Holy Shit, Oregon and Washington are ON FIRE (;⊙Д⊙)

in #oregon7 years ago (edited)

If you've been following the news (and live in the US) you probably know there's a massive, slowly migrating forest fire which has spread from Eagle Creek, Oregon up into Washington. It only just recently crossed the Columbia River, and shows no signs of abating any time soon.

As you can see, air quality is terrible. The sky is all smoke and ash. Big pieces of ash too, which impact my sunglasses. The smaller bits get in my eyes while riding. I've got some goggles on order to solve that problem.

The air filter mask works a treat. I've seen Chinese citizens wearing them to handle the terrible smog in cities and figured they must be onto something. Seriously, look at this sun. Does it look normal to you?

No it doesn't. In my expert technical opinion: shit's fucked. Visibility is poor, you can see anything far enough away has a greyish faded quality to it. However bad it looks, believe me, it's worse to breathe (and get in your eyes). I've held off on buying a gas mask or anything elaborate like that until I see whether it's going to clear up in a matter of days, or weeks.

This is not the Oregon I know. It really underscores the importance of air quality, and the danger of increasingly frequent forest fires as average conditions around the world grow steadily hotter and drier. Look at this shit! It's one step removed from Silent Hill:

How am I supposed to enjoy riding my bike in these conditions? I can't. Presumably it's worse for people who work outdoors or who don't have secure housing, so tomorrow I'm gonna pick up a bunch more of these filter masks to hand out to anybody who looks like they need one.

This shit has me concerned. You can't see because of the helmet, shades and mask but I am making a concerned face. My brow is so furrowed all like ( ಠ_ಠ) and I'll be monitoring all news concerning the fire very closely going forward. Props to the fire fighters and in particular the brave smoke jumpers risking their lives to put a stop to this hot mess, even as we speak.


False alarm its just weed smoke From Humboldt County


On a serious note I hope everything is alright!

It isn't, a lot of really beautiful trails and sites have been destroyed like Oneonta Gorge Tunnel and Eagle Creek Trail. Amidst all of it, some assholes stole thousands of dollars worth of fire fighting equipment from forestry workers fighting the blaze.

Oh Wow that is not good.
I have been to Eagle Creek.

Yep! No fun at all. My daughter's evacuated on the Oregon side. Fortunately they have family to run to. Thanks for the quick review on the mask!

Over 10,000 acres have been burnt, and still burning, after 2 teens throwing lit firecrackers off the eagle creek trail over a 200 ft cliff were caught by a stranger; one lighting and the other filming on their phone, and no one else in their party (not limited to the two teens) confronting illegal fire and illegal fireworks. The woman who caught them and reported them scolded them and said they giggled afterward. She said no one in their party responded otherwise. She reported them to the authorities, who apprehended the family leaving in their minivan. What kind of society do we live in when the beauty of Eagle creek isn't enough and people want to burn it to the ground for kicks? Please throw the book at them. Do everything legally to make them financially responsible for the fire AND the rehabilitation of the site. They deserve every bit of our collective scorn.

Until now 31,000 acres.

I hope the situation in oregon gets better as soon as possible.

I'm in Walla Walla Washington and the smoke has settled in really bad over here. I am a high voltage lineman and work outside all the time. This crap is fricking nasty!! My prayers go out to all the people effected by this fire!!

Indeed . . . I live in University Place (Tacoma, basically) in Washington and yeahhhh the sky did not look or feel normal at all, leaving the house today. Of course, I appreciate that I myself am not in any real danger and hope for the best for those who are.

Christ, seems like between this and all the hurricanes the US is having an apocalypse going on. Hope this shit clears up for all of you guys asap and everything. Glad you've got mask filters and some goggles on order so you can still get around safely, man.

I had a friend in oregon back in the 90s i didnt see him after the summer. His dad Informed me that is was the one that stated one of the fires, he was 12 years old or so. Playing with firecrackers as well and that was that.
They sent him to some jail camp deal. Thats about all i remeber on him..

Its crazy, but it happens... im Surprised some of the things i did as a kid were not any worse than they were. Haha things hit the fan quite fast.

Actually it's terrible not only the fire, I herd news about another tornado can be hit Florida :/
Anyway it seems disaster, polluted air, smoke, ashes I can't imagine what kind of disaster happens there. Anyway I hope US rescue teams can stop spreading this and my prayers are with the people who lives near those area!
Hope everything will be okay and you will not try to rise your bicycle in this condition!

thanks for making this and have a good day

you need to go to London or Eastern Europe this kind of sun and fog is like 80% of time in autumn/winter

Prevention better than treatment...It can be considered a white process

Yo I love your headgear , I couldn't stop starring at it . Epic :D

It seems that catastrophe is the order of the day in the US. Potential hurricanes, hurricanes with massive flood, more potential hurricanes, forest fires....I'm waiting for locusts to appear and devour the crops.

Good luck with it, breathing in that type of air too much can have major health effects if exposure is prolonged.

A buddy of mine recently moved from Idaho to St. Thomas, VI. He did for his health because he was a Forest Service Fire Fighter and had way to much exposure to smoke over the years. He's been down their for a few months and here comes his first hurricane.

Thanks for sharing. I'm starting to follow you

@alexbeyman - oh my goodness now US on forest fire. But yesterday news said 'Hurricane Irma nears eastern Caribbean islands' & US gov: alarmed Florida too. This is a disaster to US, hurricanes, fires & nk war attempts. so, we all need to pray for all those troubles will finish better & finish soon. Amen....


I hope the situation in oregon gets better as soon as possible.

I had a friend in oregon back in the 90s i didnt see him after the summer. His dad Informed me that is was the one that stated one of the fires, he was 12 years old or so. Playing with firecrackers as well and that was that.
They sent him to some jail camp deal. Thats about all i remeber on him.

hey you ,come out from your mask.....and you will get to see special some thing hopefully

Fires and floods everywhere in the U.S - the apocalypse is nigh.