Hi Steemian Friends!
How are you?
Have a nice day and keep spirit the work. :)
Halo Sahabat Steemian! Bagaimana kabar Anda semua? Semoga hari Anda menyenangkan dan tetap semangat dalam berkarya. :)
Steemit Open Mic contest is held again and now has entered the 76th week. This is my fourth participation in the Open Mic contest, starting from Steemit Open Mic Week 73. A lot of new experiences and insights about the music I got during this contest. This contest also makes me more and more know the great musicians from around the world and can learn a lot from them. Thank you for all, hopefully someday we can work together. :)
Kontes Steemit Open Mic kembali diselenggarakan dan sekarang telah memasuki minggu ke-76. Ini merupakan keikutsertaan saya yang ke-4 dalam kontes Open Mic, dimulai dari Steemit Open Mic Week 73. Banyak pengalaman dan wawasan baru tentang musik yang saya dapatkan selama mengikuti kontes ini. Selain itu, kontes ini juga membuat saya semakin banyak mengenal para musisi hebat dari berbagai belahan dunia dan bisa belajar banyak dari mereka. Terima kasih untuk Anda semua, semoga suatu saat kita bisa saling bekerjasama. :)
Steemit Open Mic Week 76. On this time, we will play a song from Audioslave, entitled Be Yourself. Hope you like our performance, hope you enjoy! :)This week, I invited my friend again who often accompany me in the Open Mic contest (@ donirosayandi), and I also invite one of my best friends who is also a guitarist (@kemal13). They will collaborate with me on
Minggu ini, saya kembali mengajak sahabat saya yang sering mengiringi saya di kontes Open Mic @donirosayandi (gitar), dan saya juga mengajak salah satu sahabat saya yang juga seorang gitaris, yaitu @kemal13. Mereka akan berkolaborasi bersama saya di "Steemit Open Mic Week 76". Kali ini, kami akan memainkan sebuah lagu dari Audioslave, yang berjudul Be Yourself. Semoga Anda menyukai penampilan kami, selamat menikmati! :)
Audioslave - Be Yourself
Sleeping all alone
Someone kills the pain
Spinning in the silence
She finally drift away
Catches a bouquet
Another lays on dozen
White roses on a grave
To be yourself is all that you can do
Another only pain
Someone tries to hide themself
Down inside himself he prays
Until the end of time
Another runs away
Separate or united
Healthy or insane
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
Be yourself is all that you can do
Been pulled apart or been held up
Every single memory of
The good or bad, faces of love
Don't lose any sleep tonight
I'm sure everything, will end up allright
You may win or lose..
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can do
To be yourself is all that you can
Be yourself is all that you can
Be yourself is all that you can do..
Timothy Commerford / Chris Cornell / Tom Morello / Brad Wilk
Bereh bg @alvaro017
Makasih @wahyunibukhari 😀
Thenkiyu beuh 😀
Mantap pak bro @alvaro013 mantraaap!
Thanks a lot brother 🙏
Ini juga karna support dari bro @rial17 dan kawan2 😎
Lantak laju "good job my friend"
Hahaha thanks for your support bro @ampondin 🙏😀
Asik kaliii abang vokalis ni,
Multi talenta e, nyanyi bisa, menggambar bisa 😹
Mana da ee, cuma sikit-sikit aja bisa ee 😂
Yook..yook @cutthara... kita nggambar lagi 😎😬
That's a good combo there, I love the song choice too. All that anyone can do is be his/herself.
Keren sekali bg @alvaro017, mantap x suaranya bisa jadi penyanyi terkenal ini bg.
Masih perlu banyak belajar lagi nih bang 😁Terima kasih bang @anwar12 🙏
Saya pun harus banyak belajar juga. Krn masih banyak harus dipelajari trus
Yeah.. that's cool and good song.. just be yourself... It's a good advice
Thanks a lot my friend @irdaagstna 😊
Sounds really good.
Thank a lot my friend @luzcypher 🙏😎
Enak didengar..:) Sukses terus bg @alvaro017
Terima kasih bang @hendria 🙏
Sama-sama...:) Ditunggu album perdananya..:)
Terima kasih atas dukungannya 🙏Hehehehe siiaapp bang @hendria 👍
Mantap bro.. Gak sanggup potong @alvaro017 pokoknya is the best asoiii geboii laahhh.. 👍😎 cuma ada yang kurang dstu. Hana pemain cajooonn..!! 😂😂
Minggu depan kita gasssss lagi masbro 😎Hahahahha nyankeuh nyan mas bro @firdacapalitas 😂
Luar biasa ne @alvaro017 kompak bener ne maennya pak @kemal13 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌👍👍👍👍👍
Memang pantes bang don dan bang kems disebut sebagai musisi profesional 😎🤘Padahal latihan cuma sbentar, tapi hasil kolaborasi bang @donirosayandi dan bang @kemal13 benar-benar mantraaappp 👍👍
Aiiih keren that adek2 kk Nyoe ...singoh cut kak upvote...habeh engkol malam Nyoe 😘😘😘😘😘
Pokoknya kami tunggu nih aksi kkak di panggung openmic 😎🤘😁Heheheh thank you so much kkak lon @lusanamaya 🙏😁
This is amazing!!! Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to hear what you guys play next!
I've watched your performance and that is very amazing too. It's so cool brother 👍😎Thank you so much my brother @popsoz 🙏
Thanks man. Rock on!!!