Announcing the @openmic account - and a call for help!

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

I'm proud to announce the launch of the @openmic curation bot !

Did you know there is a sponsored weekly #openmic competition that's now been running for 59 weeks already ?

Founded by @luzcypher over a year ago, with prizes generously sponsored by witness @pfunk the #openmic competition has been a joy to watch grow and has resulted thousands of original exclusive music videos from steemians all over the world.

At time of writing the comp has been receiving around 100 entries every week, with a growing amount of entries from places like Venezuela where even small payouts can make a big difference to someones quality of life.

All entries are listened to every single week - which is no small feat with the growing numbers of participants.

For an example - check out this weeks winners announcement post from @luzcypher .

Even though the generous prizes and votes supplied by @pfunk, @luzcypher , @xeldal and others are amazing for the winners - the scale of the competition means that often some entries don't receive the rewards they deserve.

They might not have the following yet to raise much money with their posts, or stick out from the crowd enough to win the big prizes - but they still shared a unique performance of themselves on our blockchain and deserve some recognition and appreciation.

To put yourself out there physically on camera when singing or playing an instrument can be an extraordinarily daunting experience - we don't want entrants to feel insulted or that their entry wasnt valued.

From now on the @openmic account will now put a 10% strength vote on every valid entry into the Steemit Open Mic competition - as well as relevant posts from judges.

How does the bot work ?

The openmic bot is running a version of @pharesim's steem-trailbot - heavily modified to avoid voting on any invalid entries, comments and unrelated posts spamming the openmic tag.

I'm running it on a server that already handles @centerlink , @discordia and other services of mine.
I hold the active key, and posting keys have been made available to both @luzcypher and @krystle .

All outgoing votes are vetted by at least 1 of the #OpenMic Team :
@luzcypher, @pfunk, @krystle, @soundlegion, @verbal-d, @jessamynorchard and @passion-ground

Delegating to @openmic

To support @openmic I've delegated 4500 SP (~11%), this is all I can spare for now but I plan to continue to top this up over time using my witness earnings.

This starts @openmic off with a $0.04 10% vote on every entrant at current prices according to @penguinpablo's steemnow :

I'm hoping the community will be able to help add some more by sparing some change for a worthy cause :

Delegate 10 SP with steemconnect , 100 SP , 1000 SP , or if anyone wants to really make a lot of struggling musicians very happy you could delegate 10,000 SP with this link !

If you ever change your mind or want your SP back - simply cancel your delegations with this link.

Following @openmic's votes

In order to boost the #openmic earnings further I will be following the votes with my personal account at 1% each - this adds up to about $0.34 at todays rates.

I already support dozens of causes on steemit and my vote power is spread thin - and the amount of entries grows every week so again I'm asking for help from the community here.

If you'd like to support verified #openmic entries by automatically voting on everything @openmic votes on, please :

Support the entrants by following the OpenMic curation trail using Streemian

Participating in Open Mic

Last but not least, why not throw your hat into the ring and have a go entering the Open Mic contest yourself ?

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Please vote for me as a witness here

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I just delegated 15k of my precious SP.

Thank you for your support bro @fulltimegeek, you have always been very generous, supportive and altruistic. You shall reap many blessings for your kindness and acts of love. I have an idea, Do you have another topic for another song, like how we did with PizzaGate? To return the favour, I will accept a request from you and make another song for you if you'd like.

Hey @verbal-d ... an idea just came to me. Could you possibly make a rap with the theme "God bless the nerds?" This track would be in honor of all the nerds that have brought us great innovations such as:

I accept the challenge bro @fulltimegeek!
Now I will dedicate some time to research before mapping out another music journey :)

I will also look for a nice beat as well in my library and see what transpires

Woop!!! Thank you @verbal-d!

You're very welcome bro, I'll update you when I make some progress on it.

Do you have another topic for another song, like how we did with PizzaGate?

I will put some thought into it and will surely let you know. Thank you for considering taking another request. Keep steeming bro, and much love.

Also, I was listening to your pizzagate song earlier today :) ... it's still one of my favs. God bless.

I just saw this message! What perfect timing lol God bless indeed and much love, you're most welcome, it's the least I can do

Thanks man! lml :D :D Openmic for the win!

absolutely huge thank you much. open mic has been a great success here and we see this just going up. much much love for this support

OMG on behalf of everyone involved in openmic we are so grateful for your generosity, your donation has already helped someone entering the contest - thank you so so very much!

