.

Thank you so much for the thoughtful comment and advice! Stoked to have the #1 fan spot so far! Hehe (congrats again on your awesome open mic post for this week)

So, when you say to write from your head and your heart, what do you mean exactly? Do the lyrics come from your heart, but the sing structure and more technical aspects come from your head?

Thank you for taking the time to give me some advice! I really appreciate it!

Thanks for your post which has become a very valuable and full of ideas guide for songwriters 👏🏻.
Here is how I do it:

  1. I write a saying, sentence, something I or someone said and it is worth remembering.
  2. I shuffle the words to make a rhyme out of it, many times it’s all it takes, sometimes I use synonyms to achieve it. You can rhyme a whole paragraph of a book that way through a little text modification.
  3. I was most successful at that using Facebook posts published just to myself. If I get stuck and the song doesn’t develop I leave it and usually get inspired again by my memories reminded by Facebook next year etc.
  4. I was really inspired and started believing I can do it by rappers (I prefer rap music without bad words🎸), I could see so many people writing texts, expressing themselves.
    I hope this will help you and inspire you to use things most natural and working for you, you are a celebrity/important enough to express yourself and be heard and contribute.
    Please follow my more detailed post on that I am going to write soon. All the best! 🎤🎸

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights!! Using synonyms to help the lyrics rhyme is a great way to look at it! I am not very good with that sort of thing, but that gives me a framework to work from.

How fun that you used Facebook memories to inspire yourself again!

Thanks again for your thoughtful advice!

You should have someone around you who is a songwriter that can help, you might be aiming high but you have to start from somewhere even if it is small

Thank you for your thoughtful response! I agree that having another song writer around me would certainly make a big impact. I have started to ask around, and it turns out that my sister and one of my best friends have written songs before! I’m looking forward to collaborating with them in the future. :-)

That's good. Wish you all the best👍

Great post! There are endless ways of writing songs. I try to challenge myself to always write at least 1 song differently every month.
That being said, if your starting out, there are two ways that make it easier to write I'll mention.

First way, is to take an already existing song you love, and find an instrumental/production version of that song online. Play it on repeat, and write your own song, to that production.

Second way is to record yourself playing an instrumental chord progression and loop it, or use garagand or any DAWS stock loops, and make a looped production. play it cycled and write a song to it

These methods are easier because you can focus on writing melody and lyrics, instead of playing the instrument too. As for the song itself, some people focus on melody, others on lyrics, others do both at once. For instance, I usually write melody then put lyrics to it, or I do both simultaneously. I almost NEVER write lyrics first and then make a melody, I've tried but for me its harder. Everyone has a different workflow, its all about making something you love, being happy/having fun, and finding your most efficient workflow.

Don't worry about accidentally stealing a melody. It happens all the time. If you or someone realize it, you can always change the melody, or lyrics, or chord progression, or tempo, or production etc.
Also at the pro level, I have friends (not me) who have written big songs, and they actually buy a special type of creative insurance, that will cover lawsuits up to Millions of dollars (crazy right?) incase you get sued by someone. You don't have to worry about that until you write a hit song that goes national or viral, or write for a famous artist, or make a song for a big commercial or company.

Hope thats a helpful insight, if you ever have audio production or songwriting questions I'm happy to help! New on here, still haven't figured out how to post on dtube but excited that the music community is so active, really amazing.

Thank you so much for taking the time to offer your advice. I had never thought about trying to write a song on top of someone else’s track. That seems like it could be a really great exercise! Also, thanks for the tip on trying to write the music before the lyrics. That seems to be a pretty consistent theme that I have heard from people.

That’s pretty awesome that you have some friends that are at a pro level! I bet it’s nice to pick their brains about music stuff from time to time.

Thanks again for all of your great advice! I see yoiv been posting some of your music, and so I’ll have to go check that out! 😊 By the way, I’m going to be running a series soon on how to use Dtube... so stay tuned for that. Maybe it will help give you some some guidance on posting!

