Do you dream of being organized?
Does the fear of failing keep you from getting started?
Do you feel like it would be pointless because there is no way it will ever stay that way?
I feel you!
I have 4 kids, 5 and younger!!! Do you think that things ever stay in their place all the time?? No!!!
The reason you feel this way is because you may think that organized and picked up are the same thing.
They aren't.
If you have put off that desire to live a more simple life and get organized because of those fears and pressures, then wait no longer!
The difference....
Picked up gives the picture of perfection. That everything is in its place at all times when not being used.
Organized means that everything has a designated place and can easily be put back when done.
So many people tell me that getting organized would be a waste of time because it would quickly be chaos again and I hate that because they are basing that thought on current situations and habits.
You only have to get organized once and then build the small habits it takes to maintain it.
Like putting the toothpaste back in the drawer, throwing away the junk mail IMMEDIATELY, putting clothes away, and so on.
My house is organized, but it is not Better Homes and Gardens ready at all times! I keep my house organized because my life is much more relaxing when I know where things are and what I have.
How many times have you bought something that you thought you were out of or just couldn't find in the mess?
My house is organized because it allows me to relax more throughout the day knowing that I will go to bed with a fresh house ready to enter the next day.
Do you toss and turn all through the night because your mind is constantly racing on the To-Do's that you can't keep up with?
My house is organized because I know that at the end of the day, my family can get the house back in order in a half hour or less! Why? Because we can quickly gather everything up and take it to its parking spot.
How long would it take you and/or your family to get the house picked up at the end of the day? Be reasonable. Now isn't the time to be dramatic. If your answer is more than 1 hour, then it may be time to implement some new systems.
My house is organized because I love being surrounded by those that I love. I want to be able to invite people over at a moments notice and not feel any pressure that there is nowhere for people to sit, eat, play, or relax!
How much time would you say you need to get your house guest ready?
If it's more than a couple hours, then its time to get organized so that you never feel that pressure and stress!
Does this mean that your house has to be ready for Better Homes? No. As much as I wish I could tell you that it will always stay perfect(because I wish it was true for myself), it just won't. I HAVE TRIED!
Being organized means that when it is time to pick up or prepare for guests, you can do it quickly, efficiently, and with minimal to no stress!
It's time to get your life back! It's time to start living it! Don't let the misconception of organized vs. picked up keep you from it!
So how do you stay organized?
First take the pressure off yourself that organized means perfection or failure!
Second, form habits to have Pick Up time every night before bed. Set a timer and work together. And as motivation, give yourself(and family) a reward at the end of each week that you stick to that habit.
Why should you work together as a family? Because not only are you better and stronger together but you are also helping your kids develop the habits and responsibility themselves.
Habits take 21 days to form. So in a month, you should already have a system and flow down for it to become like second nature.
Get ready to watch the atmosphere in your home change for everyone!
Mint Condition Organizing