OpenBazaar is an opensource, decentralized, Twitter & Amazon blend, Peer-to-Peer, unrestricted marketplace.
Recently OpenBazaar, Amazon of the cryptoworld, updated to their app to a beta version 2.0.
I've been using Openbazaar for a bit now and I really like the idea of a decentralized market. I've seen people selling things ranging from T-Shirts to honey and tea. I even thought og buying a OpenBazaar sticker myself. A very diverse market for sure!
I noticed what i belive to be the very first incidence of a drug sales. I wasn't able to find the listing on OpenBazaar at the time of writing, but what I do have is a picture of the listing from my snapchat showing the listing of the illicit drug.
In 2009, there were more than 150,000 emergency room visits related to Xanax abuse—this number increased 150% over the number from 2004.
The drugs shown are Pfizer Xanax which is made of Alprazolam. Xanax is a very commonly mentioned within the world of rap making it very appealing to young people to experiment with drugs.
Shown on the picture above the Xanax are sold for 3$ a piece at a total of 100 Xanax pills.
Other listings includes THC Gummybears
Should such market be allowed into the public if it is only a matter of a few clicks before drugs, and other illicit products could be delivered to your door, and potentially young kids who don't know what they are doing.
While the OpenBazaar team does not support this they do not actively take down a listing unless it has been reported or for some reason is inappropriate.
OpenBazaar did make it optional to access the market from Tor thus making it even more (but not completely) anonymous and appealing for drug dealers to sell drugs online.
I'm in huge favour of this market, but I would hate to see OpenBazaar turn into yet another drug market.
Let me know what you feel about OpenBazaar and this issue in the comments below
I noticed your Narconon post. Do you know that Narconon is owned by Scientology and how many people have died under their "care"?