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RE: Mammoth Myth Rank Tokens

in #oneup3 years ago

You can send through
You can add your MYTH tokens to your wax wallet as a custom Token

Manage -> Add Custom Token -> fill in the following values:
Token Symbol: MYTH
Decimal Places: 4
Token Contract: mammothtoken
Token Name: MYTH
Token Image: QmZqe83K5vv9F1KEw46GiMLmo5EtZ4HbZdKgrmd3xNLQrV

Once that is done you can send it by clicking send and adding the target address.

(This is currently a temporary manual way as we are in discussions with Neftyblocks to be able to list our NFTS for MYTH tokens)

If you have any other questions, feel free to hit me up on discord:


tnx bro i will try

added tokens in my wax wallet, and send 2x 50 tokens for 2x gold myth token, so if i recive that tokens i need mix in Neftyblocks i mean blend it...