Steemit Open Mic is an online, live music venue to give musicians a chance to share their music with the Steemit community and get their music heard. It is growing larger every week thanks to all of you.
This week's entries have been split into two posts because we have so many entries that we broke the post size limit on Steemit!
This post is part one and this is
Steemit Open Mic Week 80 - See Who Played - Part 2
To see all the entries you'll have to go there too. The post was so big the website would not post it!
We had 207 entries this week of which 179 are valid entries! Awesome guys!
You can read more about why all of the entries are not in the See Who Played weekly posts by reading Steemit Open Mic Is About Building A Community Of Musicians On Steemit Not About Winning
--- by @luzcypher
There have been a flush of new accounts downloading people's valid Open Mic entries, uploading them to a new YouTube account, and posting it as their own performance on their multiple Steemit accounts. Those will not be included and I have muted those accounts.
To the scammers doing this, muting your account means I will no longer see your posts so you are wasting yours and every one elses time continuing down that path. You will be flagged, reported to @steemcleaners, and banned from entering Open Mic.
We put a new rule in place that is designed to stop scammers, not singers as some people seemed to have interpreted this post.
New Rule For Entering Steemit Open Mic And The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge
--- by @luzcypher
Please bear with us as we deal with this issue and keep Open Mic about building a musical community on Steemit worthy of the talent you bring to us each week.
Steemit Open Mic.@pfunk has been sponsoring Steemit Open Mic since I first started it and I want to give a big thank you to him and all the people who support and take part in
here@pfunk is a Steemit witness and helps keep the platform working and you can vote for him
Let's Keep @pfunk In The Top 20 Witnesses By Voting For Him
Vote For Pfunk For Witness And Keep Steemit Open Mic Growing Strong We Need Your Help Now
Special thanks to @curie for selecting and supporting musicians who have entered Steemit Open Mic.
Special thanks to @ausbitbank for creating the new @openmic account and to all who funded it with +24,000 Steem Power

Did you know that you can earn curation rewards while supporting musicians on Steemit? Read this to discover how.
Following the Open Mic Trail only upvotes people who enter Open Mic. You Still have to upvote this post manually to support the Open Mic Project.
You can read more about it here:
How To Support Musicians On Steemit And Earn Curation Rewards By Following The Open Mic Trail
--- by @luzcypher
@trevorpetrie just started an MP3 Open Mic Radio Station for everyone entering Open Mic. You can learn more about that here:
New Developments In The Open Mic Community On Steemit
--- by @luzcypher
Sounds Of Steem Live Music Concert This Saturday On Msp Waves Radio
--- by @isaria
Steemit Talent Contest Week 11 Winners
--- by @donnaincancun
Calling All Open Mic People Check This Out
--- by @passion-ground
Looking For Developers To Help Build A Dedicated Open Mic Website Built On The Steem Blockchain
--- by @luzcypher
The cutoff date to enter however is 12.00 PM UTC Time (Friday, 13th April 2018). Find your UTC time here. Entries posted late will not be upvoted. Please get your entries in on time. Thank you.##
Winners will be announced Monday, the 16th of April 2018.
Steemit Open Mic Week 80 Part 1
Steemit Open Mic is growing so fast that a lot of people are entering without really reading the rules so I want to do a little house cleaning for those entering the contest.
The bigger this grows the easier it is to miss someone's entry post so following these rules makes us see you have entered so we can upvote you.
For more on the rules read, What Are The Rules To Enter Steemit Open Mic And Why Do We Have Rules Anyways?
Steemit Open Mic is a live music contest and we need to know that you are really playing or singing us a song for this contest in particular. That's why to qualify for prizes you must say "Steemit Open Mic Week" (next week number) at the beginning of your video just before you play or sing the song. If you don't or if you edit in later onto a prerecorded performance you will not qualify for prizes.
If your song is an original song then you MUST put the word "original" in your title. Original songs get a small bonus right now and it is easier to find all the original songs with the word added in the title.
The next thing that is very important it to begin your title with "Steemit Open Mic Week (the current week number)" and place that as the first words of your title or I may not be able to find your post at all.
Here is a perfect example of a correctly titled post to enter Steemit Open Mic for an original song.

This would be a perfectly titled post for a cover song entering the contest.

Theses posts are really easy to find in the feed and upvote them. They can easily be spotted so none of them get missed.
Also, @andybets from is working on a chart that is targeting those keywords to sort all entries by originals and covers.
It is SO cool and you can check it out with this sneak peak of the Steemit Open Mic Chart
NOTE: The order this chart lists the performances has no bearing on choosing the finalists. Just because a video is at the top doesn't mean they will win the contest.
