Firstly, "high-fives" insofar as turning an otherwise "positive" theme into the general abyss of darkness, hope, yearning, and, despair.
Melavie, your lyrics and the words within your submission - by themselves - ranked quite high in my estimation. The one phrase amidst your most eloquent post that resonated with me greatly is as follows:
"This weeks topic made me think about all the things we could do. And all the things we should do - because we can."
Your lyrics are quite moving to say the least. And yes, I certainly agree that there is far more there than we can actually see - and as such, there is far much more to consider than what we can simply do... Furthermore, I do think it's high-time that we embrace that which we can... and - As do you, I only hope it can be...
Beyond all that, your interpretation of this week's theme is quite stirring, and very much appreciated - thank you... .x
Thank you for your comment and your steady support. I'm really grateful.Yes indeed I seem to have turned the topic around again. Actually after a inspiring talk with @chaifm I wanted to write a rather happy song about all the little things we can do and I ended up procrastinating again... and this is the final outcome. :)