Hi there, My name is Priscilla Hernandez, I have two released albums of my own songs. I have one video on my introductory post but just joined here and I'm new around so I haven´t even uploaded to dtube yet. I don´t believe there is a rule for writing songs but from my point of view you have to "feel" its yours and born from the spirit. I never obsess or think "I'm going to write a hit" (maybe I should? hahah) but I also appreciate the raw freedom of those daring pieces that don´t follow the same pattern). Enjoy the feeling of creating songs that are meaningful (at least to you) and I'm sure that way it will touch the right strings in others. About my process, sometimes I write random lines or ideas in a notebook, and they join together almost by their will. I think I have notebooks full of free writing, but most of the times I start with the melody. I hike a lot in Nature and they come spontaneously, if the melody knocks twice in my brain, it´s usually a keeper. I even record sometimes versions without lyrics for structure reference. Then I build the words so they also keep honest to the way it was flowing where it had the freedom of having no words. I struggle more with the fitting of the lyrics to the notes than anything else. But every case is different, and I suggest to take advice just as advice and go for it your own way, we make our own path as we walk it. I may add I'm a composer in ethereal/ambient/fantasy so no mainstream structure is usually found in my songs (we are all still learning). Good luck!

Thanks you so much sharing insights to your process! I love the idea of scribbling random thoughts and musings into a notepad. Going for a walk in the woods also sounds like a great way to rest the mind and find inspiration.

I really appreciate you taking time to share your thoughts and advice with me! ❤️

You are welcome. As I said, I think everyone must find their own way. I uploaded a video "the making of a song part 1" and it´s a series about how I turn an improvised melody to a final song, so that first part is about an improvisation outdoors and first moments at the studio turning into piano, but forthcoming ones will cover production, lyrics, recording and well, just if you find it interesting, there it is. I cannot add much except, go for it, feel it, shape it...!

In my case, I always start with some chord sequence in my guitar and when I find something I like, I start to mumble some nonesense to create a melody. When I feel I have something cool that's when I start to put some lyrics.
Something that has helped me several time is to imagine that I am someone else... imagine that you are, let's say, Beyoncé, to name one... you'll see how different ideas and melodies start to appear, just like magic.
Hope you find it helpful

Ooohh great advice! I never thought of channeling my inner Beyoncé, but that sounds like a fun exercise! 😉 it makes sense that imagining different artist, and styles of music could be a way to expand the types of melodies I come up with.

So far, starting with a chord progression seems to be working pretty well for me. I really appreciate your thoughtful comment and advice!

My advice is for you to start with your favorite aspect of life (love, societal issues e.t.c) express how you feel about this situations be it in reality or fictional. Not bad if you're stuck on the chorus for days, keep humming the melodies that comes to your head. You get better after each song, let other writers you believe in their works critique it, with this you improve and adjust on previous mistakes. God bless

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment and advice! Starting by focusing on some of my favorite aspects of life is a great idea. I really like that you say to focus on the emotion and feeling of the situation. I can see how that would dry out more raw emotion, hence better lyrics.

Thanks again for taking time to share your thoughts and advice!

I am not a songwriter but song lover. I don't think about song writing before. By reading your post I think about song lyrics and got something. If you like then you can use. I hope my ideas make your task easy then before. Don,t blame me anyone. I am just trying to help only. Here is my ideas:

  1. The first thing to do is to read. If you read more, then your vocabulary will improve. There are many more benefits. Also Listen to music a lot.

  2. Of course, you must believe that you can write songs.

  3. Whenever you want to write songs, whenever it comes to mind, write it down or if it is very good to write the whole song. Because at that moment you have a feeling that you will not be like that day.

  4. Lyricist is just a people prone to feelings. You need to understand the nature, the people around, and also to survive and collect data.

  5. If one or two song was written then take Someone's opinion? It is very important. Show your writing to an experienced person who is well-versed in the song, but intentionally do not criticize your writing or falsely praise it. Show him whom you think is neutral.

  6. Do not always write the same word or anything of the same typeThe monotony will come. Try to think of something new.

  7. How to use the sound? There is nothing very unknowable, which means to sit down with the dictionary, it is so easy or not that it seems to be forgotten. Try to hold a standard.

  8. Do not rush to write. This will hurt your writing. Sit down to write by taking time.

  9. Repeat the songs you write frequently. If there is a need to correct it, do it. There is no objection in cutting.

  10. Rhyme Whether it depends on whether it is important or not. But Still keep in mind the rhythm.

  11. Poet and lyricist are different entities? I think so. A poem sprouts within a poet, which does not even happen within a lyricist. That means being a poet is not necessarily a poet. Again, the lyricist has to write in the mind of the song's Chorus, hearts etc.
    I Just tried to help as a friend. I guess you can find some idea from me.
    Thanks @coruscate. Better wishes for you.

Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write out your thoughts. This is a great set of advice!!

I especially like the advice to not rush the writing process.

Thanks again @raqibul!! You are awesome.

