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RE: Organ Harvesting in Haiti: A Webb Companion and Alternate Theory

in #organharvesting8 years ago

Great work! Like Mr Webb, I started finding all this info when investigating the Clinton Foundation. I started researching them (Clintons) in the 90's. They will do ANYTHING for money. The purpose of a foundation is to help people by providing financial and other types of aid. The CGI started buying bogus AIDs vaccine from a disreputable pharmaceutical co. in India and selling it for a profit in Africa (where AIDs is rampant). This is how they operate...on a cash basis. They did the same in the Balkans with DynCorp harvesting organs. The value of the Clintons in this globalist scam is Bill's genius at hiding money. He started as Gov. in Arkansas (where I live) with the ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance Authority) a scam to distribute tax revenue to his cronies. The Clinton Foundation is a money laundering scheme for companies like DynCorp and others...including foreign nations.