Being “Pro-Black” is a Futile Endeavor

in #onyxtruth7 years ago

pro black, black fist, onyx truth.jpg

Now, I don’t know Dr. Boyce Watkins or Charles Wu, but I have been following Dr. Boyce Watkins for quite a few years on YouTube and I’m just going to make that educated assumption that Dr. Boyce Watkins hired Charles Wu to help Dr. Watkins market his products to black people more effectively simply because black people is Dr. Watkins’ prime demographic. Charles Wu, to my understanding, just happens to be a marketing expert who knows how to tap into the emotional appeal of people in order to convince people to buy and/or invest in a product of service which is standard operating procedures for any marketer or company looking to market a product. Now the problem with Charles Wu is that a video surfaced where Charles Wu was talking to another gentleman about how he markets products. During this video Charles Wu brought up one of his clients as an example to explain the power of marketing and this client just happened to be Dr. Boyce Watkins. During this video Charles Wu was speaking strictly as a marketer talking about a client but he used some questionable language which could easily lead gullible conspiracy driven knee grows to believe that Charles Wu is some type of puppet master pulling all the strings and that Dr. Boyce Watkins is the black face of a Charles Wu company and/or product line in order to siphon black dollars back into the Asian community. Reality is, that conspiracy is probably complete bullshit and Charles Wu probably was speaking strictly as a marketing guy talking about a success story of one his clients to another person on that video and also that Charles Wu probably had no earthly idea how serious the conspiracy of “down with whitey, da man and anybody else not black” can be in the black community. Charles Wu was probably at home getting inbox messages clueless as fuck as to what was taking place which would cause countless pro-black knee grows on the interwebs to believe that Dr. Boyce Watkins was his employee.

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It seems to me that it's the other way around.. Charles came to Dr with the Idea.. Charles is in charge and Dr. Is just the pro black face...

Watkins hired Charles Wu as a consultant; most likely it was his idea; BUT wakins went along with it; To take advantage of black people, for personal gain -

if someone tried to sell you a Crypto Program for $300/mo in January of 2018; to tell you what to invest in, would YOU do it? --- well that's what Wu and Watkins were doing; anyone who didn't like the idea, they insulted; and said we would not make money without them;

They had a facebook swell to over 50,000 members in a few weeks; and got GREEDY -

They figured if they could get $300/mo from 1,000 people out of that group of 50k; they'd be sitting pretty; anyone who thinks what they did was Okay, is exposing themselves -

6 months later, #Wacoinda is making news and a lot of people are going to soon learn that The Very motivation for the group, was the Nonsense between Dr. Boyce Watkins, the black Community, and the Asian Puppet Master, Charles Wu ---- Telling Watkins what to say and do; and Boyce going along with it, blindly insulting black people who KNEW better ---

He wanted to charge black people $300/mo for a Program to tell THEM what crypto to invest in - sadly, Boyce using the 'pro-black' message, for personal gain; His pretend Coat came off though; and we could see the truth - which LED Many of us to a young man who came through Boyce's group, a blockchain expert, who was trying to share information with black people - WITHOUT charging black people money ----

That group, evolved into what is now known as Wacoinda - and thanks to people who are mad at all the awesome ish We are doing in there, now they are trying to get Disney and Marvel to shut us down; not knowing we don't even give a damn about the name; The mission is all that matters.

Finally more black people are getting a real education on financial matters; this is history in the making; Took a Clown named Dr Boyce to set these events in motion --- something good came out of it ---

also as to what you wrote; you sound like a racist pile of dog shit to be totally honest with you. You're actually taking Wu's side - as if he just innocently did not know he was trying ot get RICH off of emotionally selling black people bullshit; No black people are trying to 'take down whitey' -- but that exposes your racism.

Truth is, whites and asians often work to take wealth OUT of black hands; and that's what was going on there. Seems like you're all for that mission; yet if blacks work to build wealth FOR one another and WITH one another, that scares you, and people like you.

Truth be told if you feel it's your place to Oppress blacks; You need to be taken out.