Wow when you said you wanted to introduce me to the community I didnt realize you were going to put this much work into your post ! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity!! The #teamaustralia community have all been so incredible.Excited to grow this platform together every day!
This is pretty amazing right? That being said, when she told me she was working on this, I knew she was doing something this epic... Hence why I call her our musical oracle.
Cheers my lovely Choo I wanted to ensure he wasn't missed, I remember being new on steemit so happy to help people out like this - btw soooo many more music videos out there, it's so hard choosing only a few to show such a massive career.
But hopefully this will help those who don't know his work find out a little more, plus I think some of our entrants (and people's in general) might already by fans but haven't seen him on here yet - with so many people entering it's easy to feel missed.
Nice work on the biopic overview of Ben.
He is genuinely a lovely, kind-hearted being.
I'll share some heart-warming stories of some of the incredibly generous things he has done (and continues to do) that he got me to help him with when I was living in LA.
Plus, it was Ben that inspired me to join Steemit.
I've made a few posts, but I'm still trying to get my head around how it all works, to be honest. (for eg. I have no clue what voting for a witness means). Anyway, I liked your writing style and have followed you. :)
Thank you so much, I really enjoyed writing it and doing the research to fill in the blanks I had missed - one of the reasons I was so happy to do this post, was because Ben seems like a genuine, kindhearted, humble guy.
He ticks all the boxes in my book, he's really doing outstanding for how long he has been here - what more could we ask from a steemian?
You are another perfect example of why he is doing so well, I mean you say it yourself he got you on here - that is amazing work and shows his dedication to growing the platform, yet more reasons to support him lol.
I look forward to hearing all the juicy details from you soon - followed you once I saw the didge :D
A few years back I went to the Queensland philharmonic and saw a performance of Peter and the Wolf, they had the most amazing didgeridoo player - the things he could do was insanity I was blown away, but damn me if I can't remember his name cause I think he'd be right up your alley.
Ahh well if it comes to me I will send ya the name lol, as for witnesses that's a big one - basically steem runs on blockchain the witnesses are the ones who host and store all that data, they run the price feeds, they do a lot of development work and they are often big community leaders.
minnow support project (to help new users, you should really check this out), he bank rolls centerlink so all ausies can get the dole on steemit :D - plus he just delegates out a massive amount of his steem power to good causes, he has made countless apps and things for users to make their time on steemit more pleasurable/easy - there really is so much that goes into what witnesses do and why some are higher ranked than others.Full disclosure my partner is @ausbitbank witness No. 7 at the moment, he has done a lot of work on steemit - he also co founded the
My best unbiased advice on witnesses, is to search around steemit try using the witness tags and see what they witnesses are doing (also check the comments to ensure people aren't calling them out on anything, always good to cover all your bases) - ask others you trust which witnesses they vote for and why.
What you wanna do is support the witnesses that support growth and development of steemit, the ones that support what you want this platform to be - they have a lot of power when they reach the top 20 , you want to ensure they wield that power responsibly :D
Hope this helps and I am looking forward to checking out more of your content, welcome to the platform and good luck on your journey :D
Wowsers! You are a Steemit encyclopedia of knowledge and frame things in an easily digestible way! So nice to understand that side of things a bit better now. Thanks so much!
Ben and I had a long chat on the phone today about Steemit. He really helped me understand a lot more about it. (you see, he is an awesome being!)
We're both very excited!
I'll see if I can get some of my other muso and actor friends like (wait for some of the name drops! Lol!) Pete Murray, Ash Grunwald, Emma Booth (AFI award winning actress; Underbelly 2, Glitch, Once Upon A Time), Damian Walsh-Howling (AFI ward winning actor; Underbelly, Blue Heelers), Eka Darville (Jessica Jones, The Originals), and heaps of others. I think many of them will prefer this to FB and other social networks when they understand how much of a community it is and the revolutionary potential it has...
