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RE: Navigating Towards a Brighter Healthcare Horizon: Open and Decentralized Healthcare

in #opensource8 months ago

Agreed! That's what I hope to be a tiny part of, the collapse of enslavement structures.

How many of us believe we must let western doctors poison us in order to be healthy? How many of us believe headaches, constipation, vertigo, nausea, arthritis, etc are normal?!! I believe our best chances of being truly healthy are to stay away from those quacks, dentists included and perhaps especially. They poison us every single time we go to them, starting from the moment we are born.

You speak of public health initiatives, which are, currently, the worst treatment of all - poisoning everyone who hasn't been poisoned yet.

Oh boy, you've gotten me going here. I need to go for a walk.


At least for now. Maybe market pressures will change that someday.

Someday. Maybe far off in the future, when we've learned that democracy is only as good as the voters' sources of information. If those sources are controlled (via medical tyranny for one, which is nicely positioned, right now, to murder billions with a simple, government mandated, medical procedure), then demoncracy is more like it. Or maybe it will all collapse and we will build what we want to see, instead of accepting what we are shown. One way is slower than the other. Is one of them better than the other? Perhaps governments using open source would make more honest beings of the humans that power them.