Hey @clintjunior I am impressed with your results on steemit compared to youtube. How do you look towards this subject? YouTube used to be a great platform for artists, but perhaps steemit is the future?
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Hey @vipete , well I literally created the youtube channel just to upload my videos to Steemit, I never put any of my music on the internet until now. But I think you might be right. I can see it being a new platform for musicians to get themselves out there, it's definitely a lot more rewarding!
You got my votes and I will be following you my friend! Keep the good stuff coming and good things will flow back to you.
I truly love how this economics work. You put out your skills and you instantly get rewarded. No corporations, no middle men, just you, your skills and your public. It is a complete new paradigm !
And completely self regulated, the way it should be. Steem provides.
I love it too!