My Youtube Channel
I'll be glad to receive your feedback

I want to thank @Maxipiano for his collaboration.

I feel very glad to share an original with you, guys.
This song has an unussual inspiration which I have decided not to explain to you here and now, but I must say I wrote this one this year, and it belongs to an exploring I have been doing lately. I have been diving into some learnings by exploring with some progresions and this song came out from some of that. I could count on the support of @Maxipiano as always, and I feel honored for that. He has made also the mixing and a lo-fi mastering, all of it using ProTools SE and my Avid Pro microphone.
Enjoy it!

Me siento muy contenta de compartir una pieza propia con usteded.
Esta canción surgió de una inspiración bastante inusual, de la cual he decidido no hablarles aquí ni ahora, pero debo decirles que la escribí este año, y forma parte de una exploración que he estado realizando recientemente. He estado adentrándome en algunos aprendizajes, con algunas progresiones, y esta canción surgió un poco de eso. Pude contar con la colaboración de Maxipiano, como siempre, y me siento honrada por eso. Él me ha ayudado también a lograr la mezcla y un mastering lo-fi, todo con ProTools SE y un micrófono Avid Pro Vocal Studio.

Youtube Link
SLOW - Lyrics
Slow is love. Intense. Clarity. It is slow in deep. Slow as perfect is designed. As the essential, as the idea. As it is beautiful whatever that is seen. Slow as the essential, as the idea of willing to dive into your tide.
Within the color of intense gravity I contemplate, passively, a faint and mystical allusion to clarity, timeless… Exuberant. Inside, time goes on and comes. Tide changes and I would comprehend finding ourselves falling in perfect synchrony. Inside, us, continents of our timely dive into the flow of life’s great river.
Slow, as perfect is designed, tide naturally prints on and on its cosmic oscillant mark.

I also want to invite you to check
to read and join Open Mic this week

Do you know TEAM OPEN MIC?
It is conformed by @Luzcypher (Host & Sponsor), @Pfunk (Sponsor),
@Verbal-d (Judge), @Meno (Judge), @Passion-ground (Judge),
@Krystle (Judge) & @Soundlegion (Judge).

Tell me,
what do you think of this song?
¿qué piensas de esta canción?
Instagram: @Siomarazulay
Twitter: @Ssiomy
Tumblr: Ssioh!

▶️ DTube
Precioso tema y muy linda interpretación.
¿En serio? Qué fino que te haya gustado. He compartido otros temas originales. Este es el que más me gusta de todos, pero es porque es un mensaje distinto al de los anteriores. Saludos, y gracias.
Me gustó mucho este tema. En esta oportunidad espero que de verdad valoren tu esfuerzo y talento en @Openmic, o @Curie e @Illuminati-inc.
Lo se, amor. Gracias (k)
Tienes talento de sobra dentro y fuera de Steemit. Te felicito, @siomarasalmeron. Suerte esta semana.
This is beautiful, the song is great and its really nice to hear your voice through that mic. It sounds wonderful :)
Hahaha Yes, that mic really makes it... I appreciate it. I think I've heard you. Now I'm following! Thanks, friend.
Wo, que bonito tema, temaso! Felicidades por esto! Buenas vibras y mucho èxito para ti!
Ey, qué fino que te ha gustado. Pasaré por tu blog a echar un vistazo. Saludos.
Hermosa esta canción!
Muchas gracias, @mayneth. Qué fino... ¡Saludos!
Oooye, no sabía que eras tú. Tu última participación en Open Mic estuvo muuuy buena. Me contenta que te haya gustado la canción.
hola Siomara esta muy, muy bonita tu canción te felicito!...me ha encantado!.... éxitos....
¡Me alegra bastante que te haya gustado! Te lo agradezco. Es genial poder compartir y recibir comentarios así. Saludos, @dianakyv. ¡Estamos leyéndonos!
Cool! Greetings, @luzcypher.
Bonita! Lovely composition and performance!
Thank you, @passion-ground! I started writting to this song while I was watching a scene from Pirates from the Caribbean in which everybody was moving so slowly because they were under the sea... So... Greetings, passion! Thanks.
Wow Siomara me encantó esta canción: La progresión armónica, tu voz, la letra y además la textura que logras con el color del cuatro hace que esta canción sea genial. Felicidades.
Oye, ¡qué fino! Gracias, @marymedicen. Es una de las canciones más recientes que he terminado... También me gusta mucho. Saludos, Mary.
This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).
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Thank you so much! <3
A beautiful sounding original love song, and you performed it so well @siomarasalmeron
I have added you to my Judge's List for Open Mic Week 91
Please check the full review in the link provided below.
Verbal, this is so nice to be there in your Top. Thank you so much. It is super nice to know a song one writes is being so appreciated. Very cool. Greetings, buddy.
You won some Steem which you'll find in your wallet and also a 5-card packet of SteemMonster cards with your name on it you can find on SteemMonsters.com
Click here to see who won Open Mic this week:
Steemit Open Mic Week 91 Winners See Who Won Open Mic And Join Us This Week
--- by @luzcypher
Wooooow! My first time in your Open Mic Winners' Post. Thaaaat is quite an event... Jajajaja Awesome. Thank you so much for the opportunity to show my creative work and appreciate it. That is so nice. It feel great. Thank you.
BTW, my partner, @maxipiano, participates this week as every week, but he posted and didn't make the comment because he couldn't, and he saw you didn't up-vote him with your trail but he just made the comment. It would be so nice if you could check a second time.
Congratulations! We loved your entry.
It takes sometimes 2-3 days for me to get to an entry there are so many. Also, Steemit was down for a good part of yesterday.
But, I just checked and he has been upvoted.
Thank you! I understand, it's just that he was up-voted just by you, because at the moment you checked his post he didn't made the comment with his entry in this week's post you submit.
This is his entry:
Leeentoo.. (8)
Felicitaciones !!
lee más sobre:
Me encanta tu canción !! cuando elegí la imagen de fondo traté de elegir una que fuera acorde con tu video. Ojalá te guste la carta que te hice.
Si puedes ayudarme a difundir este proyecto te lo agradecería mucho !
Saludos desde Uruguay !!
Jajaja ¡eso es interesante! Gracias. Realmente me gusta mucho, amigo @viterbo. Veré qué puedo hacer.
Muchas gracias !!
En realidad sólo con participar del concurso de cartas me estarías ayudando un montón. Resulta que cada carta compite por un premio final que se entregará a fin de año. La forma de evaluar los ganadores es simplemente comparando la cantidad de upvotes que consiga cada carta.
Para empezar a recolectar upvotes puedes loguearte con tu cuenta de steemit y reclamar la autoría de tu carta. Así será publicada en steemit a tu nombre y empezarás a compeitr.
Saludos y mucha suerte !