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RE: Steemit Open Mic week #78 (my first entry) - Morning Light (Original Song)

in #openmic7 years ago

I can relate to this song and your sleep experiences more than ever and have written quite a few poems on the matter. I have my own spiritual intepretation of it rather than recognizing it as sleep paralysis but have you seen that movie Nightmare? It is a must see for us who have dealt with these incidences.

Either way, wonderful first entry @yidneth

I have added you to my Judge's Top list of Week 78
Please click here to read the full review


Thank you, heading back to read your review, but thanks in advance as I'm fairly new on Steemit and I welcome all feedback. :) I haven´t watched "Nightmare" movie, I know about it but I haven't found it available here. Curiously enough I have a song (it's a scary one) specifically inspired in Sleep Paralysis (maybe my darkest one ever) called "Nightmare" It released in my first "official" album.

These are the lyrics/poem (it is a "scary" tale on it, but in the rest of my approaches to it the tone is more benevolent now). You can see here also one of my drawings when I started to accept my fear and overcome it). I do many drawings inspired by it. I still have as an adult a messed "sleep and dream life" but I cope and convey.
After a few comments I'm encouraged to write about Sleep Paralysis. I'd be happy to read your poems too. My case as a child was rather severe, so in fact I volunteered twice for research (both times spent a week plugged to measure sleep patterns). It is fine you give it another explanation, I believe however it feels "healthier" for our mind to cope with fear, as it's what it is. This song "Morning Light" is in fact a "childhood" song. Though it released in several compilations in the early 00s in different versions its first formal release was on my second album in 2011 but I have drafts of this song on tapes from the nineties XD It's a genuine vintage I guess, but also as simple as it is it reflects a very vulnerable version of my former child-self and way to overcome it. So it resonates in me still today and I play it sometimes. One good side of it is that I found a way to convey it into art, songs and drawings... I even made my "monsters" more benevolent with time... I guess it was my way to overcoming, so they are part now of fantasy stories. Another good thing is that as I was very little (and very afraid) I had the idea that I had to remain innocent and good (it sounds naive) but I think it shaped me as a better person. As a child I caused no mischief, I was as quiet as tranquil and I found in serenity a big ally. But well, really curious as I'm always about other people who has experiences SP, I have (for better or worse) a lot to share about it but I'm encouraged to write a proper article now :). Thanks so much! :) Heading to your post to say thanks again :)

You're welcome again, yes please give that movie a watch when you get a chance

I'm going to check out that sleep paralysis song right now

Here are a few poems of mine that describe some of my different experiences

Hope you enjoy something from these.

Here are two songs, one is a composition for a scary movie, the other is me singing about personified Death as Grim Reaper

These links will keep you busy for a bit lol, hope none disappoint, feel free to leave comments on the actual posts, I'll reply when I can

Be sure I'll be stopping by. I was looking for the movie you recommended, I'm afraid it can trigger fear in me, I actually enjoy horror movies (not the gore, the spectral ghostly ones) but when coming to this topic, I do hold some personal shivers :). I just found out the entry won the open mic, I'm so honoured, thanks to you and all the judges for the lovely reviews! I have a dlive concert schedule on Thursday but I may join live and play the song and a few others maybe later on. :) Well either way, sure you'll see my feedback in your poems and posts later on today and during these days :)

Yeah that movie Nightmare is a heavy one, best to avoid it and not invite any fear in. Yeah your song was great, congrats again on your win. Hope your live performance went well also

Nightmare was pretty intense the second half leading into the climax of the terror, from the beginning intro, ghastly whispers was a good lead in with the guitar, and towards the middle it was interesting the approach you took with a more upbeat percussion with a sombre lamenting style of singing. The lyrics are haunting and brought to life in the second half of the song showing chaos and fear. Very cool experimental expressive song of your experience.

Nightware as a funny one to record, I recorded the whispers almost as a subliminal message then play them backwards and learned them backwards, so it's a mix of backwards and forward whispers but pronounced backwards, most of them just say "remains of myself" or "stay the night with me" as a hint that unconsciously I am creating my fear and it is a part of myself. "Yidneth" is actually not my artistic name (Priscilla Hernandez is) but the name of a story I illustrated and nourish also the music albums and many of my projects, and of course there is lots of fantasy but also eeriness :). I joined Steemit as a brainstorm moment (after a long halt and some discouragement) in order to be able to release the third album in the arch "Fear no More" which I'm now doing the drawings for. We´ll see in due time, so far I met so many wonderful people and fellow musicians and got "kidnapped" by wonderful friends on discord, so just because of that my short journey here has been a re-encouraging time. And now another sweet treat, thanks everyone.

That is great to hear, we look forward to you releasing more wonderful music and the community here is very supportive of people's passions and projects. Don't get sidetracked too much though on Discord lol but yes fun convos are to be had, I am glad you are finding newfound encouragement

Yes, I was absorbed by discord a bit too much. Seeking balance. I went back to listen the two tracks too, liked the experimenral sountrack, just did not comment because I had left a trail of comments, and wanted to leave some space. Told you I would ;)

No problem thanks for taking time to listen to those tracks, the grim reaper one was a fun experiment while the rock dark track was definitely a stretch of risk taking, it came out pretty cool. Yeah, gotta find balance, I do my best to reply, even if I am 1-3 months late haha