Organic Token... A lifestyle token merging cryptocurrency with the organic food industry! No ICO! We are building from the ground up as we share tokens with the world!

in #organic7 years ago (edited)

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Before you dismiss us as just another cryptocurrency that is all about funding a project with an ICO for the select few, then take a closer look... DROP your waves address and I will AIRDROP 100 tokens to the first 25 people that comment! :) We are have a hard cap of 10 million tokens and over 4 million have already been airdropped to thousands around the world! We encourage you to check out our blog and site, as well! Over 4,000 people follow us on twitter, however we are excited to start using Steemit and take part in the full blockchain experience.

We live in a day in age where organic food should be accessible to ALL people, regardless of their economic background or income level. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world so this is not always the case.

Over the years, organics have become somewhat more accessible as it is more easily found in most grocery stores that previously would not offer such products.

Nevertheless, the affordability of organically grown foods has not increased enough and as a result, too many consumers pass up the organic aisle in the grocery store because their finances simply won't permit such choices. This is beyond sad and something should be done about it!

I grew up in a working class home that had its shares of financial gains and challenges. We always had, however, plenty to eat and were blessed to be able to eat healthy food most of the time. Like most families, we had periods within our lives where money was tight and it wasn't always easy to afford organics for every meal.

Since the dawn of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, there has been an explosion in blockchain based systems and applications that have revolutionized our world and I believe that we have only just begun!

Though my prayer and hope is that every single person in the world could have clean drinking water and fresh organic food at their disposal, I doubt that we will realistically be able to achieve that goal any time soon. Having said that, we can do so much more than we are currently doing and that is the big reason why I launched Organic Token..... Perhaps, just perhaps this project will increase awareness and enable a greater number of everyday citizens to access organically grown foods via the potential growth of this token.

What's the plan? I'll keep it as simple as possible.


I want as many people as possible to be able to acquire Organic Token for free or very inexpensively before the market causes it to rise. Eventually, token holders would be able to enjoy the appreciation of value in order to buy the organically grown food for their families.

This is not a pump and dump concept. I detest that concept and am not afraid to speak of those schemes in that light because that's the only way to put it. Does that mean that I am against the value rising? 23d78712-e81c-48c1-866a-26468c98be3b-watermark.png

On the contrary! I would hope for outstanding growth of Organic Token so that token holders can sell what they need in order to buy the food that they need. In other words, this would be like a cryptocurrency savings account that you only use to cover your food costs at first. Then, there might come a day where you could help others who never got the chance to participate or acquire any tokens. We are creating an eco-system to where token holders will be able to use ORGT in real life situations as a utility.

Recently, we worked out an arrangement with a health food store in Georgia that is accepting Organic Token as a partial payment method! Our team is currently in talks with various organizations that are focused on health and wellness and so the next few days and weeks will be quite exciting as to the potential of it all!


I wish you well in this project I look forward to keeping track of your progress

Thank you very much! We are working hard to make this a project of integrity and I think it will shine brightly as it already has been these past few weeks! By building this from the ground up and by including thousands of people into the process via free airdrops, we are creating an atmosphere of fairness and community. I thank you again for your nice comment! :)

#organic to the moon. 3PMQqpdfhS3vdd83nq2zqxXRy3PwrwWgTq2

something with genuine community spirit is always welcome and hopefully of value ...oh yea heres my wallet address you asked for . Best thoughts3PJ8yzaEEaJiNSs215FNaaSd3XvyyA1dQz6

Nice project.following this project since day1 very awesome token to the moon.

Organic Token is a nice and good idea project.
You gets my full support.To the moon.


This is an Exceptional Project by the competent team
Straight to the moon #Organic Token


Your road map is what I love most. It would have been a great regret assuming I miss this great opportunity.


It's never too late. Still relatively early. 100 tokens sent.



Great project

Great project with a real value and utility. This is certainly a project to pay close attention to.



Just sent 100. Organic Token is only supported on the waves platform or C-Patex

Thanks very much .... Tokens received

#organic to the moon

Am so glad having you guys here
Good job once again Markus and the Organic crew
See you at the moon


Let's go there! The moon is the starting point for #organic token.


Tokens sent to you! 100 ORGT

Have been following this project from day one and i believe this will shake the crypto world, organic token to the moon....


Great happy to be part of this from the beginning! ORGT to the moon!


Just sent ya 100 @cryptobillionaire

:Nice project.following this project since day1 very awesome token to the moon.


Just sent you 100 organic tokens @xperience1

Great project .love it


Awesome and unique project love this! Watch out


The project is really growing fast, really wish u guys the best 🤞moon await you

Moon is the limit 3PDdHyFHoWgnnsyyNxWiEd5xWMsdd8wAVKG

I agree! 100 tokens sent!

Go orgt , ,looking forward for this one dev


Organic to the moon

I love this project hope it moon soon

I always love projects that have usability for their tokens other than trading in exchanges and this one fits my billing, all the best Organic Token.

Would love to help spreading the word!