...So last week I mentioned that I was taking clear notice of all of the spectacular “instrumental” talent here at the Open-Mic venue. I am thrilled to share with you that one of them has made it into my top-5 this week!
In addition, 3 more of these awesome musicians made into my special top-20 mentions this week. They are in no particular order: @cezanne, @oliverwaterman, and @guifaquetti. Do make it a point to check out each of these outstanding musicians and their instrumental entries for week 72.
In recent weeks, quite a few of you have asked me if I was planning on doing any more music or if I was simply too consumed with my duties as an Open-Mic judge. The answer to both queries is yes and yes. I’d likely be doing a whole lot more music if I weren’t a judge, however, albeit, at a snail’s pace, I do plan on sprinkling elements of music here and there amid the Open-Mic venue whenever I get the chance. This happens to be one such week that I had such opportunity.
At the end of this post I am going to share a shamelessly self-promoting video shout-out to my niece as the two of us cover Bonnie Raitt’s rendition of a John Prine original. Not for nothing, but I would have definitely placed this performance in my top-10 if firstly, it was an “official” entry, and secondly if I wasn’t playing all the instruments in it. I hope you guys enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed putting the entire production together.
So with all of that said, following some further insights as to how I judge, let’s get it on, shall we?
Steemit Open Mic Week 72

My Process
As one of the esteemed Open Mic judges, it is my job to come up with (or “curate” as it were) a short-list of my top 5 entrants each week. With all of the great talent here, that is by no means an easy task. Sure, tossing in another 5 honorable mentions helps, but not when my weekly list starts out with 100 or more of my favorite entries... You guy's rock - I'm tellin ya!
Yes, I am a Libra – so I have an inherent drive deep within me to be fair and balanced – good qualities for a “judge” if you ask me. That being said, I’m still human – filled with emotion and subjective feelings – just like you. So, in order to mitigate my subjective tendencies to the best extent possible, I’ve come up with a method by which to narrow down my selections in a more objective vs. arbitrary manner.
Here’s how I go about my personal judging processHow We Pick The Top 3 Entries, referencing such.: I first start out with a list of 100 or more of my most favorite entries for the week, and score them (yes, subjectively) in six distinct categories via a spreadsheet. The categories I’ve selected for scoring are in general harmony with those explained by @luczypher in his post titled
To get a more in-depth perspective as to how I personally go about selecting my artists, please refer to What I go through as an Open-Mic Judge.
Even though it’s still a “subjective” process – diligently going through each scoring category to come up with a “total” score for each entrant helps to minimize any overzealous subjectivity that I may harbor with respect to any specific entrants.
Quite often, this exercise doesn’t give me the exact results I would personally prefer to see – but that only means that my system of judging is working as intended and designed. With all of that said, here are...
My Top-5 Picks in Order
Brooding as I was on Wednesday, missing the tenderness of that special kind of love, Trevor’s “Little Bird” hit home and brightened all such darkness I had been harboring that day. Despite describing how he missed such love himself, “Little Bird” shed a glowing light on the desires and hopes that envelop each of us when we find that ever-so-elusive and enduring love with that very special someone we call our own. In this case, it was Trevor’s “Little Bird.” Not simply because of any sort of Valentine’s Day theme, but solely in honor of his brilliant composition, performance, and stunning (3-Mic) audio quality, Trevor has earned himself my number 1 spot here in week 72.
His subtle guitar intro begins rather innocuously but nonetheless quite pleasing to the ear. Soon thereafter, it becomes abundantly clear that the vocal melodies @abelfernandez creates and executes are something quite special. Throughout the balance of this impassioned performance, in concert with excellent audio quality and vibrant musical dynamics, Fernandez convinced me in no uncertain terms that he very much belonged in my number 2 spot this week.
Three things I love: / 1. Dan Shaw’s vocals, / 2. Eden Michelle’s artistry, and 3, early Bee Gee’s music. Now that’s a perfect trifecta worthy of placing 3rd in my book! To my ear, the first note Dan sings initially appears ever-so-slightly astray. However, in the very next moment, when Eden breaks that first incredibly spot-on chord change, the whole darn thing just comes together and rings true to perfection throughout! In the final chorus, when Eden takes the main melody allowing Dan the opportunity for some great vocal embellishments, well, now that was just icing on the cake, and thereby clinching their number 3 spot.
Javier has been on my radar for the last few weeks for sure. This week, his original composition “If You Go” just got to me. His guitar playing is brilliant throughout the entire performance. The melancholy storyline calibrated amid his melodically pleasing lyrical constructs easily draws the listener toward translating this song into something that is readily recognizable and relatable. It sure resonated with me, I loved it, and that’s why Javier is here in my number 4-spot here in week 72.