I'm not sure which didge player you might be referring to. If it's Queensland based and he's a Murray fulla, then perhaps it was Ash Dargin? Hard to guess.
Thanks so much for following me, by the way. I appreciate that heaps! :D
Haha thanks, it's not a complete bio - I can't believe I forgot to put in that he acted in the "Rage at placid lake" (I think that's the title), he has accomplished so much I don't think I could fit it all in just one post - so I tried to pick the highlights.
Haha I reckon, it was a little bit of a Ben Lee marathon in my house the past few days - I just loved catching up on old favs and finding such new gold with the Radnor and Lee material, just brilliant!
Well now I'm all interested to hear your new song as well... Oh well off to Open Mic with you, we want to hear it's lol :P
That was really an in depth tribute too, such a long musical journey. I bet he can also share so much advice. I have been 15 years and there are some days I feel right back at step one. Looking forward to join the open mic and get to know the community or artists around it.
The sheer wealth of knowledge he must have on the industry, is truly priceless for people on steemit musicians - I don't believe we have had any one of this level join us and share what they know, how to interact, making contacts in the industry etc.
So from your wording I gather your also a musician? If so you should definately join us in Open Mic, just check out @luzcypher's posts he is the host with the most and also his posts have all the rules on how to enter - otherwise it really is just an amazing place to find exceptionally talented musicians and they are all super friendly so drop by and check them out when you get a chance.
Yes, I am a singer songwriter, not that many awards (that looks like an impressive background) but I have a few in my genre (close to new age, a bit darker maybe, definitely not mainstream). There was a time I could make a living from my albums but I did not adapted well to the "all digital" era. Just opening new windows and letting light and fresh air in. I am no beginneer but I am back to square zero in many ways I posted a videoclip on my introduction post as example, but just brand new at steemit. As much as I want to catch up, not abandoning my other networks (for the obvious reason my following is still all there) the truth is that I love creating and sharing but I need to take this new steemit experience slowly, posting consistently at my possible pace and trusting to build up a real and new audience including fellow musicians to share. I will definitely keep around and eventually hope to jump and participate in open mic, so far I understood it is live right? I need to organise now my time online better and take it easy. I barely joined days ago but
I will join as soon as I understand the basics. Meanwhile as I do not know many around I followed to be up to date.
I do confess that I am excited about so many new things and at the same time overwhelmed. But connecting with other creators sounds lovely
That's a great bio/recap of Ben! Thanks for sharing. I've already chatted with Ben (not knowing he was THAT Ben Lee) and he's quite an interesting, smart, creative and funny guy besides his amazing musical abilities.
My only problem is it's hard enough for me to get votes when I post my songs on the open-mic contest without having award-winning artists like Ben on board - I was going to submit a cover of Rush's "Closer to the Heart" this coming week. What if Geddy Lee posts it too - then I'll get no votes.
Just kidding about my whining - It's great to have Ben abord!!! PS - Could Geddy & Ben be brother's from another mother?
Hey mate thanks for that, he really seems like an amazing dude and I'm stoked he is here.
As for the Open Mic stuff, the openmic account was down for a day or so - but all valid entries get supported by it, sometimes it takes a few days and if it's down there really isn't anything we can do about that besides manually voting on hundreds of entries and the team is well and truly stretched.
As I said in my post I believe wholeheartedly, that we already have countless entrants at Ben's level - so in my opinion your already up against people of insane talents.
The thing is not everyone can win, but everyone can have fun and enjoy and love and share the music - that is what were really about, were just trying to help as many musicians as we can and unfortunately with so many people miss out.
I know your just haven a joke but so you know, we get countless messages from people only entering Open Mic asking where their votes are - it takes hours to deal with them all and then there's the scammers, basically by us trying to support musicians we went and gave ourselves a whole lot more work to deal with.
