Hey guys, I got myself a green screen for Christmas and for the last few days I have been brain storming on how to get the first use out of it. shrugs After a lot of serious thinking I finally came up with a great idea...
A Christmas Song! An Original Christmas Song at that.
Plus I'm entering into open mic!!!! So hopefully I win!
Without further a due, here is my Steemit Gift/Open Mic/Sing Song Vlog.
If I get enough support I will add the lyrics in.
Whose named I butchered lol! <3Shout out @disarrangedjane
Hahaha! Love this post and love these comments. Hahaha! ODB lol
WOW @thejohalfiles Gave out a $320 Upvote DAMn thats like freakin $1500 worth of SBD and Steempower combined WOW
Hey speaking of getting on the trending page hah, Check out my friend who is new to steem man @infinitelyminded and his first post https://steemit.com/cryptolife/@infinitelyminded/intro
Hey but seriously this is a GREAT accomplishment man, LOVE to see the POWER of the steemspeak corporation! the first decentralized company and i LOVE seeing you and johal come together, all thanks to that http://steemspeak.com discord chat that @fyrstikken and @inertia runs yeah?
Its great seeing you come out with such great material I wanna see your standup about STEEM man!
I wanna see your Standup where you make fun of all the top Steemit users and whales that you know or have talked to on discord, it would be greatman , put that shit on @dlive or @dtube and Id pay to watch that man!
Sirlunch the host LIVE on Dlive THAT would be great a ROAST
I wanna see you become a SOCIAL Witness like u said man! id vote for you as witness! I wanna see you do standup tho youd probably make more money doin TV shows about steem!
If I just follow you, I know what the hell is going on, so that's pretty huge. I'm moving to San Deigo man!
See you soon bro...THANKS! @ackza
Lookin good brotha! Who taught you how to sing? Ol' dirty bastard?
Ha ha. This comment wins Steemit until further notice.
Oh baby I like it rawwww!!!
AHAHAHHA Its so funny !
Back from the dead.
That was ol dirt dogs spirit😂
ha ha ha ha :=) nice
You crazy MOFO
YOU CRACK me up bro! :D
Hey globo, is dat my bozz zinging?
Haha, I just had the song in me. I might even perform this live on the airs someday! lol
Brightened MY day over here. :)
Thats a nice song dear .. funy too.
OMG! Hahahaha. I waited a couple days to watch this because I knew I would lose it. Yup, I lost it
LOL!!! FUNNY, indeed!!! Had me cracking up bro, it was seriously what I needed this morning as I've been feeling down in the dumps lately. Thank you for sharing this with me :P I hope you win too haha
No, reason to be down in the dumps you are on Steemit! ;-)
Merry Xmas! And, we have @sirlunchthehost entertaining us! lol xD
excellent post
I like this!))
you can't even imagine how awful that really was... beyond words!
This post broke the record for the most earned ever on Steemit Open Mic! Congratulations @sirlunchthehost!
Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to make a post about it!
Lmao great stuff big guy this put a smile on my face
Its funny but i cant with that vocal 🙈😂😂😂😂
I think I peed a little.
Heard that 😂😂😂
Marry Christmas
That was terrible and I loved all 2 minuets of it. Merry Christmas my weird friend
Merry Christmas!
Furchtbar um ehrlich zu sein!
Nice one, I laughed during the entire video.. A nice and funny video for ending a stressful day.... Good effort my friend.. Happy Merry Christmas to you as well... :))
Very touching.
ahahahaha, oh man! unexpected :)
Glad you're getting good use outta that green screen ;)
You sound like a black Adam Sandler...........lol
I'm here to support not adding the lyrics, and suppressing this trainwreck asap, just lookin' out for you bro, swaredagawd.
Haha! SO nice voise!) thanks, man)
please upvote if you agreed.@sirlunchthehost yes you done it v.well ..... please keep trying to sing i hope one day you will be a rising star in singing. as you are best in editing.
Hahahahaha... You cracked me up with this one. :D
shame i cant rap ;)
Going to have a hit here. My Grandkids will be listening to Christmas with Lunch in the future. I am sure of it.
(someone take that mic)
Haha, there will be a full christmas album next year. With signed copies.
Does it come with earplugs? :O ;)
Oohhh sir lunch... how you amuse me ... LOL
I try lol!
Wish you a happy christmas ...
Merry X-Mas!
Thankyou for the upvote
You never say thanks for an upvote in public!
merry Christmas, may the season bring love to everyone
The song is heart touching.
Good idea my brother, I liked the music you used,
Merry Christmas !
You deserve some credit for the courage, and that's the only thing I'll say (please, keep writing and do not sing any more) :)
Best Weird Christmas Carols for the ... :)
next level vocals and greenscreen keying loooooooooooooooooooooooool
funny post dear @sirlunchthehost thank you or sharing
Those singing skills are something else haha
wao,its very nice
That Steemit logo looks excellent. Lol Good work on trying it out.
Oh really, funny but i cant with that voiese.loll..
Thank you for sharing this with me. I hope you win too haha.
Well, A Perfect way to bring out something crazy! Thumbs Up
Wow! Nice and creative moments!
Merry Christmas!
Happy Merry Christmas enjoys holidays
Hi, @sirlunchthehost so funny love you
nice work hopefully we make same you for one post
Funny indeed :)
That is so funny! 😂👏🏽
JAJAJAJAJAJ buenisimooo... Feliz Navidad...