Holy crap thank you so much I only just saw this - you're going to make a lot of people very happy :)

Hi guys. I'm trying to delegate 1.000 SP to the @openmic account. I have an account on SteemConnect. I'm using this tutorial and everything seems to be working just right as you can see here.

When I enter my active key which I know is correct and even see the green checkmark in the entry box, it never gets me to the success page. It just hangs there forever.

I checked to see if the SP was delegated and it is not. I have tried 3 times now. Any suggestions or help appreciated.

Hey Luz, I just double checked and was able to add to my delegation using steemconnect - maybe there was a temporary connection issue when you tried ?

Also that tutorial is outdated, you dont need to calculate the VESTS anymore its right in the url now - does this work ?

I've personally just been using Vessel by @jesta to manage my delegations, maybe you'll have more luck that way :

Download from :
How to :

Got it to work now. Awesome! Added 1000 SP delegation to @openmic.



Looks like you got it now - but in case others are wondering : this link delegates 1000 SP to openmic

You can also just modify this link:

NOTE: Change the YOURUSERNAME in the link above to your Steemit username and AMOUNTOFSTEEMPOWER to the amount you want to delegate.

You must also have an account on first.

Once you have made the changes paste the link into your browser and hit enter and follow the instructions to confirm

Thanks SO much for the support. You have a new follower now and the entire Open Mic community love you for that.

Full Time ANGEL strikes again!!

Nice one!

Great job brother!! <3

WOW!!! Bro.... You are just a generous giver..... Unfortunate I'm not talented in making song....

Motivation is my thing...

Thanks for promoting the steemit ecosystem

Good all the best

Thanks for starting this account, making this post, delegating SP, and promoting the artists on Open Mic.

As the creator and host of Open Mic, I support you 100% and appreciate all your efforts as well as all the judges' efforts, @pfunk, and all the talented musicians that contribute to Open Mic all these weeks.

I joyfully listen to each and every entry and upvote them all.

It's very touching to see the community get more involved supporting music here on Steemit and your initiative is an important evolution of this very cool thing we're doing here. It's a lot of fun, plus we get to hear great music.

I'm looking forward to growing this thing into something that will pull more musicians and their followers onto the platform and help them monetize their talents.

Thanks for bringing more awareness to Open Mic. Music, like love, is the universal language and Steemit is a universal platform. To make my point clearer I'll leave you with some music from Open Mic. I have no idea what they are saying but it feels really good. Music is like that.

I just followed the trail on Streemian. Every entry voted by the judges will receive a 1% vote by me worth around 0.25$ at this moment.

Thank you @lucypher for this great contest and thank you to everyone working on it and thank you @ausbitbank for this great initiative.

Invite other people to join in in supporting this nice project.

I've resteemed this post.

Can always count of @teamsteem to get in on the quality projects making the world a better place!

He has been upvoting the main posts for open mic for a while now. This just makes it easier for everyone.

Because Streemian doesn't seem to work, I'll work on setting up a bot today to follow the @openmic account.

Go @teamsteem !!!!


It's now working as intended.

I'm very grateful to @ausbitbank who help me set up a slightly modified bot created by @pharesim.

Thank you always for your giving kindness @teamsteem, you truly are a community leader and role model in your own right. We are grateful for your support

I'm very glad to be part of this awesome project with you @verbal-d!

Likewise! Thanks again for your full support and inspiration. We are making progress!

Thank you so much mate, every little bit counts and for some people entering this will mean they will at least get something for their efforts.

We really appreciate the continued support you give the community - Cheers :)

Thank you @krystle! I'm very grateful to @ausbitbank who help me finally set up the bot and for all his work on this awesome project.

That is so awesome! I really appreciate the support you have given already and now, thanks to @ausbitbank, it is so much easier to show support for @openmic. Yea!

It just keeps getting better and better!!!

Yeah this is awesome!

Yes it is!

As an aside, I'm not sure if you saw that awesome post. I resteemed cause I thought it was so awesome minus the awful part of the situation.

Thanks for sharing this!

This is why we do what we do!

It's not much, but I will follow the trail with my tiny bit and I delegated some. Also, not much, but maybe it encourages others to do the same.

Wow thank you so much for your generosity, that is the beauty of this - every little bit helps.

Thanks for your efforts to support our growing community - Cheers :)

You are very thoughtful and supportive, it is a lot coming from one individual so it means a lot as well. Thank you very much, this is great! The community acknowledges and appreciates your gesture.

Cheers mate!

You go Brotha!!!

Ohhh yes I want!

So great to hear about this project!

I have been very engaged with the open mic project for a long time as I believe in how much benefit it brings to the world and Steemit. Great to see a new account that will help promote the success of this project and further the cause!