Instead of entering Open Mic to win, enter it to share music, find other talented musicians who's music you want to hear, learn new skills, have a reason to practise regularly, experiment with new styles - its about engagement to me, that is the real gold on offer.
Anyways I get rambly, I just want you to know - all open mic judges listen to every single valid entry featured in @luzcypher's see who played post's, we may not be able to comment on all 300+ every week - but we watch them all :D
I'm new to steemit. How do you participate in the open mic. This sounds like it could be really fun and a great chance to discover some really good musicians
latest weekly contest page, here you will find all the rules to ensure you have a valid entry.Hey there and welcome to the platform, Open Mic is a lot of fun we have an amazingly supportive community and it's all about the shared love of music - Open Mic is hosted by @luzcypher here is a link to the
Good luck and hope to see an entry from you soon :D
A lot of real lifetime achievements.
Welcome to steemit @benleemusic.
It will really be of much benefit to the new small upcoming French community.
I would of course give you credit as the original author and put your link in the post.@krystle, would you mind me translating some of this post to French.
I was really tempted to say yes to you, but when I looked at your previous comments I noticed you asking heaps of people to do this with their content and then you thanking them when they say yes - how often do you do this and how many peoples original work have you copied and do you give them any reward for their work or just credit?
Anyway I am donating all of the proceeds of this post to @benleemusic so I did this for no reward, and you are asking everyone for free content to post under your account with only a little effort on your part in translation - I see you also self voted your comment, so for me these things are not necessarily showing a positive intent.
I get that you may be new and need new stories in different languages to build your communities, but asking for free no effort content for your own personal financial gain isn't really something I want to support - so no I'm sorry at this time the answer is no, I do not give you permission to copy and translate my work.
I hope you can see where I am coming from and that you can perhaps adapt your behaviour to suit the ethics of our communities .
@krystle the amount of work you put into this is incredible, and I'm with you! No one should have to surrender their time and effort for nothing, unless doing of there own free will.
I was thinking maybe if he also decided to donate the funds to Ben like I am, but not sure I want to support the ethics behind his actions generally - I'm all for translation but it's the way you go about it that matters!
wow!! what a Story Such a great Job ....So MuCh Inspired me Because i,m also Keen Of Music And i love to SEE More from You thanks For sharing This ๐ also Following You For more Intresting Musical Contents
Well its really a good
I am awesome thing to have legenda on here on Steemit. This gives even better chance to people like us to meet legends this way . thanks for bringing him to my notice @Krystle .
Wow when you said you wanted to introduce me to the community I didnt realize you were going to put this much work into your post ! Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity!! The #teamaustralia community have all been so incredible.Excited to grow this platform together every day!
This is pretty amazing right? That being said, when she told me she was working on this, I knew she was doing something this epic... Hence why I call her our musical oracle.
Cheers mate!
Oh meno your my biggest cheerleader on here, you give me far too much credit - love ya mate <3
From a fellow musician... I look forward to
DarrenWelcome @benleemusic! loving your work mate! hearing more of your music here on #seemit
@krystle and @benleemusic thanks for the upvote.... Every little helps me and my music!
You're in the right place on Steemit with the Open Mic community and love your music. Welcome and hope to hear more from you.
Haha yeah my post's can get a little full on, but hey I never do things half arsed :P
Glad you liked the post and like I said I think your good for steemit, so any way I can help I'm always here for quality steemians :D
This is awesome. Good intro for those who are unfamiliar with his work and all his videos in the one handy place.
Cheers my lovely Choo I wanted to ensure he wasn't missed, I remember being new on steemit so happy to help people out like this - btw soooo many more music videos out there, it's so hard choosing only a few to show such a massive career.
But hopefully this will help those who don't know his work find out a little more, plus I think some of our entrants (and people's in general) might already by fans but haven't seen him on here yet - with so many people entering it's easy to feel missed.
Yes, being new on here is hard. I remember.
