I have been reading over the whitepaper for ONO and exploring some of the design choices they have chosen and I thought that today I'll share my thoughts on why I'm interested to see where this platform goes. Some of you may know that I've written several posts about my thoughts on how curation should work in regards to a content driven crypto platform before, and it seems like ONO is actually in line with a lot of my thoughts in this regard. I don't really want to make this post about my concerns with how things are working on steemit as I've done that plenty in the past, so here are some things that I feel ONO is being designed to do right from the beginning.
First and foremost, everyone doesn't have to be a content creator to get value out of the platform. The platform is being designed to be multifaceted in the sense that there will be end to end encrypted messaging, liking and disliking of content, commenting and also content sharing. Due to the way the tokens are going to be distributed, all activities are actually rewarded and people that don't actually want to create original content have no incentive to spam low quality posts or plagiarism. If anything there is actually disincentive to do so due to the power structure built into the platform.
That brings me to the second big thing that I think ONO is doing right. There are going to be partners that are responsible for essentially policing their own communities. From the top down, things like spam, plagiarism, and toxic content are going to be able to be hidden if they violate the core guidelines of the community. Now I am a very liberty minded individual and I was actually a little concerned reading that as I felt it could lead to censorship based on personal choice of the partners, but that is actually something taken into consideration as well.
Last but certainly not least, is public accountability of partners. Partners have to be voted into their positions and run for reelection periodically. This is not done based on stake weight but by actual community members based on involvement and the value that the individual adds to the community. There are also guidelines against misuse of power and a partner can lose their position if they are caught misusing their power to censor or silence individuals without cause agreed upon by the community that is entrusting them with the power in the first place. It's an interesting take on the power dynamic and I can't tell you how it works in practice as the platform isn't launching until April 15th, but I feel like the platform is being created from the ground up as a social and content oriented platform and I'll update again in the future with my thoughts after seeing it in practice.
You can check out the English version of the Whitepaper on Medium.
So you want to say , as I understood, ONO will be kinda real social media like Facebook not mainly for bloggers with experience ?
Thanks for clearing that up, it wasn't making sense to me initially.
No I did read all what you wrote.. I also clicked to read the white paper maybe I get an answer for my question ( many parts white paper) .. read some .. but not all coz late at night for me.. woke up to face your sarcastic reply !
Yep there was a typo mistake I already edited ( I wrote ONTO instead of ONO) which does not deserve that at all!
Thanks 🙏🏼
It can be kind of hard to tell sometimes on steemit if people are being serious or just throwing around junk comments so I wasn't sure. In some ways I imagine it could be more easy to use like a traditional social media platform, but it's still going to be decentralized and reward users with crypto. It's being built on EOS and will be able to plugin to other dapps created to work with it. I can't say how it will work for a blogging platform yet as it's launching on the 15th, but I don't think that has anything to do with experienced bloggers or inexperienced bloggers. Reading the white paper leads me to believe it will actually be a great platform for experienced bloggers as you can sell add space on your blog for cypto if you choose.
Agreed the "real bloggers" comment kind of struck me wrong. I'm not a fan of advertisements, but I think empowering people to sell ad space on their own page for cypto is a great way to promote quality content and earning potential without basing it entirely on whale opinions. If a company likes what you have to say and wants to buy an ad on your page and you agree with the company and don't mind promoting them, then I think it's great to allow that choice to users. Taking the investment incentive away from producing tokens and paying oneself and putting it more towards selling attention is pretty interesting and one of the biggest reasons I think this platform has a shot to disrupt blogging/social media.
When I first checked the profile of the CEO and team behind it I was a bit hesitant because this was being developed initially for the China Market. CHina has a reputation for censorship and silencing dissenters of the status quo.
But the more that I read the white paper the more excited I was of the possibilities for this platform. Further learning that this was going to be on EOS made me more excited for it.
I agree on this point
and absolutely loved this
Those things are important if ever we want the culture to be right in the platform. When the culture is right then building communities will be better.
I agree and I'm generally very skeptical of any new platform by default. I just think they are taking the content/attention model seriously and putting the investment focus on optional advertisements that you can essentially sell on your blog. If you want to let another blogger/company advertise on your page you can charge them ONOT and that's an additional revenue source for high quality content creators.
I can feel your excitement between the lines, and I feel something very similar :-)
One of the great points you mentioned here is the idea of encouraging all participants to prove their engagement and commitment over and over again. Status is not earned and then set in stone - it requires a constant renewal and development. That makes the network quite dynamic and also impedes the creation of abusive circles.
This is going to be massive!
