OpHumanAngels ~ Distribute donations to the poor #2

in #ophumanangels7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemian Friends wherever You're

Because I am also really interested in Social Action in this field and I write in my post this time about helping fellow human beings, I chose this because very many brothers around us who live abandoned everywhere and so sad their fate because almost no one cares for them.Let me publish my post in this second session on #OpHumanAngels (doing good in everyday life in all its forms and for all beings on earth without exception). Previously I had posted it in the first session with what it is and now my spirits are getting better, as I have been coordinating the close relationship with @lidiasteem since yesterday to be able to perfect the post in the future in two languages ​​(English & Indonesian Version). My cousin has been getting a lot of explanation about the tag #OpHumanAngels and #WalkWithMe from the Curator @lyndsaybowes.

Hallo para pengguna Steemit dimana pun kalian berada.

Karena saya juga betul-betul sangat tertarik dengan Aksi Sosial dibidang ini dan saya menulis dalam postingan saya kali ini tentang menolong sesama manusia, saya memilih tentang ini karena sangat banyak saudara-saudara di sekeliling kita yang hidup terlantar dimana-mana dan begitu menyedihkan nasib mereka karena hampir tidak ada yang peduli untuk mereka. Izinkan saya mempublikasikan postingan saya dalam sesi yang kedua ini tentang #OpHumanAngels (melakukan kebaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan segala bentuk dan untuk semua makhluk yang ada di bumi ini tanpa terkecuali). Sebelumnya saya telah mempostingnya dalam sesi yang pertama dengan apa adanya dan sekarang semangat saya semakin bangkit, karena saya telah berkoordinasi hubungan erat dengan @lidiasteem semenjak kemarin untuk dapat menyempurnakan postingan dalam waktu kedepan dalam dua bahasa (English & Indonesian Version). Sepupu saya tersebut sudah banyak mendapat penjelasan tentang tag #OpHumanAngels dan #WalkWithMe dari sang Kurator @lyndsaybowes.

Do good though only a little
Let my friends whom I love wherever you are, do and give all you can to help our brothers and sisters even with the small change you have, maybe for us only a little, but for those who live in poverty, that is very meaningful.

Lakukanlah kebaikan walau hanya sedikit
Marilah kawan-kawan yang saya cintai dimanapun kalian berada, lakukan dan berikanlah semampu kalian untuk membantu saudara-saudara kita walau dengan uang receh yang kalian miliki, mungkin bagi kita hanyalah sedikit, namun bagi mereka-mereka yang hidup dalam kemiskinan, itu sangatlah berarti.

This is my story in sharing a small contribution to the poor, widows and orphans in my village.

Ini adalah cerita saya dalam membagikan sedikit sumbangan untuk orang-orang miskin, janda dan anak-anak yatim yang ada di kampung saya.

The money I received from one of my uncles who live in Baltimore, Maryland, United States through Western Union branch office Langsa City.
He is a native of Aceh who used to live in my village Kruet Lintang, Peureulak, Aceh, Indonesia and he has long been traveling to the United States through the Immigration of Political asylum since the Aceh conflict (DOM).
His name is Mahdi Bahrum (same as his Facebook account name).

Uang tersebut saya terima dari salah seorang paman saya yang tinggal di Baltimore, Maryland, United States (Amerika Serika) melalui Western Union kantor cabang Kota Langsa.
Beliau orang asli Aceh yang dulu tinggal di kampung saya Kruet Lintang, Peureulak, Aceh, Indonesia dan beliau sudah lama merantau ke Amerika Serikat melalui Imigrasi Suaka Politik semenjak konflik Aceh dahulu (DOM).
Namanya adalah Mahdi Bahrum (sama seperti nama akun Facebooknya).

I was told by my uncle to distribute a little money as a charity from him to the poor and children who no longer his Father who was in my village, which amounted to $200 US or about Rp.2.600.000.
Indeed the money is not much for those of you who live in luxury, but for those who live in deficiency, of course very meaningful and valuable.
Part of the money I put into the envelope that I bought for me to share.