I like how he's got all the Aussie ladies of steemit into a tizzy as well. ๐ญ
lmao I know right :D
this is a serious body of work! Its going to take me a while to get through it all! Im loving it :)
Yep and this isn't even scratching the surface mate - he has so much amazing music, I knew you'd love it :D
Nice work on the biopic overview of Ben.
He is genuinely a lovely, kind-hearted being.
I'll share some heart-warming stories of some of the incredibly generous things he has done (and continues to do) that he got me to help him with when I was living in LA.
Plus, it was Ben that inspired me to join Steemit.
I've made a few posts, but I'm still trying to get my head around how it all works, to be honest. (for eg. I have no clue what voting for a witness means). Anyway, I liked your writing style and have followed you. :)
Thank you so much, I really enjoyed writing it and doing the research to fill in the blanks I had missed - one of the reasons I was so happy to do this post, was because Ben seems like a genuine, kindhearted, humble guy.
He ticks all the boxes in my book, he's really doing outstanding for how long he has been here - what more could we ask from a steemian?
You are another perfect example of why he is doing so well, I mean you say it yourself he got you on here - that is amazing work and shows his dedication to growing the platform, yet more reasons to support him lol.
I look forward to hearing all the juicy details from you soon - followed you once I saw the didge :D
A few years back I went to the Queensland philharmonic and saw a performance of Peter and the Wolf, they had the most amazing didgeridoo player - the things he could do was insanity I was blown away, but damn me if I can't remember his name cause I think he'd be right up your alley.
Ahh well if it comes to me I will send ya the name lol, as for witnesses that's a big one - basically steem runs on blockchain the witnesses are the ones who host and store all that data, they run the price feeds, they do a lot of development work and they are often big community leaders.
minnow support project (to help new users, you should really check this out), he bank rolls centerlink so all ausies can get the dole on steemit :D - plus he just delegates out a massive amount of his steem power to good causes, he has made countless apps and things for users to make their time on steemit more pleasurable/easy - there really is so much that goes into what witnesses do and why some are higher ranked than others.Full disclosure my partner is @ausbitbank witness No. 7 at the moment, he has done a lot of work on steemit - he also co founded the
My best unbiased advice on witnesses, is to search around steemit try using the witness tags and see what they witnesses are doing (also check the comments to ensure people aren't calling them out on anything, always good to cover all your bases) - ask others you trust which witnesses they vote for and why.
What you wanna do is support the witnesses that support growth and development of steemit, the ones that support what you want this platform to be - they have a lot of power when they reach the top 20 , you want to ensure they wield that power responsibly :D
Hope this helps and I am looking forward to checking out more of your content, welcome to the platform and good luck on your journey :D
Wowsers! You are a Steemit encyclopedia of knowledge and frame things in an easily digestible way! So nice to understand that side of things a bit better now. Thanks so much!
Ben and I had a long chat on the phone today about Steemit. He really helped me understand a lot more about it. (you see, he is an awesome being!)
We're both very excited!
I'll see if I can get some of my other muso and actor friends like (wait for some of the name drops! Lol!) Pete Murray, Ash Grunwald, Emma Booth (AFI award winning actress; Underbelly 2, Glitch, Once Upon A Time), Damian Walsh-Howling (AFI ward winning actor; Underbelly, Blue Heelers), Eka Darville (Jessica Jones, The Originals), and heaps of others. I think many of them will prefer this to FB and other social networks when they understand how much of a community it is and the revolutionary potential it has...
I'm not sure which didge player you might be referring to. If it's Queensland based and he's a Murray fulla, then perhaps it was Ash Dargin? Hard to guess.
Thanks so much for following me, by the way. I appreciate that heaps! :D
The Minnow Support Link you put up took me to discord sign up. Is that right?
Yep that is where MSP base of opperations takes place, the Peace, Abundance and Liberty chat rooms - that is also where Team Australia is :D
Nicely done!@benleemusic has got a proper biography here! haha
I feel very professional.