Another honorable and sustainable contribution my friend!


Thanks for your sustained and enthusiastic support. You have been a great supporter of Open Mic since day one and I love hearing you play the dij. Also, thanks for showing your support by funding a ticket to Steemfest for me this year. It was so much fun hanging out with you and the @gardenofeden crew.

Yea brother!

I chose you cause this is a great project and wanted to represent that at SteemFest!


This is awesome! I really think that Steemit Open Mic could end up being huge and massively raising the value of Steem for everyone. Thanks for this amazing contribution. I'll be doing my best to contribute and raise awareness.

I so agree with you on every point Dan, thanks heaps for your consistently awesome entries into our little contest - your guys are an amazing addition to the open mic family, just keep entertaining us all each week when you can.

Cheers :D

Thanks @krystle, the pleasure is all ours. The real heroes here are the ones who put in countless hours to listen to every entry and give all singer/songwriter a chance to shine. This is a very rare opportunity nowadays. So thanks!

Thats what I keep saying!

Yeah man!


Keep up the great teamwork bro, you and @jaybird have so much material for song ideas it is ridiculous, and I know you shall indeed raise awareness the best way you both know how. Thanks for your continued support and participation. You bring Steemit Open Mic Contest an unforgettable presence and impact.

I love them and they sure know how to party. We had a blast the last night in the streets of Lisbon shutting the bars down at 5 am

Yeah we did lol 😎

Thanks man! As I said to @krystle above... you judges are the real heroes here! This contest is going to moon! 😎

You're very welcome bro, thanks for the appreciation
This contest is upheld together by us all
We are all flying upward as we speak!

Had to blink a few times to make sure I was awake cos I swear I thought I was dreaming when I saw @ausbitbank wrote a post... 😜😜

You guys know I love me music and Im all for supporting artists in general. I'll delegate when Im more awake. Wont be much tho but Im hoping others will also pitch in so lots of little delegations can amount to a huge pile at the end of the day.

I thought I was dreaming too when I woke up to see 19,000 SP delegated in less than a day.

It's amazing isn't it, just shows how much the steemit community is behind us :)

Steemit and you never cease to amaze me.

Bahahaha love it hun yeah he finally posted :)

Your so awesome thanks heaps for supporting and your so right, every cent adds up!

So when are you entering??? - cheers hun :)

"To support @openmic I've delegated 4500 SP (~11%), this is all I can spare for now but I plan to continue top this up over time using my witness earnings."

A very generous donation @ausbitbank. I don't even have that much steempower lol

Well done!

nice post!

This is awesome and it's really great that the open mic contest is growing and evolving!

I'd be very happy to pitch in with an animated video to help spread the word about this on other social media so Steemit can keep attracting more and more musicians.

That sounds like a great idea, I look forward to seeing this animated video, if you need background music, I or @luzcypher do beat/instrumental productions.

Having the background music be made by a steemian seems like a great idea. Of course, it's going to be a choice for the people who run the contest.

Sounds like a solid plan, please keep us updated and thanks for your efforts

Yes, let's make a video that focuses on musicians that are new to Steemit and would help them understand they can join this platform, play a song, be part of the community, and earn rewards. Basically help them onboard through Open Mic.

Yep, that's what I was thinking too. I'm already in touch with @krystle and working on it. I'm both on and discord if you want to kick ideas around too.

I PM'd you in Discord

You are a legend man, thanks so much for helping us out with this - with your help we will reach new scopes of awesome.

Cheers :)

It's my pleasure, I hope we manage to slap something together that would work and that would help spread the word.

Great addition to Open Mic!

Does this mean we will be able to access all of the week's entrants, as they post, from a single location, pre the end-of-week viewing?

Best regards,


Woohoo!!! Just took a peek! Looks great! I'm on my way back over to take a listen and vote.

Many thanks for this addition!


Courtesy of @andybets who did this all on his own.

Wow....Then, kudos to @andybets! It's great to know there's so much talent in the community.

Based on the response, it's something long awaited for with much appreciation.


I know, right? The Steemit community amazes me. He did that all on his own. I never asked him to. What a great guy. It sure looks cool, right?

cool, right?

And smart, as well! This is a great opportunity to grow Smart Tokens without the tokens...sort of like @tipU and many of the other apps which help increase the usefulness of the platform.

Best regards!


This is pretty sweet support for the musically inclined ppl on Steemit. You do alot to help so many @ausbitbank. Good on ya m8 😎

Bravo to my good friend @luzcypher and to all of the Steemians that support his efforts. He was quite taken aback at Steemfest Portugal that so many people appreciated what he has created here. Onward and upward to all of you.

