I also love that they were cancelled without the front-runner Donald Trump having ever participated in them. I think in the past that these networks and the RNC kind of had the candidates by their respective genitals but not this time around. In the past things would go back and forth about who had the support of the people based on how they performed in the debates and we certainly saw how much of a circus that could be in 2016 which is where Trump actually gained a lot of his support.

These were actually wildly entertaining back in 2016 because there was a ton of trash being talked, plenty of cheers and boos from the crowd and a lot of the hypocrisy was on display when these guys would smile and shake one another's hands before and after all the shouting.
I didn't even watch any of the debates in 2023/24 and unless they can convince Biden to do them again - which I can't see happening since dude doesn't know how to talk - I wont watch any of the upcoming ones either. The media was once again exposed for not really being interested in the public's interest with these things too because of the fact that they actually made up a new debate between DeSantis and Gavin Newsome. Why did that even need to happen?
So while the networks showed their hand about how these are and always were about making money for themselves the Don shut the whole thing down by simply refusing to attend. Instead, he would sometimes hold rallies nearby where the debate was taking place and more people would attend that then were interested in going to the debates. While I didn't watch those either, I thought this was an awesome moment of sticking it to the system.

Recently, after the Iowa caucus ABC announced that they would not be having their debate unless all 3 of the front-running candidates agree to turn up. I can't imagine any situation in which DJT would bother because he clearly doesn't need them. DeSantis is refusing to give up though which I guess you could say I admire when he stated that he would go up to New Hampshire and debate 2 vacant podiums if need be. I sincerely hope that he follows through with that promise because it would be completely absurd and if there is anything that the 2024 election cycle was always going to be it is absurd.
Do it DeSantis... I dare ya!
I just now realized that DeSantis reneged on his promise to do a solo debate. I guess his handlers told him that this is a lost cause and to stop wasting money. I'm sure that dude will be back in a couple years though.
I have watched a few in the past, but generally the networks are more about favoring one candidate no matter what they say about it being equal. I feel sorry for the American public and most countries around the world due to the weakness of the candidates they are supposed to choose from.
The good candidates that might actually stand a chance at changing anything are intentionally ignored and I think this is by design. That is the case not just in USA but probably most of the world.
Sadly this is very true and we end up with the useless.
I'm a bit sad Vivek Ramaswamy quit. Nikki Haley is an absolutely abominable human being based on everything I have heard her say, and I was glad to hear Vivek always ready to put her in her place. Not because of her chromosomes but because of her authoritarianism and cronyism. And yet, Trump is so hated by some segments of the population that there are people who see her as preferable. I don't like Trump, but the unhinged hate he generates in public discourse is completely disconnected from his actual policy positions and actions. It gets rednecks to see a New York millionaire with past democrat leanings as an underdog to be supported, too, which is a bit weird.
Vivek seemed like a quality guy and I think his decision to enter this race at all was strategic in order to secure some sort of cabinet position or set himself up for a run at some other office in the future. I don't think he really ever thought he had a chance. DeSantis I believe thought he genuinely had a chance since he was thrust into the spotlight over Covid.
I think once Haley loses in her own state that she will drop out as well.
Televised debates should, in theory, be a good forum in which to get to know the various candidates , some of which some people wouldn't have even heard of. With RNC unable to field any decent candidates and the DNC refusing to, there's little point at the moment anyway but going back to at least 2008 and probably much longer (I just don't remember earlier ones very well), they've been rigged anyway.
By rigged, i mean the ask different candidates different questions and give them different amounts of time (some might only get a question or two...probably gotcha questions anyway). That's not really a "debate". It's an interview with multiple people at once.
Absolutely, and the networks that host the debates would be lying if they didn't admit they have an agenda. I recall during one debate in 2020 that Trump said to the moderator "so I guess I am debating both of you now... ok.."
I don't think he was wrong about that either.
There was also the instance where they were talking about health care ages ago when Ron Paul was running and they basically ignored him despite the fact that he was the only MD on the stage at the time. Seems to me that if the debate was truly about the issue you might want to talk to the only doctor that was there.
Do you remember when George W would only agree to debates if there was some sort of red light up timer that would switch on depending on the length on the responses? That was pretty damn funny in my mind.
I don't really remember the George W thing. I probably wasn't paying attention. I definitely remember the Ron Paul thing though. Jon Stewart had a hysterical commentary on how the media and debate moderators treated him. It would make me angry if it didn't make me laugh so hard. I just watched it again and almost snorted my coffee.
thanks for the link, I remember that particular segment well and it was great to see it again.