Haha thanks, it's not a complete bio - I can't believe I forgot to put in that he acted in the "Rage at placid lake" (I think that's the title), he has accomplished so much I don't think I could fit it all in just one post - so I tried to pick the highlights.
Ben Lee Montage anyone?
And what a great song choice by Ben, working the subliminal to win this.What a collection of awesome Ben Lee memories. Nice post @krystle.
What's good is good, right?
Of course, it's Good :-D
Good for the WIN!
PS: I've just started working on my new song - 'This is better' :-P
Haha I reckon, it was a little bit of a Ben Lee marathon in my house the past few days - I just loved catching up on old favs and finding such new gold with the Radnor and Lee material, just brilliant!
Well now I'm all interested to hear your new song as well... Oh well off to Open Mic with you, we want to hear it's lol :P
quรฉ genial!!! @Krystle @benleemusic nos honra con su presencia! saludos y bienvenida para รฉl y para su hermoso trabajo!
Glad you like his music :D - I certainly feel honoured, by all the musicians that grace Open Mic with their presence <3
That was really an in depth tribute too, such a long musical journey. I bet he can also share so much advice. I have been 15 years and there are some days I feel right back at step one. Looking forward to join the open mic and get to know the community or artists around it.
The sheer wealth of knowledge he must have on the industry, is truly priceless for people on steemit musicians - I don't believe we have had any one of this level join us and share what they know, how to interact, making contacts in the industry etc.
So from your wording I gather your also a musician? If so you should definately join us in Open Mic, just check out @luzcypher's posts he is the host with the most and also his posts have all the rules on how to enter - otherwise it really is just an amazing place to find exceptionally talented musicians and they are all super friendly so drop by and check them out when you get a chance.
Cheers for the lovely comment :D
Yes, I am a singer songwriter, not that many awards (that looks like an impressive background) but I have a few in my genre (close to new age, a bit darker maybe, definitely not mainstream). There was a time I could make a living from my albums but I did not adapted well to the "all digital" era. Just opening new windows and letting light and fresh air in. I am no beginneer but I am back to square zero in many ways I posted a videoclip on my introduction post as example, but just brand new at steemit. As much as I want to catch up, not abandoning my other networks (for the obvious reason my following is still all there) the truth is that I love creating and sharing but I need to take this new steemit experience slowly, posting consistently at my possible pace and trusting to build up a real and new audience including fellow musicians to share. I will definitely keep around and eventually hope to jump and participate in open mic, so far I understood it is live right? I need to organise now my time online better and take it easy. I barely joined days ago but
I will join as soon as I understand the basics. Meanwhile as I do not know many around I followed to be up to date.
I do confess that I am excited about so many new things and at the same time overwhelmed. But connecting with other creators sounds lovely
That's a great bio/recap of Ben! Thanks for sharing. I've already chatted with Ben (not knowing he was THAT Ben Lee) and he's quite an interesting, smart, creative and funny guy besides his amazing musical abilities.
My only problem is it's hard enough for me to get votes when I post my songs on the open-mic contest without having award-winning artists like Ben on board - I was going to submit a cover of Rush's "Closer to the Heart" this coming week. What if Geddy Lee posts it too - then I'll get no votes.
Just kidding about my whining - It's great to have Ben abord!!! PS - Could Geddy & Ben be brother's from another mother?
Hey mate thanks for that, he really seems like an amazing dude and I'm stoked he is here.
As for the Open Mic stuff, the openmic account was down for a day or so - but all valid entries get supported by it, sometimes it takes a few days and if it's down there really isn't anything we can do about that besides manually voting on hundreds of entries and the team is well and truly stretched.
As I said in my post I believe wholeheartedly, that we already have countless entrants at Ben's level - so in my opinion your already up against people of insane talents.
