The World Is Against Us................................ || Original Love Poems.

in #originallovepoems7 years ago (edited)

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Just a little boy,
And a young girl,
Trying to change now,
Their fate in this world,

Just like a small kid,
We try to walk on our own,
Making our own way now,
In this world unknown,

We might fall,
We might get hurt,
But we both know that,
We will be together in the dirt,

I have her now,
As my ultimate strength,
She has me too,
Until our life end,

So while all these humans,
Made of flesh and bones,
Mock and laugh at us,
Without any emotions,

I am still happy,
To have you by my side,
To give up on you,
Is what I always denied,

So while we move ahead,
With our mind all cautious,
We fight as a team when,
The world is against us.

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Wish you all out there who love someone, to be with him/her for your entire lifetime :]

I Love You, my angel,



Well then my dear, it's a good thing we don't need the world ☺️💞

Who needs a World of a Billion people, when one person is the whole world :] Thanks for a lovely comment my love.

As always, a wonderful poem!
You have a way with words my friend!


Thank you Snekky for crawling through my post :]