Mi comienzo en Hive | My start at Hive (ESP-ENG)

in #ordosjo4 years ago (edited)


Me llamo Karlianny Nazaret Espinoza Herrera Tengo 20 Años De Edad Nací El 15 de noviembre del 2000 Soy De Venezuela Estado Guárico Municipio Tucupido Desde pequeña me ha gustado mucho compartir con las personas, Hoy voy a escribir mi primera publicación en esta grandiosa plataforma que a nivel mundial se ah vuelvo muy viral porque ayudado a muchas personas y a generado conocimiento, Actualmente estudio ADMINISTRACION DE EMPRESAS PUBLICA EN LA UNIVERSIDAD EXPERIMENTAL SIMON RODRIGUEZ Ya culminando el 8vo semestre, gracias a mi amigo @ordosjc tenido la dicha de pertenecer a este interesante e informativa plataforma. Siempre me propongo metas que debo lograr en el tiempo determinado tengo gran perseverancia por lo que no se me complica mucho hacer las cosas. Soy una persona capaz de hacer las cosas por mi misma y capaz de lograr lo que me propongo también soy una persona con muchas ganas de salir adelante. Yo debo superarme cada día a mí mismo, saber que no tengo límites para aprender o cumplir mis objetivos, darme cuenta que puedo conseguir lo que desee siempre y cuando lo haga de una buena forma y por el camino correcto, sin tomar atajos ni caminos incorrectos. Cada día aprendo más de mi, ya que me doy cuenta de que puedo dar más y hacer más cada día, aprendiendo que dependo de mi para realizar algo, y también que solo yo soy el que se pone falsas barreras que no me dejan completar mis metas. Espero siempre de mi, obtener lo mejor y no rendirme, también pienso en no afectar a nadie cuando busco cumplir mis metas, porque no estoy solo en este mundo, es decir, que debo conseguir mis objetivos sin hacer un mal a nadie, porque no desearía que me hicieran lo mismo.

My name is Karlianny Nazareth Espinoza Herrera I am 20 Years Old I was born on November 15 2000 I am From Venezuela Guárico Municipal Tucupido State Since I was little I have liked to share with people, Today I am going to write my first publication on this great platform that is worldwide ah I go back very viral because I helped many people and generated knowledge. Currently I study PUBLIC BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AT THE SIMON RODRIGUEZ EXPERIMENTAL UNIVERSITY already ending the 8th semester; thanks to my friend @ordosjc had the good fortune to belong to this interesting and informative platform. I always set goals that I must achieve in the given time. I have great perseverance so it is not too difficult for me to do things. I am a person capable of doing things on my own and capable of achieving what I set out to do. I am also a person with a lot of desire to get ahead. I must improve myself every day, know that I have no limits to learn or achieve my goals, realize that I can achieve what I want as long as I do it in a good way and on the right path, without taking shortcuts or wrong paths . Every day I learn more about myself, since I realize that I can give more and do more every day, learning that I depend on myself to do something, and also that only I am the one who puts up false barriers that do not allow me to complete my tasks. Goals I always hope from myself, to get the best and not give up, I also think about not affecting anyone when I seek to achieve my goals, because I am not alone in this world, that is, I must achieve my goals without doing harm to anyone, why not I wish they did the same to me.

Sin título.png

Nací y crecí en un lugar donde dicen "Pa'lante es pa' allá”, donde se pide la bendición al entrar, al salir, al levantarte y al acostarte, donde se comen arepas, cachapas y pabellón, donde se menea el whisky con el dedo, donde se respira alegría a pesar de las adversidades, donde se regalan sonrisas hasta a los extraños, donde todos somos panas, donde aguantamos chalequeos, donde se trata con cariño sincero, donde los hijos de tus amigos son tus sobrinos, donde la gente siempre es amable, donde los problemas se arreglan hablando y tomando una cervecita, donde no se le guarda rencor a nadie y donde nadie se molesta por tonterías, donde hasta de lo malo sacan un chiste, donde besamos y abrazamos muchísimo, donde expresamos con cariño nuestros sentimientos, donde hay hermosas playas, ríos, selvas, montañas, nieve, llanos, sabana y desierto, un país de gente bella, cariñosa, alegre donde se mezclaron armoniosamente las razas, donde el extranjero se siente en casa y donde siempre encontramos cualquier motivo para celebrar con los amigos.

I was born and raised in a place where they say "Pa'lante is pa 'over there", where the blessing is requested when entering, leaving, getting up and going to bed, where arepas, cachapas and pabellón are eaten, where whiskey is stirred with the finger, where you breathe joy despite adversity, where smiles are given even to strangers, where we are all couples, where we endure jackets, where it is treated with sincere affection, where your friends' children are your nephews, where the People are always friendly, where problems are fixed by talking and having a beer, where no one resents anyone and where no one is bothered by nonsense, where they even draw a joke from the bad, where we kiss and hug a lot, where we express with affection our feelings, where there are beautiful beaches, rivers, jungles, mountains, snow, plains, savanna and desert, a country of beautiful, loving, happy people where the races were harmoniously mixed, where the foreigner feels at home and where we always find s any reason to celebrate with friends.
Nací y crecí en el llano, me siento orgulloso de ser venezolano y seguiré manteniendo mi espíritu venezolano en cualquier lugar del mundo.
I was born and raised in the plains, I am proud to be Venezuelan and I will continue to maintain my Venezuelan spirit anywhere in the world.




