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RE: Patience is a Virtue!

in #original-comic8 years ago (edited)

9 year plan?? hha sounds like a communist plan to buy tractors and collectiv farms! LOL XD
And hey you could place the upvopte and PRICES on your comic like THIS to REALLY entice people (I know u can only add that LATER after its gotten upvotes so its not a crticism jut an imrpocvement we can make AFTER its been posted l;ike tHis:

See how this now thios copy shows the upvotes AND themoney made so far on the post AND includes a link to @fyrstikken 's blog on steemit? I might just post this to my Instagram to show people the example of how much you can make froma webcomic on steemit, is rthat ok frystiokken? I will thejn post it back on steemit as an example of my sucesful method to getting 100s opf likes and views on instagram to promnote steemit!

I did it for @sweetsssj here, i xplained to instagram, via an imagescreenshot of her wlal with text how much money peopel can make on steemit!

so now i can post the image above with the web comic of yours, and show people on onstagram JIUST how much money you can make off a simple web comci if u get followers on steemit!

Anyway I hope thios inspires veryone here to post ion Insrtagram to promote steemit or to register on instagram if u already havent! Instagram also posts directlt to your facebook twotter and tumblr whenever u post to Instagram, so it is 4 dofferent social media so the users you can potentaill reach is a LOT hundreds of milliosn! somethingf like 900 million users on instagram no! 2 buillion on facebook and similar mnumbers for twitter ,
ANYWAY thyanks agaion frystikken and i hope we ALL start promoting our screenshots of our walls to Instagram to reach the MOST users!

Look i got 90 likes on that post aboput @sweetsssj ! see how succesful insrtagram campaign are? and i have like 1900 followers on instagram and i just used to post cannabis bitcoina nd b;ockshain crypto related popsts!

Justs tart posting web comics on instagrama nd SHOW people how much they made on steemit so post to steemit FIRSt so its steemit exlcusive THEN post to instagram with lots of pluygs for stee,mit in the caption AND on the image itself!


sure, go ahead :)

NICE thanks man! here i just finished it! ;) nalready got 23 liks and 1 positive comment!

can i now make a steemit post? Ill give a shoutout to a minnow of yoru choice that you like and want me to give attention to !

I am so happy to be apart of this community man its so euphoric i bet youe even more euphroic being a millionaire now! You should do a post about how youre ALMNOST a millionaire! $850K so ur just a 15 percent incrase in Stem priuce Away from being a Steemit Millioanire bro! congrats! cant wait to see tht post! It iwll make u $1000 for sure, a clear case of how the rich get richer! XD