I agree, my previous thoughts on how to combat the abusive power structure was based around vote decay for witness voting, but I like the way the partner structure seems to encourage continual community development instead of just getting people to "auto-vote" you at election season. Making a content driven platform that people will actually want to visit and use is fundamental to creating a mainstream blockchain social media platform. I'm very excited about the potential I see here.
Yes, it's a real decentralized concept where the design doesn't impede the bad but encourages and incentivates the good.
I liked your analysis and I also think there are some very interesting details in it that will prove to be beneficial for humans...
It certainly seems to be designed for human use and less focused on automation for sure. I like that partnership is not permanent or guaranteed by stake weight either. Time will tell, but I'm optimistic.
yes, i like that as well. And if the majority of people don't like someone's behavior bc it's abusive, then they lose power. This is really cool feature.
I've also checked out the whitepaper.
Make curation great again!
I like that you are expressing the "From the top down" approach of deductive reasoning here that will be present on ONO! A true social media platform, that loves content—but also participation.
I'm also rather curious of where this goes, I just know it will be a grand adventure!~ :3
I think the balance is necessary to have a content driven platform and it's one of my biggest areas for suggestions of change on steemit. We'll have to see how it works out.
Indeed to promote interaction would definitely deter people from making spammy posts. This is going to be an interesting platform c:
Interesting! Heard a lot about them recently, the apparently also run for block producer, not sure if this constitutes a COI. Curious how community voting will prove itself, this will also make prevention of identity-spam really critical.
I don't really see how that could be a conflict of interest at all honestly. I'd think you would want block producers invested in the platform just like we want witnesses invested in the platform on STEEM.
Yeah i might be overcautious, i just had in mind block producers to be a sensitive position, and as social media platform would have huge influence on visibility if successful.
Pretty stoke for that new (and improved?) Steemit. As you know already I am a big fan of the eos project and I can't wait to see the future. Big hug to ya.
Thanks for this...this was my introduction to ONO and now I'll def be checking it out in a few days...I also checked out the whitepaper...liked what I saw so far =)
Awesome, really looking forward to this project, at the very least it will spur action to fix the problems steemit has
I'm a fan of having more options out there. Hopefully they both innovate the industry.
I absolutely agree.
There is plenty of room in the sea. People are free to post where they want and I believe many will use both.
It is helpful to have another system to learn from. Nothing is perfect and having others doing something similar often stimulates ideas for improvement.
This is interesting. I hadnt heard of this before but I like the whitepaper and like you, I am a little concerned it could lead to censorship but I think the community could combat this.
I don't know if there is a way to rule out bad actors as that is always going to be a matter of perspective. What I really like is that the structure seems capable of allowing community autonomy and self regulation without having to worry about the random millionaire or pre-mined power account to come in and do what they want. I'm sure both systems have their pros and cons, but I've seen plenty of one end of the spectrum and I want to see how the other operates for sure. Hopefully a "true community consensus" will be attainable on ONO without a massive amount of oversight.
I agree. There is a mechanism where by user reputation fluctuates and facilitates a much more realistic chance for many good posters to thrive over a few rich ones. If you arent using it you lose rep and someone else who is using it rises. Likewise if someone abuses it their reputation falls. Community is everyone who wants to be a part. That approach is interesting and worth a try.
Great review, going to read the whitepaper now.
Have you heard something about Creativechain and Narrative?
I haven't, I'll have to look into those.
I've started to use Creativechain a few weeks ago, 100% legit.
I have heard about it, I will definitely check it out now. It seems blockchain is the internet 2.0.
The profile of the CEO and team makes me hesitant about joining. One of translations for the term "ONO" also means "hatchet" or "axe" in Japanese which gives me pause. I also don't like the option of the "community" inflicting punishment on those users who either don't participate or disagree with the views of the majority. It makes me question, who is the "community" exactly?
As far as the translation goes, it's Chinese, it's basically a gratitude acknowledgement sort of like "oh no, you shouldn't have."
I will have to see how the partners and communities self regulate, but from my experience of just letting the stake determine how the chain runs, I have seen plenty of egregious misuses of power that no one could or was willing to do anything about. I don't think there is a perfect solution in that respect, but having some ability to band together and do something seems worthwhile to try.
Ono is also a ghost from the mario games. When i asked Ke Xu she said "Its a spirit of freedom".
Lol, I thought it looked like a ghost.
Such is Steemit as well. A whale can flag your post and on Steemit and make it less visible.
Here you are. Ono is hot cake right now. The young vibrant lady is super awesome
She certainly has vision. Looking forward to see the execution.
wow its really great,,thanks for your post
wow,,is it this paper,,,i heared before????
really awesome review
running on @dan 's EOS?
What is the official website of the ONO platform?