Steemit Open Mic Week 79 performances are in and there's still time to vote for your favorites.
Great songs and performances this week. Have a listen to them below and be sure to show your support and upvote your favorites.
It's all in good fun and community spirit and I want to thank everyone for their enthusiastic support.
300 In Steem Prizes
There's still time to vote and enter.
Thanks to everyone who entered, upvoted, resteemed and helped support Steemit Open Mic.
Last Chance To Vote
There's still time to cast your vote until Sunday for this week's Open Mic Night entries.
The cutoff date to enter however is 12.00 PM UTC Time (Friday, 13th April 2018). Find your UTC time here. Entries posted late will not be upvoted. We have about 100 people entering late and I do not have the time to explain the rules to you again so please read the post and get your entries in on time.##
Winners will be announced Monday, the 16th of April 2018.
Two ways To Vote
- You can vote by clicking on this week's contest page, scrolling down to the comments to find each performers link and vote for your favorite entry.
This weeks contest page is:
Vote On Each Contestant Page
Below are blog links to contestants who entered this week in the order they were entered
(Steemit Night) Original Song "Swallow" --- by @novumorganon
Wenn jetzt Sommer wär - Ingo Pohlmann --- by @raci
Dreaming of Me - cover - Depeche Mode --- by @popsoz
Steemit OLD SCHOOL cover by Josie Dunne sung by Meghan --- by @timothympratt
original by "He Puts A Smile On My Face" --- by @revdocwelch
: Jason Mraz - "I'm Yours" (Acoustic cover) --- by @zlatkamrs
original song "At the Cryptozoo" with annotated lyrics. --- by @tcpolymath
StemmiT "Creep" Stone Temple Pilots cover --- by @gibber
@ - Vente Pa' Ca (cover) --- by @kkarenmp
Cover song "Hurt" by Johnny Cash --- by @builtinfire
amantes (cover) --- by @yonderarrietajr2
@ - El Espanto (cover) --- by @angelillo
"Love" cover --- by @psicologo
Un canto para Steemit - Original song --- by @lecumberre
Imagine (Cover) John Lennon in fingerstyle --- by @gaborockstar
Steemit contest (original) always on my mind --- by @mcmusic
Acoustic Cover of King Diamond's "The Accusation Chair" --- by @lk666
Nieto en Marte Vengase de Rawayana versión acústico --- by @esaug
Parapá - Limpiacabezales (cover Exzorltg) --- by @exzorltg
SAYONARA RODOLFOYANEZ --- by @rodolfoyanez
Instrumental Experiment (original) --- by @art-mess
@ - cover "Tanto en Ti" --- by @mariajruizb
All Along The Watchtower - (Bob Dylan) --- by @futuremind
e - @ --- by @gladiador
Cover de: La Indiferente - Jorge Guerrero --- by @nahupuku
Original Song - "Burning Man" --- by @johnthefelon
Debajo de mi lengua (Juieta Venegas) --- by @andreag
steemet - - (cover) novia mia- @antonio --- by @antonio20
! A PURO DOLOR (COVER) --- by @yetxuni
: Bee Gees - To love Somebody --- by @donirosayandi
Steemit Original Blues... Run For Your Life. --- by @andrewmarkmusic
"El prestamo" por @ --- by @ddpg98
@Neron-Dc Amorfoda (pop cover) --- by @neron-dc
steemet - - (cover) historia del taxi- @ --- by @cairos
Manuel Herrera Tu ultima Canción (Original Sound) --- by @manuelmusic
original - Stimulate Me --- by @operahoser
/ Soledad y el Mar - Natalia Lafourcade (cover) --- by @aidarojaswriter
, my acoustic cover of spectra by sam smith --- by @jstringz
"VACILANDO" ORIGINAL SONG --- by @williansjmm
'When I Call Your Name' - @ --- by @shelbi
Blind Leading The Blind (original song) --- by @michaeldietrich
/ El Negro y el Catire --- by @jesuslnrs
Francisco Tarrega - Etude in E Major --- by @guifaquetti
"Steem Spam" - by Happy Money Man --- by @happymoneyman
steemet from my author --- by @andri32
Steemit - Cover Summertime (Jazz) --- by @moccamonica
Esperanza y redención (Hope and redemption) Original song --- by @juliopalomo
contest ."yashomati maiya se bole nandlala " --- by @sandeei
Original short guitar composition --- by @donatello
"Say Something" (A Great Big World cover) --- by @petrajordan
Steemit - - El negrito --- by @adreini
why'd you only call me when you're high (Acoustic cover) --- by @nelsooona
"Si te Enamoras de mi" por @ --- by @jonsnoww
: Original - Doin' Time --- by @jgvinstl
"Minerva" by Deftones acoustic cover --- by @chrisgoans
(Canción original): "Mala compañía". --- by @wilins