Steemfest really did blow my mind and the support of this community has inspired me to keep giving more to it. I woke up yesterday to see that @ausbitbank created this initiative all on his own and woke up again this morning to see that in less than 24-hours 19,675 Steem Power has been delegated to the account!

I love that the community appreciates musicians and it's a joy to get to hear all this great music. Just knowing that we are causing people to play and sing in this world makes me smile just a little more.

It was great seeing you in Lisbon.

So very cool of you, brother! Everlasting Peace and Prosperity to you, man!

Nice project, I will not participate for now, but I will delegate the 10 sp to help.


Thanks heaps, every little bit helps - cheers :)

This is nice to hear ausbit, gotta help the starving artists :)

just delegated 100 SP to the cause!!! YAAYY!

Awesome @meno! Thanks

I think this is really amazing news and a step towards even more succes for the Open Mic contest!
I find it amazing to see all the souls who enter and share a part of themself with us all.
Open Mic is creative fun and opens hearts!

I'm so glad you're part of Open Mic too. I love seeing that @poeticsnake singing in my feed.

I've delegated a little SP to this account so I can support everyone.

Thanks! I'm making a post that lists all the donors. can you tell me how much? Just so I can list you.

It was about 200. I'm delegating to a load of people. I may adjust amounts later

Awesome. Thank you SO much

This is one of the sweetest things ever! Good on ya @ausbitbank you are a Human ANGEL!!! It's beautiful watching you in action...

Follow me bro

I see you are new here. Welcome to Steemit.
Asking people to follow you on Steemit is not the right approach to having a successful account.
It is much better to create good content so they want to follow you.
This may help and I also suggest you read Steemit etiquette before you hurt your reputation.

There are a lot of people new to Steemit that think having a lot of followers is the path to making money here but not if you ask people to follow you to follow them.

Still don't believe me? Then read this

Thank u for advice I never ever ask anyone to follow me thanks again🙂

Got it to work! Didn't have much but dedicated 20 SP. Hope that's okay!

If such activities are being carried out here on steemit,i see no reason not to get stock on steemit for the rest of my life, nice work @ausbitbank 👉❤👈

Same as me, lol, i see no reason, cause im so stuck up here right now

There is wisdom in these words.

you have said it all, true talk @luzcypher😊

A great initiative dude.
Typically philanthropic mate, well done

Oh wow. I had no clue that this existed. Thanks for letting me know.

Hi @ausbitbank, I love this idea and like to see how I might add this to my #BeerSaturday Challenge wich I run since 22 weeks. See my speech from SteemFest here

Beer and music go together like bacon and eggs. It was a blast hanging out at Steemfest together.

Hi @Luzcypher, yes - this was fun.

I really like to do this #BeerSaturday song Challenge at OpenMic where we mix our two Challlenge together. You may use me as a judge.

I love that idea but we are about to launch a new 8-week songwriting challenge on Open Mic and the winner wins a new guitar and hard case. That is going to keep us very busy for the next 2-months.

There is no rush! Let's have it as a plan for January

February would be better. We are launching Nov. 22nd so it would end the end of Jan. Getting people to drink beer is easier than getting them to sing. Until they have a few beers then they don't care anymore,

Fine for me. Will try to program some music on my old DX7 and RX5

If you or some other musicians like to have some fun with the #BeerSaturday - Have a look HERE to join this week with 20 SBD in prizes

I've met a great bunch of people here on open mic and it has been outright cool to see it grow like this. It is one of the cornerstones of Steem and a great community indeed. Cheers for the support!

Dude, you have been playing on Open Mic since the very beginning and I love hearing you play. Thanks for your continued support and participation.

Amazing! Im so proud of my buddy @luzcypher for creating this amazing competition. Can't wait for you to move back to Cancun so we can hang out more in person dude! Mwah 😘

I'll be looking for a place there around Dec. 10th and will start doing Steemit meetups on a regular basis. Let's build a group of Steemians in Cancun! I'm already talking to the Bitcuners about it. I'm going to get some printed materials together, a banner, start a Facebook page, and find a venue to meet. You in?

P.S. - I'm proud of you too for sticking with this.

Totally in mate! Still think you should consider my lush new apartment Ill have for rent 😉. Great place for meet ups and pot friendly too 😉 😉 😂

Pot-friendly? Is that included in the rent?

The apartment is also very, ah, purple.