Saya disuruh oleh paman saya itu untuk membagi-bagikan sedikit uang sebagai sedekah darinya untuk kaum dhuafa dan anak-anak yang tidak ada lagi Bapaknya yang berada dikampung saya, yang berjumlah $200 US atau sekitar Rp.2.600.000.
Memang uang itu tidaklah banyak bagi anda yang hidup mewah, namun bagi mereka yang hidup dalam kekurangan, tentu sangatlah berarti dan berharga.
Sebagian uang tersebut saya masukkan kedalam amplop yang telah saya beli untuk saya bagikan.

And some of the money I buy kitchen utensils such as plates, spoons, hot water flasks, cooking pots for cooking rice and for cooking side dishes, Because all it is in need in daily life for those who live with full lack.

Dan sebagian uang tersebut saya belikan peralatan dapur seperti piring, sendok, termos air panas, periuk untuk masak nasi dan untuk masak lauk, Karena semua itu sangat membutuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari bagi mereka yang hidup dengan penuh kekurangan.

I have seen with my own eyes that many elderly women living alone in homes with kitchen utensils are very limited, like this old granny, her name "Nek Kariman" she has long since passed away her husband and lived only with a son has a congenital psychiatric disorders since birth, of course very sad fate of his life.
After I told my uncle, she also strongly agreed to buy me a kitchen utensil like this.

Saya telah melihat dengan mata saya sendiri masih banyak orang perempuan yang sudah tua yang hidup sendirian di rumah dengan peralatan dapur sangatlah terbatas, seperti nenek tua ini, namanya "Nek Kariman" beliau sudah lama meninggal suaminya dan hidup hanya bersama seorang anak laki-lakinya yang memiliki gangguan kejiwaan bawaan semenjak lahir, tentu sangatlah sedih nasib hidupnya.
Setelah saya bilang kepada paman saya itu, beliau juga sangat setuju untuk saya belikan perkakas dapur seperti ini.

And I continue to carry out the mandate for me to distribute some money to the orphans who have died his father.
They were all 15 people and only a few people I could collect because the others were not in place or there was an obstacle to attend and I gave the money to them and I delivered to the house for those absent in this place.

Dan saya terus melaksanakan amanah untuk saya bagikan sedikit uang kepada anak-anak yatim yang telah meninggal bapaknya.
Mereka semuanya berjumlah 15 orang dan hanya beberapa orang yang sempat saya kumpulkan karena yang lainnya tidak berada di tempat atau ada halangan untuk hadir dan saya berikan uang tersebut pada mereka dan saya hantar ke rumah bagi yang tidak hadir di tempat ini.

This is the example of the house of one of the old widows living alone in her home. His children have grown up and live in their own homes.

Inilah contoh rumah salah seorang janda tua yang tinggal sendirian di rumahnya. Anak-anaknya telah besar dan hidup di rumah sendiri yang lain.

And this house belongs to a widow, too, She only remains alone since her husband's death and has no children. The house is so simple and so unfit to live in. All things and needs he bore alone.

Dan rumah ini adalah milik seorang janda juga, Beliau hanya tinggal seorang diri semenjak meninggal suaminya dan tidak memiliki seorang anak pun. Rumah begitu sederhana dan sangat tidak layak untuk dihuni. Semua perihal dan kebutuhan dia menanggung hanya sendiri.

And the house also belongs to a widow who has long passed away her husband and she has many children and some are still small. She made her living by working in the gardens and rice fields of others to meet the needs of his children.

Dan rumah juga milik seorang janda yang telah lama meninggal suaminya dan beliau memiliki banyak anak dan ada sebagian yang masih kecil-kecil. Beliau mencari nafkah sendiri dengan bekerja di kebun-kebun dan sawah-sawah orang lain untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anak-anaknya.

And I also bought them 2 kilograms of rice in one green bag and I distributed it to the 21 poor families who lived in my village as my Uncle's mandate.
I am very grateful and my heart is very happy to have shared a little help and happiness for them not even from my own money, I just help my uncle who lives in the distance.

