Hello ladies an gents,
this guide will teach you on How to Register in Fiffo.Asia Website.
Follow the instruction carefully.
Step 1: Visit Fiffo.Asia and Go the the section called 'BE A FIFFO MEMBER'

Step 2: Fill Up the form by typing your Email or Username and your Passowrd
note(optional): make sure that you will save your email and passowrd in your notepad or note apps incase you forgot it.

Step 3: After you fill up the form(email or username, passowrd..ect), click the Register Button and a green notification will pop-up that indicates your account is Created.

Step 4: Congratulations! now you have an account, you can login to their website as a 'Member'

Step 5: In order to become a 'Premium Member' you must activate your account. Click the Activate button and it will redirect you into their activation page

Step 6: Now in order to activate your account you need to specify a refferal account.
Just type 'fiffoph' as Jerald Sayson

Register Now! : https://www.fiffo.asia/register/fiffoph
'fiffoph' your sponsor. If link doesn't work visit here: https://www.fiffo.asia/ and make
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