Follow me guys do vote and I will follow you back @krishnabhusal

I see you are new here. Welcome to Steemit.
Asking people to follow you on Steemit is not the right approach to having a successful account.
It is much better to create good content so they want to follow you.
This may help and I also suggest you read Steemit etiquette before you hurt your reputation.

There are a lot of people new to Steemit that think having a lot of followers is the path to making money here but not if you ask people to follow you to follow them.

Still don't believe me? Then read this

Dear @ausbitbank this idea will change the curation dimension of new music composers and musics as well, thank you buddy for your efforts.
Thank you again.

My time & Resources are stretched to the max, but loved reading your post on wonderful steemsters, ( heartwarming ) to say the least. I'll follow everyone listed to hear more, and while I'm no artist get involved with listening when things cool down a bit.
Great post & Great news.
Thanks for sharing :-)
P.S. @soundlegion is not @sound-legion as posted. :-)

Thanks, updated the post now :)

Wow I am speechless that is very generous! Thank you for your support over the last few weeks!

Great idea. Innovation at its peak. Bring it on. I hope upcoming artists will use this to market themselves. The idea should go beyond 10% vote or whatever. I suggest that this be a way for hunting talents. Good job!!!

I have read this post , that is very good for me and others like me , i am interesting to join your trail , open and verify under your link and send requested sbd with memo to streemian . thanks for it , @ausbitbank.

Thank you for your support.

mind = BLOWN ...
Thank you guys @openmic, for looking out for us. Appreciate it very very much. Can't wait to see what happens next. :)

Thanks for letting us know!

This is a great news, our community needs more people like you and more contests like this one.
I hope this will inspire many others to do some more contests that will promote creativity.

What a brilliant initiative @ausitbank paying it forward and in the process helping some of these amazing artists have their voices heard. I've often thought that the greatest musical talent is probably never heard because they don't fit the narrow perceptions of the mainstream. Hence I'm excited for this! Great stuff.

nice post and i really appreciate your support towards @openmic, i have a question can we sing any song to be able to participate in the competition or we have to create the new song first and then sings it.

I'm the host of Open Mic and you can play any song you want, sing or not, in any language, on any instrument. We just ask that you follow the rules to qualify and so we can promote Open Mic while discouraging plagiarism.

Here is this week's entry post which also has all the rules on it

ok now i understand it, thank you very much for the kind response.

Thank you so much for your support to this community of musicians.

Thanks for being a big part of the Steemit Open Mic community. I love hearing your music each week.

Thank you so much! You are always kind with your comments.

wow this could be a big help, thank you so much @ausbitbank and to sir lucy&pfunk for the open mic weekly contest. I myself as a frustrated singer you guys acknowledged and welcome us..

and thank you @fulltimegeek for delegating 15,000 SP to the project. We are up to 19,675 in delegated Steem Power in less than 24-hours! That is some amazing support

this is really great @ausbitbank, thanks for caring about Openmic and the artists!! <3 :)
thanks Luzcypher and all the judges

Thanks for all the great music you share with the community.

Wow this is so cool, continue to share the love?

I convinced my wife to marry me, then to join steemit, then to come to Steemfest with me. Next challenge: convince her to sing...

I'll be in touch :)

on topic: Great initiative!

Oh I love it and am in full support of this mission, good luck with your quest - you seem to be on a winning streak.

Cheers :)

@krystl @luzcypher

Life goals completed.

Very halpefull . icant wright prrfect english but i can read .men ny parha hy ap ka sb kcha dhara sara kakh paly ni para sara pta ni ubhy di lamy lamy di ubhy marena rea hy par sano ki aka kpky ghikman ala lul .agar tum mil jao zamana chhor den gy ham magar sanu ki lor ay kaka bali zamana chhor daymy ki ap aysa kro .en akeli hun idar aa ja ral k gap shap lawan gy drboyzam aj marullah vi koni aya mrulah hik tattea janty ho us ko kal us kolo steem pawer v gidi him to akh tan udhari tyko v deni han

nice post
i follow you & follow my post please

I see you are new here. Welcome to Steemit.
Asking people to follow you on Steemit is not the right approach to having a successful account.
It is much better to create good content so they want to follow you.
This may help and I also suggest you read Steemit etiquette before you hurt your reputation.

There are a lot of people new to Steemit that think having a lot of followers is the path to making money here but not if you ask people to follow you to follow them.

Still don't believe me? Then read this

This post received a 20% vote by @minnowsupport courtesy of @globo from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Thanks for the resteem

This post has been resteemed by @minnowsupport courtesy of @globo from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.

Thanks for the resteem

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