Dan saya juga membelikan untuk mereka beras 2 Kilogram dalam satu kantong hijau ini dan saya bagikan kepada 21 keluarga miskin yang tinggal dikampung saya sebagaimana amanah dari paman saya itu.
Alhamdulillah saya sangat bersyukur dan hati saya sangat senang karena telah berbagi sedikit bantuan dan kebahagiaan untuk mereka waupun bukan dari uang saya sendiri, saya hanya menolong paman saya yang tinggal di kejauhan.


Be angelic-hearted human beings willing to share and do good to all creatures of the earth. #OpHumanAngels is Okey :)

Jadilah manusia yang berhati malaikat dengan saling mau untuk berbagi dan melakukan kebaikan kepada semua makhluk bumi.


Thanks to all those who have read my post, hopefully can inspire you to share and do good to all the creatures of the earth and not necessarily for humans, of course with the tag # OpHumanAngels .. :)

Terimakasih kepada semuanya yang telah membaca postingan saya ini, semoga dapat membangkitkan semangat kalian untuk berbagi dan melakukan kebaikan kepada semua makhluk bumi dan tidak mesti untuk manusia, tentu dengan tag #OpHumanAngels.. :)

And to all the other friends.Thank you for not forgetting the Social Curator of Humanity (#OpHumanAngels) @lyndsaybowes and to my cousin Dek @lidiasteem :) who has motivated me by encouraging me to do good to the world. :) Also thank me to Kurator @phoenixwren, @khackett and @pennsif. Also to my friend at New Zeeland @eturnerx, my hard-working friend at California @derekrichardson.. my friend in Algeria @khaled-dz and to @overkillcoin ..


Friendship greetings from me

at an educational institution in Aceh, Indonesia @ridhasteem


This is amazing!! I cried while reading this, how generous of you and your uncle <3
You are touching so many lives, thank you....

"Do good though only a little
Let my friends whom I love wherever you are, do and give all you can to help our brothers and sisters even with the small change you have, maybe for us only a little, but for those who live in poverty, that is very meaningful."
Beautiful words my friend <3

thank you @karenfoster thank you so much .. you also have a very soft heart..lover the heart of an angel ... because your heart is easy to understand among others and certainly like to hear goodness .. I pray for you also able to do something like this. .. and hopefully what I write it is true ..and beneficial to myself and to others

I think your post is perfect. I am very happy to see what you are doing, thank you for helping them, parents and children look very happy when receiving money and gifts. this makes me very touched, not vain I explain about ophumanangels tag at length to yesterday.

You are great dear I'm sure @lyndsaybowes will love what you do, he is very fond of children and parents.

Thank you so much dek @lidiasteem .. I am more excited if there are you who always encourage me .. hopefully what we do must Ikhlas without expecting anything ... God who repay all our good .. always Be good to your heart my cousin ...;)

hihihi,,, Siap Boss :D

Nyan bek tuwoe keu boss :D

Okeh,,,mudah nyan :p

Baik deh dek @lidiasteem :p

both of you are doing great jod well done Angels

And also thank so much to you :)Thats right @khaled-dz

This was so great, totally have happy tears in my eyes. Bless your Uncle and Bless you for doing this work. You are both Human Angels! This was an outstanding post!!! I'm so happy looking at the photos and reading your words! xoxoxox Just tremendous!!!

thanks a lot @lyndsay .. i will continue to do this charity action ... although not with my money ... but I still like to do it because of a happiness for myself when I meet old grandmother and orphan children there .. they also did not escape from praying to us ... may I, @lidiasteem and you there never tired of doing good..

Hopefully STEEM can help us do even more!!

yea @lyndsay ... hopefully .. I feel There is no use for us to be happy without making happy people out there .. but it is sad because not many people want to think so .. many people are neglected by the pleasure alone :(

Postingan yang sangat bermakna dan menyentuh, saya iri belum bisa berbuat seperti kalian,saya akan kirimkan postingan ini ke orang yang tujuannya sama seperti anda

Kamu juga memiliki hati yang sangat lembut jika ada tersentuh dan tergerak saat membaca ini...
Terimakasih @ahmedyusuf.. Saya doakan semoga kamu juga bisa melakukan berbagai kebaikan sperti empunya sebuah hati sebaik malaikat.. #ophumanangels :)

Ok, kami juga bergerak dalam hal itu namun sekarang teman saya lagi sibuk jadi kami tidak dapat meneruskan itu, bila anda ingin bantu saat kami butuh bisakah anda kiremkan beberapa foto untuk kami?

foto apa yang anda maksud @ahmedyusuf ?

