
@steamrolla – Nah, it can’t be you! With a band like that, how could it – they gottcha covered! Real fun song and a cute cameo by the kids too – loved it!

Thanks my friend.My daughter was dancing in the morning,so I surprised her.They know most all my words but maybe next time.It was fun.

why is my song losing money? Why would that happen?

I'm not the person to ask @steamrolla - I don't even have a cyrpto-wallet! (he-he) But from what I gather on the periphery, the value of "Steem" does fluctuate, and there are other elements in play as well that can affect one's earnings in real-time. Hope that helps get you started toward a better answer... :-)

Thank you,I thought is was USD not in steem.


Thank you for starting it!

luz,why is my song losing money? Why would that happen?

Love the family band. Good job mate. Happy times.

Cheers !!!

Thank you my new friend! I wanted them to sing but maybe next time.

Omg! So much talent!

You mean the kids no doubt! Thank you.

Awesome! Love incorporating the little ones into music 🎶

They actually know most of he words,just got a little shy! Thanks!

This had me rockin' right along with those kiddies! Very catchy tune.

Thank you Andrew.My kids are asking t do another one already!

Cute and fresh :)

Thank you my new friend,and the kids loved doing the song.They're my biggest fans!

this was to much fun, i love the kids jumpin in, great tune, catchy. spunky heart