So here is just one of the amazingly talented instrumentalists that I’ve been speaking about these last couple of weeks. I noticed @adreini right from when she first started entering the Open-Mic several weeks ago. One of the things that set this performance apart from some of the others was the lengths she went to in order to create and record each of the three parts that comprise this rather fun and entertaining performance. For her brilliant musicianship, creativity, and the pure entertainment value therein, I’ve proudly rounded out my top-5 for this week with Adreini’s “On a Brisk Day.”

My Top-5 Honorable Mentions in Order:
: @pedromrmourato – “Eleanor Rigby” - (Cover)
: @branhmusic - "Gravity" - (Cover)
: @benleemusic – “Rise Up” - (Original)
: @zulkiflisaadan – “I Don’t Want To Talk About It” - (Cover)
: @rial17 – “Memories” - (Original)
Special Mention
: @passion-ground & Co. – “Angel from Montgomery” - (Cover)
Thank you for reviewing my selections for this week’s Open-Mic contest. If you find this content I’ve curated entertaining and of value to you, then please consider up-voting and/or re-steeming it.

Peace, Love, and Justice for All
A Very Special Shout Out To:
The following 20 artists who were very much on my radar, each within a splitting hair of making it into my overall top-10, and whose performances I loved, cherish, and respect most assuredly. This special list is very much an extension of my most honorable mentions.
They are - in no particular order: @sebastianhughes, @cezanne, @art-mess, @nathankaye, @pechichemena, @juliolunar, @williamsreinoso, @zipporah, @elisonr13, @mrprecious, @oliverwaterman, @wilins, @mightyjoenolan, @edenmichelle, @storycharlemagne, @guifaquetti, @stanhopeofficial, @kayclarity, @beeflomein, and @vera.carla.
Another Special Shout Out To:
The following artists whose performances I very much enjoyed this week. They are - in no particular order: @rodolfoyanez, @teukurobbybinor, @jgvinstl, @chimtivers96, @silviagoh, @acousticsteveo, @pboss123, @yulita, @melodeons, @roman.musica, @funkmedia, @innerdialogue, @etemi, @steevc, @digitalopus, @lyon89, @tfeldman, @shaktisun, @chrisroberts, @miguelarl, @jotadiaz12, @val.halla, @jetperalta, @marcusings, @alejandra23, @cabelindsay, @jo-el, @popsoz, @mcmusic, @claratymusic, @prayer11, @lk666, @rockchickjen, @coruscate, @malvarezmusic, @adviuniversity, @fax4u, @andrewmarkmusic, @miguelblanco, @honeymoon-1611, @gabrielamenesesg, @ljv, @orrslaw, @tarotbyfergus, @yrmaleza, @betzaelcorvo, @mrbloom, @abyni, @proxytech, @senzenfrenz, @solburgos, @tonicro, @johelconh, @puralife, @operahoser, @dominiqueguitars, @bennettitalia, @soykatonline, @wethepatsies, @dreamrafa, and @stephantattoo.
Much love and thanks to each and every one of you who have touched a part of my heart and soul - not only this week but forever!
@trevorpetrie song was awesome ! great picks this week my friend love your ear! always a nod from this end :) and that danshawmusic love her voice
Wow - Thank you so much, Bonnie - Love your ear as well, - like no other... Big love, girlfriend! :-) Thank you!
Thanks @passion-ground. Nice picks.
Here's the new team pic.
I still look like the "oldest" one... Ha-haaaa! All kidding aside, this is great, man... I love it Luzcy! @Meno is going to be such an asset to the Open-Mic brand! Great choice! Much love, brother!
Fixed it! :-)
Thanks for the mention @passion-ground! Also @beeflomein has the best handle on #steemit and a very nice natural vocal style.
You got it, Joe, thanks!
we create our first video in the 72 week, so we wanna plays some tunes each week, amazing contests!
beyond honored to make the list! thank you for listening and caring and sharing. that's what it's all about! THANK YOU!!
Your entry this week was simply outstanding, man! Thank you!
Well done @javierdunn :) Great song!
This is the new thing I look forward to doing every week now.
Words alone cannot express my gratitude for you and everyone who works on the open mic challenge!
Wow, bro -what you just said carries a lot of weight, and I most certainly appreciate your sentiments. Thank you, my friend!
Nice choices bro i like your highlights and the shameless shoutout, believe it or not, I was already planning to do the same for my post from now on forward to highlight more music from me and others within the post :) great minds think alike and differently as well
Thank you, bro... You are always at the vanguard of creativity within the realm... for that I am ever-so-grateful! Much love, brother "D!"
Hey there @passion-ground! I'm almost speechless! I'm incredibly honoured to be your #1 pick! I'm so glad this song was able to bring you some brightness when it was needed. I had practically shelved this song and hadn't played it in over a year. It's always meant a lot to me but I'm so glad to be able to share it with the Steemit community. Thank you for your tireless efforts. Cheers!