Krna kita memiliki banyak lingkungan yg bbagai kdaan dsana..tinggal kita yg hrus lbh giat dlm mncari dan mmberanikan diri..
Dan bisa juga di tuliskan kata2 motivasi di lembaran2 kertas..Foto sangatlah untuk sekarang @ahmedyusuf..

Ya, saya tidak banyak waktu untuk itu
Karena saya berada dalam lingkungan pondok

Wow that is so cool. I loved reading this and what you are doing for the community. Truly inspirational. Your uncle is a good man, and so are you. The world needs more people like you.

Thank you..
hopefully @falseyedols ... pray for me to stay strong and able to do this .. also surely I will pray for you so you can do good things like this ..

I'm very touched with what you and your uncle has done! You've done a good deed indeed. ♥♥

hope you can do that too :)Thank so much @dawnsheree

In my own little way. :)

Hopefully :)

Where do u live @dawnsheree ?

Postingan yang sangat menarik

Terimakasih kawan :)
Semoga kamu juga bisa melakukan ini..

Maaf apakah postingan saya ini termasuk...
Mohon maaf Sebelumya,saya lampirkan link cuma ingin tau apakah postingan saya ini sudah termasuk katagori....
Saya tergabung dalam grup clr.. Yang memaberi bantuan,rumah,beasisawa untuk fakir miskin, sumbangan untuk para jompo, modal usaha untuk untuk janda miskin yang bersumber dana kami galang dari berbagai pengguna sosial media


Tapi kamu salah dalam menaruh judul...dan tag nya...
Tulislah tag ophumanangels dgn benar..bukan uphumanangels..dan tulislah pada judul tulisan ophumanangels pada awalnya..dan baru stelah itu judul mengenai artikel kamu..
Coba anda edit kembaliItu juga sangat luar biasa dalam menuai kebaikan @taminsteem..

Sudah saya edit ya... Terima kasih

Mohon di tag yg ptamanya adalh tag yg plg mnyangkut dgn artikel...artinya..ophumanangels dlu yg utama..baru busy..
Klo gk..gk nampak sma kuratornya

am glad to see smiles on their faces well done. Allah bless you.

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Nice post. Donating to people who need that most is such a noble job. It is so rewarding and refreshing.

Thanks for coming :)Yea ..thats right @stewart...

What an awesome job man

Hopefully 😁
Thanks @guiltyparties

Im touched and moved by your post sir. Thankyou for being a good man. You’re doing great...i know the Man above us will repay you for all the good things youve done sir. Thumbs up for you❤️

hope you can do that too :)Thanks so much @joninacalara

This post has received a 0.07 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Thankee @drotto & @banjo honey :)

I am going to go get some almonds but I will be right back.

good @banjo .. do not forget to buy more beans for me .. :)

So what's your name?

I have told you at that time ..you quickly forgot

You are very stupid.

Sekecil apapun usaha, pasti akan menuai hasil.

Terlebih jika mmiliki niat dan tujuan yg bgus

Wow, such a wonderful thing! I love this post and all your work and the contribution of your uncle. In the US that money would not buy nearly as much help! It is so good that you were able to help so many! 💚

Wish me always be able to do this and hopefully my post is useful for myself and also for other people out there..supply more willing to share and help each other ...yea .. of course @phoenixwren ...thank so much for support..

Very nice of you to give so much to the people in the village. I am sure they were happy to receive your gifts. 🐓🐓

yea .. of course @mother2chicks .. thanks for the presence .. hope you can also do so.. :)

Wow this is an incredible post!!! I am deeply moved by you and your uncle's generosity, my face is leaking happy tears reading this and an intense feeling of gratitude to be able to be of help. The level of caring you are extending to others is truly inspirational. Thankyou!! <333

Thanks a lot @wisewoof for your support ... I just carry out the mandate from my uncle ... I can not do this without help from him .. you have a soft heart @wisewoof .. hope you can also do this with your establishment ..