
Start singing, Jim Morrison was the same way you are now, and look at him now...dead :P

Don't scare me like that....

haha ...aww Jim xoxo

The reason the vast majority of, people who say they can't sing, can't sing is because they tell themselves they can't sing..................... true dat! ;)

The singing voice is a different voice to the talking voice, so most of these people just haven't searched around their vocal chords for their singing voice...... yet.

 7 years ago (edited) 

Yes true dat! If you can talk, you can sing. I would slightly deviate from your point about the singing voice being 'different' to the talking voice. I think the problem with that is people often think 'ok im singing now', and they start trying 'breathe properly'and putting pressure/strain on their vocal chords or going too breathy, which ultimately causes difficulties in getting the sounds out how they want them. The truth is, the vocal chords are an instrument which can be learned how to play. We just need to gently train the muscles in the voicebox to stretch and contract. The breathing comes naturally if we relax and allow the sounds out. Did you know that a nasal 'Nay' sound is one of the best for teaching the vocal chords a note (eg. High note). Sometimes I'll "nay nay naaaay nay-nay" through a difficult part of a song to show my vocal chords the correct position to be in and then keep close to the position for the song. (I found videos by vocal coach Brett Manning on YouTube helpful, detailed and free!) Everyone has a voice and it deserves to be heard!! We wanna hear you @big-lou xoxo

Yeah I'm with you there, natural is best, you get to know whereyou need to breathe. I think we're singing off the same hymn sheet here, you call it training muscles up, I call it using a different voice to the talking voice ;). I have two or three different options, more in fact and none of them sound like me when I'm speaking naturally.

It's quite a bit to do with voice projection, we use our voices very differently when raising them or shouting, crying, moaning out loud etc, so when we project a singing voice it's going to lead us somewhere that is unfamiliar to anyone who hasn't really given singing a go. This at first feels a bit odd as in not the norm, some actually feel 'insincere' until they get comfortablle that it is their voice they're still using.

Not many people had voice training a 100yrs ago unless they were in choir, and a lot more people sang, being no TV etc.

That's a useful and new bit of information for me, the "nay nay naying". I sing mostly blues where you'd avoid anything that sounded nasely, but I'll give that a go, I can't get high notes/scales like I used to be able to. ;)

Louis bro... you can collab with someone, that is completely OK.. if you want to break the internet get David to sing with you, the internet would break for sure...

That would be a truly monumental achievement....I don't think there's enough tequila on the planet to get @davidpakman to sing...

I dont know... there are some strong spirits out there... I say we put him on the spot

It might require some blackmailing

hahahahaha man... i can see that video becoming so viral, as a matter of fact I can see David's frenemies going nuts over something like that...

If Dave's singing is as bad as mine, it would be the end of his career