I wish I was half robot. I'm always doing something productive or multitasking since I quit drinking. The only way I watch TV these days(unless it's America's Got Talent Night with the fam) is to have it as a window on tip minimized in the corner. If I'm writing a Steemit Blog, there is crypto news on in the background. About the only time I don't multitask is when we are doing school work...but then a lot of school is incorporated with different tasks, so we are killing two birds with one stone there...you might consider it multi-tasking.
It also helps that my wife usually cooks and even prepares crockpot meals for us most days if she has to work late. Leftovers for lunch are a godsend.
This specific research project involved a lot of late nights and early mornings. Idle hands breed idle minds.
And they said men couldn't multi-task!!! =PP
Good on you Lex! Your 'keep busy' approach is really instrumental in the success of your sobriety journey so far..and no wonder, because it is rooted in Biblical philosophy..