If My little advice make your task easier, it,s my pleasure. your thanks giving is a lots to me than I deserve. Good wishes for you. Thanks for reply @coruscate

The best advice I can give is to just START! Just like anything, it takes practice and the more you do it the better you'll get at it!

Ahhh GREAT advice!! Ok, I’m officially starting today. 😊 Thanks for the encouragement @rileymcf!

I love biographical lyrics. Try to think about emotional experiences from your life and write down the thoughts and feelings. This should make it easier to create something good and authentic. :)

Mmmm I like that! I hadn’t thought about starting with emotions, but that is a great idea. Then you really know it is coming from the heart. :-) Thanks @thedende!

Not a songwriter myself, but definitely looking forward to an original song. :)

Aww thanks @rebelheart! I appreciate the support. :-)

"If ya don't feel it it don't work"

Hahah love the delivery on your piece of advice! 😜

Watkin Tudor Jones is probably one of the most brilliant lyricists I know of. If you haven't, listen to the whole song, or at least look up the lyrics. Then check out his other stuff, like The Constructus Corporation. I only dream of writing lyrics so profound. But then again profundity is subjective.

hi coruscate, i'm deejay primo. my first question is; do you have passion for music? i ask this because passion will automatically reveal itself through you. it dosnt need your consciousness to act. IMG-20171101-WA0004.jpgIMG-20170921-WA0030.jpg

Thanks for the question and your words of advice. Yes, I am definitely passionate about music! Thanks for the great advice to just let it flow. Maybe I’m over-thinking things. 😊


Write about important moments in your life!

Thanks for the advice @steemkidd! That’s a great idea. I’m sure having some sort of prompt or thing to focus on with writing will help. :-)

yes it will!

Funny :) You steal a song but you didn’t realize that ... I think this is happen when you listen a song and after try to compose another . Keep up!

Haha good point! Maybe I should refrain from listening to other music before sitting down to write.

Hello, i think you need to follow your heart and Develop words from the events that are going on around you
keep going, good luckimages (1).png

Thanks for the advice @mimolino! Focusing on the events of my life is a great idea.

i think so, keep smiling

If you're looking for some calming inspirations, come by my channel for some sad tunes....You never know!

Thanks for sharing your song tips I am new and i follow you i shared skin protection tips and beauty tips as i aam beautician please visit my blog nd give me upvote thanks

I hope you will support me thanks

something should be started with sincerity,whatever the job is,as well as the work of big brother here,this will get good results,don't give up bro, continue

Good pot sister

It surprises me how a musician so talented hasn't been able to write a song yet... What i find more challenging as a writer is writing about something specific just like the open mic songwriters challenge . It is hard to push it. You have to just try stop trying something specific. at least for now.

What i do normally is, i think for a while about all the stuff that i am going through at the moment, good and bad. (mostly works best for the sad sfuff in my case lol) And then maybe i realize what is the most important part of it all that i want to talk about or write about .. start playing around with some chords till i find something i like... and then at the same time try to come up with that one single sentence that will start it all . i write the lyrics and music simultaneously, but i know some people do one or the other first .. . to me it all goes together . So i come up with that first sentence.. and try to make it fit with the chords i liked and without meaning to start creating the melody . that part just happens, i mainly focus on what i need to say and go on from there.

I hope you find this helpful, however the process is different for everyone .. good luck.. and i hope you come up with your own song soon so that i can hear it!

I've been writing forever.. but started taking in seriously when i was 13.. from then on i have written a bunch of songs.. but not all of them are good or decent... but you have to keep doing it , to better understand your own process ..and to get better at it.. i don't think you ever finish learning. because you change... so your style changes and your feelings change and what matters to you changes.. so inevitably your music changes too and the way you make music will change too.

To me writing songs is very therapeutic ... like going to the psichologyst ... sometimes after writing something and hearing it over and over i realize things about myself that i did not know before, not even while i was writing it ... i think you will be good at it and you will love it! it is addictive haha!

Hey great video.. If you want to write a song, of course it needs to come from the soul and be deep and meaningful and all that but, in reality, music follows form and meter.. I would suggest looking up some of your favorite songs and writing out the structure of the songs and visually looking at how it's laid out.. Pop music like T Swift is notoriously structured and fit around a specific form.. When I write music, I generally try to figure out a hook and make it as catchy as possible, and then build around that.. The chorus/hook should be your strongest part in the song and everything else should just compliment that message.. Think of it as cooking a meal, not any one ingredient is going to make the dish great, but everything put together in the right ways can be magical..Hope this helped.. Keep on Rocking!!!