Original Song "Calor de Mayo" --- by @juanchez
Czerny no. 80 --- by @rogeviolinista
: "We Will Carry You" (original in honour of the Humboldt Broncos tragedy) --- by @kayclarity
"Piu belle del mondo " por @ --- by @rjcha
(ORIGINAL SONG) / "SECRETO" / /// sponsored pfunk and @luzcypher --- by @danimusart
: Mary Finn’s Reel --- by @heatherthebard
Idealizarme (Original) --- by @marillion
Semana; Busco Una Forma (Tema Original) --- by @ferchemusico
Steemit Open Mic Week 80 --- by @alfredmusic
"Tú Me Conoces" Original Song --- by @leomolina
Melodia (FullBand) - Original Theme Song --- by @funkmedia
(Original) No puedo leer tus pensamientos - Camu --- by @camusic
“Us Against the World” by Coldplay --- by @drewley
- Creep (cover) --- by @carlosrada
uptown funk - Bruno mars - Drums cover @ --- by @pedrogranado23
Semana - @ - Tema Original (América). --- by @danieldedosd2
Semana - @ - Original "Pensamientos del Alma" --- by @davidcentenor
original "A Little Kindness" --- by @markaustin
cover sponsored pfunk and @luzcypher --- by @ezramanurung
: Catch the Wind - Donovan (ukulele cover) --- by @dannyhamilton
, Take five by Paul Desmond (Reharmonized) --- by @paulove
"He Is" (Original) --- by @jumpmaster
"What A Difference A Day Made" --- by @shookriya
Steemit - Cover -Yann Tiersen --- by @mooliner
'Spike Driver Blues' cover version by 'We The Patsies' --- by @wethepatsies
"Elastic Heart" (cover) --- by @kjablonski
Zungguzungguguzungguzeng | Zwartmusik & Banton Ensamble (Acustic Version) --- by @zwartmusik
: Es por ti (Cancion Original por @) --- by @moissrams
/ "Solamente tú" - Pablo Alboran cover --- by @marcost4
Mi Amor (Original Song) # Sponsored luzcypher & @pfunk --- by @magavelasquez
cover sponsor pfunk --- by @ezramanurung
Improvised Jam over the Better Call Saul Intro Theme --- by @beeflomein
/ A poco no?/ Jose madero --- by @ragnar29
Claraty Original "Simply Love" --- by @claratymusic
🎤Steemit - Semana - (Canción Original): "Lagrima de sal"🎧 ... # Patrocinado por @Luzcypher & @Pfunk --- by @edwardstobia
pipomontiilla- (Tema Original) -Una noche de samba. --- by @pipomontilla
Lienzos, Orquídeas (original) --- by @japidolor
Semana - La vida es un carnaval (Celia Cruz cover) por Hilandera --- by @hilandera
First time (remix/theft/collaboration) --- by @chaifm
Saurom - Se acerca el invierno (cover) --- by @pollocyber
(Cover) CHEAP THRILLS by Sia --- by @siomarasalmeron
This post is part one and this is
Steemit Open Mic Week 80 - See Who Played - Part 2

Me Too!😅
Hello @luzcypher. I see that I didn't qualify because I didn't post the Youtube video, I thought that the Dtube video was better because it was from the Steemit platform, I thought wrong. Correct my article and post the Youtube video. Too bad, I didn't qualify. Well, see you later. A musical hug.
Yeah we sometimes have issues listening to and viewing the @dtube entries. @Luzcypher wrote about that in the Open Mic Rules that we don't allow Dtube entries. Youtube or Vimeo is what we accept for now until improvements are made where we can later on accept other forms. Looking forward to your next entry next week. If I get time, I'll check out your entry for this week as well.
I love DTube but sometimes we cannot hear the song when it is on DTube.
Also, the tool we use to make the weekly post will not add your video if it is on DTube. That's why we ask you in the rules to add a YouTube embedded video too, even if you use DTube. Thanks
hello @luzcypher greetings, I did not see my participation in the list of valid entries and wanted to know what I did wrong to not repeat it again, in advance thank you very much for your response
me too :'( :'(
@lauriane Please provide your open mic post link and I will check it out and try and see why it was not included.
Please provide your open mic post link and I will check it out and try and see why it was not included.
We are looking for real performances and trying to stay away from performances that are just jamming with the radio. I sometimes make exceptions but when we get too many people jamming with the radio it does not really make for a good user experience in the weekly post.
incredible, so many good presentations, it is beautiful to see how many projects come together under the same tag #openmic