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RE: New Rule For Entering Steemit Open Mic And The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge

in #openmic7 years ago

Singing to music you created is completely supported. As are musicians making loops on the spot and then singing to them.

I feel really bad that it has come to this but most of the scammers are doing karaoke and acapella entries that have no musical quality just to get a reward. That has to stop. If what someone is singing is musical and they are adding to the community, then, by all means, go for it. That's why there are exceptions to this rule.

For example :

Steemit Open Mic Week 67 Passenger Let Her Go Cover By Ray Ray --- by

That's musical.

I'm not going to show the scammers because I don't want to encourage them.

Here is an entry that is a karaoke entry that I'm sure was done to sound bad on purpose but has some measure of entertainment value. It was done by the rules and to this day holds the record for rewards earned from an Open Mic entry. He was in no way trying to scam the contest. That would be a valid entry regardless of how off it sounds.

Open Mic 65 My Christmas Gift To Steemit A Christmas Song Carol Sing Song Vlog --- by @sirlunchthehost


Ya both of these are great examples. Sirlunch's was hilarious bad.

Lmao!! Cant belive you used him as an example. Its obviously meant to be bad karaoke!! Lol.

Just asking you to make this clear


Just because some asshats are fucking up doesnt mean vocalists arent musicians.

Also -- some ppl post recorded harmonies without a loop machine and or play covers that arent uniquely arranged at all. just please stop saying that vocalists and musicians are different groups of ppl. Gaurunteed some really great pianist and guitarists couldnt read/write/sing like many vocalist especially in the acapella world. Ive bern trying to bring acspella ppl to no avail. :( i advertose oprn mic and songrwiting contest on my facebook. Was gonna ask yiu guys about starting a contest specifically for arranging/reharming for voice and /or voice plus inst.

This post is about stopping the scammers on Open Mic, not about whether vocalists are musicians or not. I don't know why you keep going back to that in your comments.

We are in agreement. This rule is going to stop scammers, not stop vocalists.

I used that video as an example of what would be acceptable to illustrate that singing quality has nothing to do with whether an entry is valid or not. Obviously he is singing bad on purpose, that's why I chose this video to show an example of an exception and to make it clear that someone's singing ability has nothing to do with this.

It's about stopping scammers. Almost all of the scam entries are scamming the contest by entering acapella or karaoke entries.

This rule will stop scammers, not vocalist

That's why there are exceptions.

Here is another example of an exception.

Steemit Open Mic Week 67 De Una Capital A Otra Cancion Original --- by @ovweedb

Is this a karaoke entry? Technically, yes.

Is it a valid entry? Yes. There is no scamming going on here. These people are really singing this. A scammer would be lip syncing to it.

I hope that makes why this rule is here more clear. If you only knew the sheer numbers of people trying to scam this contest right now you would see why we had to do this.

But the example above would get upvoted for sure even though it is technically a karaoke entry, it is clearly not scam or someone trying to cheat the contest which is what this whole post is about.

Lol... OMG! This was dull And uncommon... But twas original and fun. Love it.

Got you! Yo its all good I understand your decision. You also are just trying to make it easy for everyone as possible. Participants and judges. 👌🏾

Exactly, it's been really bad with the scammers and taking up a lot of time, but the community is growing like crazy so that is awesome.