Steemit Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 7- Judi- Cover song Rhoma Irama bye @bangteh

in #openmic7 years ago

Good day all steemian friends, this time I will Steemit Open Mic Songwriters Challenge Week 7 and I will bring a song titled rhythm song rhoma creator and I will try to bring this song, congratulations to watch and listen. Hope you guys like it.

Song Lyrics: Judi
Gambling (gambling), promising victory
Gambling (gambling), promising wealth
Lying (lie), even if you win
That's the beginning of defeat
Lying (lie), even if you're rich
That's the beginning of poverty

Gambling (gambling), poisoning life
Gambling (gambling), poisoning faith
Surely (for sure), because of gambling
People are lazy with hope
Surely (for sure), because of gambling
Quackery is misleading

The believers may be apostates, let alone the laity
The wins can be evil, let alone the losers
The rich can be destitute, let alone the poor
The happy can be miserable, let alone the hard
Gambling money is unclean

A mediocre money to eat (ooo, ooo)
That's a healthy way to survive
The money is just barely combined (ooo, ooo)
It's a healthy way to become a journalist

Whatever the name and the shape of the gamble
Everything is nasty
Whatever the name and the shape of the gamble
Do not do and stay away

bye @bangteh

Lyrics Indonesia..

Lirik lagu: Judi
Judi (judi), menjanjikan kemenangan
Judi (judi), menjanjikan kekayaan
Bohong (bohong), kalaupun kau menang
Itu awal dari kekalahan
Bohong (bohong), kalaupun kau kaya
Itu awal dari kemiskinan

Judi (judi), meracuni kehidupan
Judi (judi), meracuni keimanan
Pasti (pasti), karena perjudian
Orang malas dibuai harapan
Pasti (pasti), karena perjudian
Perdukunan ramai menyesatkan

Yang beriman bisa jadi murtad, apalagi yang awam
Yang menang bisa menjadi jahat, apalagi yang kalah
Yang kaya bisa jadi melarat, apalagi yang miskin
Yang senang bisa jadi sengsara, apalagi yang susah
Uang judi najis tiada berkah

Uang yang pas-pasan karuan buat makan (ooo, ooo)
Itu cara sehat ‘tuk bisa bertahan
Uang yang pas-pasan karuan ditabungkan (ooo, ooo)
Itu cara sehat ‘tuk jadi hartawan

Apa pun nama dan bentuk judi
Semuanya perbuatan keji
Apa pun nama dan bentuk judi
Jangan lakukan dan jauhi

bye @bangteh


ini begining ne cu

Week 7 was over on Monday the 8th of Jan.
It is not a karaoke contest either. Sorry man.

New Rule For Entering Steemit Open Mic And The Open Mic Songwriters Challenge --- by @luzcypher