The thing is not everyone can win, but everyone can have fun and enjoy and love and share the music - that is what were really about, were just trying to help as many musicians as we can and unfortunately with so many people miss out.
I know your just haven a joke but so you know, we get countless messages from people only entering Open Mic asking where their votes are - it takes hours to deal with them all and then there's the scammers, basically by us trying to support musicians we went and gave ourselves a whole lot more work to deal with.
Instead of entering Open Mic to win, enter it to share music, find other talented musicians who's music you want to hear, learn new skills, have a reason to practise regularly, experiment with new styles - its about engagement to me, that is the real gold on offer.
Anyways I get rambly, I just want you to know - all open mic judges listen to every single valid entry featured in @luzcypher's see who played post's, we may not be able to comment on all 300+ every week - but we watch them all :D
I hope to keep seeing you with us, good luck :D
Wow @krystle post of the century here! I can't believe how much you've captured in such a short time, top effort!
Couldn't agree more, and summed up perfectly by @benleemusic himself:
Welcome Ben!
I'm new to steemit. How do you participate in the open mic. This sounds like it could be really fun and a great chance to discover some really good musicians
latest weekly contest page, here you will find all the rules to ensure you have a valid entry.Hey there and welcome to the platform, Open Mic is a lot of fun we have an amazingly supportive community and it's all about the shared love of music - Open Mic is hosted by @luzcypher here is a link to the
Good luck and hope to see an entry from you soon :D
Thank you so much i hope to participate as often as possible
A lot of real lifetime achievements.
Welcome to steemit @benleemusic.
It will really be of much benefit to the new small upcoming French community.
I would of course give you credit as the original author and put your link in the post.@krystle, would you mind me translating some of this post to French.
I was really tempted to say yes to you, but when I looked at your previous comments I noticed you asking heaps of people to do this with their content and then you thanking them when they say yes - how often do you do this and how many peoples original work have you copied and do you give them any reward for their work or just credit?
Anyway I am donating all of the proceeds of this post to @benleemusic so I did this for no reward, and you are asking everyone for free content to post under your account with only a little effort on your part in translation - I see you also self voted your comment, so for me these things are not necessarily showing a positive intent.
I get that you may be new and need new stories in different languages to build your communities, but asking for free no effort content for your own personal financial gain isn't really something I want to support - so no I'm sorry at this time the answer is no, I do not give you permission to copy and translate my work.
I hope you can see where I am coming from and that you can perhaps adapt your behaviour to suit the ethics of our communities .
@krystle the amount of work you put into this is incredible, and I'm with you! No one should have to surrender their time and effort for nothing, unless doing of there own free will.
I was thinking maybe if he also decided to donate the funds to Ben like I am, but not sure I want to support the ethics behind his actions generally - I'm all for translation but it's the way you go about it that matters!
Cheers :D
Your welcome mate, and yep if he'd offered to it give to @benleemusic or charity even, but personal gain is always a bit much.
Cheers :)
Cheers bud - you speaken my language :D
it is very pretty
like that I like to see, can imitate .. ??
I love musicianGood job @krystle
ohh what a great inspiring story of success. cheers to all musicians and music lover there. rock n roll..
wow!! what a Story Such a great Job ....So MuCh Inspired me Because i,m also Keen Of Music And i love to SEE More from You thanks For sharing This ๐ also Following You For more Intresting Musical Contents
Ben is doing great in Australia we appreciate it
Well its really a good
I am awesome thing to have legenda on here on Steemit. This gives even better chance to people like us to meet legends this way . thanks for bringing him to my notice @Krystle .
Congratulations!! You have been recognized as a Steemit Star! You can download your personalized animated trophy in this post:
Our way of saying Thank You for your efforts in the Steemit Community!!
Bienvenido a la gran comunidad steemiana... Disfrutare mucho de su trabajo... Y vaya que seguro abra muy buen material que escuchar...
What a sick article. Well done Krystle :) Go Ben! :)