Curator Cat Frustration: When One of Them Gets Away!

in #opportunity7 years ago

Don't you hate it when you have an opportunity, and it gets away from you?

This morning, I was chasing a beetle of some kind across the carpet and then it vanished into the heater vent!

"I know it's down there..."

The frustration of it all!

I sat and watched it make its way across the room, Then I went up and sniffed it, and then watched some more.

Then I batted it with my paw once, which only made it move faster.

I watched some more. But did I take action and pick it up?

Noooo.... and next thing I know, it took a dive into the heater floor vent!

"If I just wait here very quietly, maybe it will come back up..."

And so, I ended up sitting there, waiting for it to come back out. And waiting, and waiting... and waiting.

In the end, I had to give up and acknowledge that it was an opportunity gone; the beetle had crawled away through the ductwork.

So therein lies the Curator Cat "Teaching Moment" of the day: When an opportunity presents itself, don't become too casual and cavalier in sitting around and evaluating what to do... because that opportunity might disappear in a very unexpected way!

Even if "non-action" IS a choice, it's usually not really the one we want, when we feel uncertain.

Hope you are all having a beautiful day!



Im sure Curatorcat get them sometimes. There is a lack of beetles and flies around here. Crypticat did learn not to mess with the yellow flies near the flowers the hard way.

Oh, I do catch them sometimes! And I know what of you speak... I caught one of those yellow jacket things in one of my Hoomans' shoes once... thankfully, I didn't get stung!


It's called "I only want what I haven't got"


And I wanted that beetle. I just didn't realize it... until it disappeared, and wasn't openly available to me.


Thanks for the Teaching Moment of the Day, Curator Cat! A good lesson to remember.

Thank you @bananamemos! Sometimes we just wait too long for stuff. Right now, I'm trying to not "wait too long" for the price of Steem to make a bottom so I'll buy some...


I heard dat.

My hooman wears ear plugs at night and tries hiding them from me in her drawer, I know this and I pull everything out of the drawer until I find them and swat them down the stairs so that I can play hide and go seek with my Mom. She doesn't like this game as much as I do though.

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