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RE: A Page From ONO : How To Build Your Brand With The Gratitude Economy

in #ono6 years ago

This is very popular in the tech world when it comes to gadgets. The Mac vs PC war is one which has been raging for years now. This shows how deep people can build a sense of community and culture around a product

This came to mind once i started reading this piece. It can not be said other wise from what you pointed out ,lets look at it, from big brands their secrect is simple, they care. Apple cared more that's why they make products that connects with the user, Benz haves the attitude of their consumer at heart which makes them to execl, and the list goes on...
When brands focus more on just profit, they dont innovate, they just copy and you cant beat what you copied. You can only find new ways/invent when you are challenged to solve a problem...(care)

Nice piece @ogochukwu this shows you truely trade attention and hack cultuer.