Glad you dusted this one off the shelf, Trevor - it's truly a gem! Thanks, mate!
Always happy to see my name on your picks lists!
Last week we couldn't make it, but here we are trying our best! Hope you like it and thanks always for the great job you guys are doing!!!
Totally looking forward to checking out your entry for week 73 - thank you so much, Brenda!
Thank you so much for the very special shout out in the top 20!
I'm honoured.
You and your neice are a formidable combination! What a powerful voice she has and your guitar work compliments it perfectly!
Blessings, good vibes and thanks for your hard work with going through all of the entries! Must be an immense task!
You are quite welcome, Nathan! We are honored to have your incredible talents showcased here at the Open-Mic venue! Blessings and good vibes in turn. Thank you!
Good work
Thanks so much for your kinds words my friend!!! Blessings to You and for All The team!!!
Thanks for the shout out man! Good choices!
You got it, man... Thanks, Doc!
Much appreciated.Thanks so much for the shout-out, @passion-ground!
Also...I haven't watched your video yet, but 'Angel From Montgomery' is one of my fave songs to cover. I'll be sharing it at some point, I'm sure. ;) Lookin' forward to hearing your rendition.
Thank you so much, @zipporay! I so look forward to your take on our performance! Loved your entry this week, so much! :-)
oh...that's cute! @zipporay.... ;)
I just got that,,,, Ha-ha! ... sorry... I meant @zipporah.
Made me laugh! I kinda heard ‘ZipHopHoraaayyy, hooooo, haaaayyy, hoooo!’ 😂
Too funny... I love it! LMAO...
ps – flippin' gorgeous rendition of 'A from M' – your niece's voice is divine and so well-suited to that song. So good! Thanks for sharing!
So kind of you to say, @zipporah! Thank you so much - I'll be sure to tell her you said so! :-)
Thanks again for the hard work @passion-ground!
Thank you so much, Daniel! Your notice is very much appreciated.
Thanks for the mention @passion-ground and congratulation for the choice, they are amazing!
Thank you, brother! Your performances are amazing, and I so appreciate them!
Thanks for the mention! I appreciate you recognizing the instrumentals as my vocal qualities are limited at best...haha. I certainly appreciate those that have what I lack.
My pleasure, Proxy! Thank you!
Thank you for the mention brother.
You are most welcome, Digital. I always enjoy your entries!
It's amazing how people who don't even follow the rules still make it into the top picks! (For example, @pedromrmourato..) Then folks who follow the rules to a "T" aren't even included.. An interestingly-ran contest, to say the least.. Oh something else I've noticed: it seems to me that Americans are a bit underrepresented in the runnings... seems to be some subtle (or not so subtle) prejudices going on behind the steemit openmic doors...
Shit happens, man... Sorry dude - your entry never came across my feed via @luzcypher. I've noticed a few others I didn't see this week besides yours. It's a big world out there, brother, and music has no prejudice - at least not as far as I'm concerned. Sorry for the frustration, bro - I get it.
Insofar as stating a username, which is a new rule specifically to avoid scammers, I suspect those entrants who are well known to @luzcypher may get a pass if they forget to say their username. Like I said, this new rule is primarily for new accounts popping up and stealing other peoples videos. I hope that helps a bit. Thanks, man.
I appreciate your reply--yet, that's a crap excuse dude... Rules only apply to some people? Sounds like some hypocritical shite, in my book.. And anyone who doesn't say something about it--especially another judge who lets it slip--is just as guilty. These were your picks, too bro, not Luzcypher's :/
But when I also receive ignorant comments like this one, from the host HIMSELF I can't help but think there are shennanigans at play... : being accused of making a double-post here,

Here was the actual post : https://steemit.com/music/@gjones15/wind-cries-mary-and-castles-made-of-sand-hendrix-and-ever-since-by-gjones15 obviously NOT an entry. I've flagged the comment because I don't appreciate lies being made about me on my own posts; the right thing would be to delete it. Instead, they do the passive-aggressive lame move of trying to freeze me out of the competition? Man, I wonder how many other people this has happened to...
Like I said, man... Sh!t happens sometimes, brother. Luzcypher has to sift through thousands of entries each week, and well, he's human and sometimes he can make a mistake about an entry. At the end of the day "he" is the host, and as such "he" calls the shots. Jumping the gun and calling his comments "ignorant" is not a very good way to go about resolving an issue. Chill out some, dude, and if it bothers you that much, then don't enter anymore - it's that simple really. I don't know what else to tell you, bro. All the best to you, brother.
Lol I made a post all about it. Don't worry, I won't. I don't need to be a part of some process where I'm expected to cow-tow to the "leader." That's what decentralization is all about... although, unfortunately, I am having incresingly low expectations dealing with folks like this on here--just another form of tyranny, "brother"
Thanks for the mention! I love open mic!