Oprah likes God (lucifer) - fake Christian 🚧 Owned/Exposed 🚫 Beware & share the truth

in #oprah7 years ago (edited)

A video everyone needs to share about Oprah. See this person confronting Oprah and owning her. Oprah is a dangerous person because she hates Jesus and says Jesus is a jealous God.

Disclaimer: There is NO Place where it sais or shows that Jesus is jealous. This is an argument by satanists to confuse people but there is NO place or proof about that lie. Also the undercover satanists say that God or Jesus doesn't want you to be prosperous or wealthy. This is completely incorrect. Actually God/Jesus wants you to achieve EVERYTHING that you want in life. You just have to go for it, he wants you too. The undercover satanists are very good at twisting everything and confusing people. People who are not completely thinking believe the lies and then God/Jesus is the bad guy. Common, that's a very cheap trick. Unfortunately people believe it. Specially since persons like Oprah are on TV and appear to be important. But she is not important, she is just a person that is now on the spotlight but, DO WE REALLY KNOW HER AGENDA? NO, we don't. Be careful

Please do not believe in FALSE Gods like this person Oprah which people worship. Women, common open your eyes, don't watch this garbage of show and person. Don't you see the truth and that they are twisting everything and misleading you?????

This is just TOO obvious people...

🔥❶First she says there is only one way, 🔥❷then she says that God is a jealous God, 🔥❸then she says she is a Christian, 🔥❹ she doesn't know the verse or whatever in the bible (she doesnt have to but she was talking about it and she doesnt know it, common) , 🔥❺then while mentioning God she puts up the devil horns in her hand.

Do you really want to follow, see or worship a person son fake like this? Actually, NEVER worship a person, because they are just mortals. In this case, we can see how this person Oprah Winfrey is confusing people and lying because her God is satan/lucifer.

What do you think after seeing this? Do you think it is still safe or good to see thes type of 'contents' ? Oprah Winfrey should be exposed for what she is.

If she was a good person I would not be posting this because there WOULDN'T be any proof like this. Sorry Oprah but the truth is the truth and if it bothers you it is because it's true.

This post is intended for educational purposes, debate and opinion.



good article, I like to read it. reproduced more articles and continue to work, success is always a friend. follow me @amirdesaingrafis

@amirdesaingrafis I appreciate your comment man, thanks. its pathetic that people dont support this type of content and do not even give upvotes. Its pathetic how people are all afraid to support the truth, pathetic.

Its pathetic how people do not see the truth and dont even support this type of content. I odnt care about the upvoting money, thats not the point. The point is having people open their eyes and nobody supports this, ITS PATHETIC

it's obvious that Oprah Winfrey is a fake Christian. She is dangerous. Why? Because with her position of influence she is CONFUSING people into thinking that Jesus is a bad thing to believe in. It's the total opposite.
I am not a fanatic religious person, not at all. But to me it is VERY obvious that they have a thing against Jesus and when I see that it only re-enforces the idea to me that Jesus does exist. If it doesn't exist then why are we seeing all these fake Christians talking bad about him and promoting lucifer ideas and agendas?

I am sure this post will not have many comments or maybe not even ONE. That is a shame because people (YES YOU) do not participate or give opinions or promote the truth, most people are sleep and they believe all the lies that are shown on TV. Let me just put it like this, is Oprah going to help you when you have a problem or need something? NOOOO . So stop believing in false idols people!! Have an opinion and promote good instead of bad. Stop watching shows that are from satanic people that believe in obscure ideas, rituals and dark things.

I wonder about Oprah®. And I saw this in Minneapolis, MN recently.

Dear Lord Mark.jpg

OMG thats horrendous. thanks for sharing