Me e dedicado a conocer muchos lugares del mundo y generar conocimiento en cada paso que doy como ser humano, aprendiendo de cada detalle que hay nuestro planeta.

I am dedicated to knowing many places in the world and generating knowledge in each step that I take as a human being, learning from every detail that there is our planet.





Tengo una familia numerosa la cual siempre he contado con su apoyo incondicional, Mis dos hermanos Juan Luis Espinoza (17 años) Y José Javier Espinoza (18 años)

I have a large family which I have always had their unconditional support, my two brothers Juan Luis Espinoza (17 years old) and José Javier Espinoza (18 years old)


Mi Hermano José Javier cuenta con una discapacidad lo cual me ah formado como ser mejor hermana y mama. Es La Persona más dulce y amable que he conocido una persona tan generosa e inocente si tuviera que elegir otro hermano lo seguiría eligiendo otra vez a él, aprendí a ser paciente, comprensiva y sobre todo más humana atreves de él.

My Brother José Javier has a disability which has trained me to be a better sister and mother. He is the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met, such a generous and innocent person if I had to choose another brother I would continue to choose him again, I learned to be patient, understanding and above all more human through him.


Los animales integran la biosfera y cumplen importantes funciones en los ecosistemas, como la de ser descomponedores de residuos, polinizadores y controladores del equilibrio biológico, entre muchas otras funciones. Por Lo cual tengo gran conexión con ellos por su función tan importante que cumplen en la tierra.

Animals make up the biosphere and perform important functions in ecosystems, such as being decomposers of waste, pollinators and controllers of biological balance, among many other functions. For which I have a great connection with them because of their important role that they fulfill on earth.




Mi Trabajo laboral es en una panadería y pastelería llamada CAFÉ CON PAN, que he aprendido mucho en la parte laboral y personal es un bello conocimiento cada cosa que he vivido.

My work job is in a bakery called CAFÉ CON PAN, which I have learned a lot in the work and personal part, it is a beautiful knowledge of everything that I have lived.


En Un Futuro me veo una mujer formada y muy interesada en la cultura en general. Admiradora del arte, además de visitar constantemente museos y exposiciones crea sus propias pinturas, es una profesional de talento que trata de equilibrar siempre el trabajo con la vida personal. Para lograr todo eso es importante ser integra. Eso quiere decir, desde hoy saber equilibrar mi vida, esforzarme en la escuela y nunca dejar de lado las cosas que más amo.

In Un Futuro I see myself as an educated woman and very interested in culture in general. An admirer of art, in addition to constantly visiting museums and exhibitions, she creates her own paintings, she is a talented professional who always tries to balance work with personal life. To achieve all this it is important to be whole. That means, starting today, knowing how to balance my life, make an effort at school and never leave aside the things that I love the most.


Esto es solo una pequeña parte de "Mi Historia de Vida", espero poder ser parte de la familia "Hive Blog".

This is just a small part of "My Life Story", I hope I can be part of the "Hive Blog" family.


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OCD Discord Server where you will get to meet and interact with thousands of other Hive enthusiasts, some of which are veterans and will be able to guide you accordingly.Hello @karlyes15. This is @gentleshaid from the @ocd team. Congratulation on onboarding to Hive and making your introductory post. In case you run into bumps and need clarifications, feel free to hop into

Welcome and hope you'll enjoy it on here.

Hola Karlianny, welcome to Hive! Great job with this intro, I really liked it and I am looking forward to reading more from you :)

Hola,Gracias Espero Seguir Compartiendo Mas De Mi :)

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hola Karlianny, i loved the baby picture and the extendedintro so let me welcome you like I was with some helpfull tips.
Welcome to Hive , so cool that you made it to the chain, The blockchain. Your life will change.


Blogging is what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn hive crypto, but we need a higher price, and its not the most important. I have been here for a while and love it!
But be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! They are yours, and fraude is everywhere so also here you can run into that so be warned.I saw your #introduceyourself blog and its nice to meet you.

To post to Hive i use Peakd and Ecency, both great helps.

I wish you good luck blogging and I Will See you around🍀
Your value and input is appreciated and if you have questions let me know.

Greetings from Brittandjosie from the Netherlands

Theterminal discord invite We (@jamerussell and I ) are presenting New comers in Our @Heyhaveyamet blogs almost every day , and There is a Discord called The Terminal for newbies and All answers to your questions, join in, I am on Hive everyday ! You can always leave a comment. https://discord.gg/pxBj9b

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Tip! https://peakd.com/hive-174578/@crosheille/so-whats-the

We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.Welcome to the Hive community @karlyes15!

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
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  3. The master password is only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and
    be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. Do Not open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hivians available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!