Excerpts from NO LONGER POOR: Between Character and Talent

in #onequality7 years ago


Good Morning to you Friends,
I am very delighted to welcome you to Excerpts from NO LONGER POOR series on my blog. NO LONGER POOR is the title of my book that is scheduled to come out by the end of March this year and this is my third post here @steemit where i have been trying to give you a feel of this amazing book in excerpts. You will need to buy a copy of the book when it's out for you to maximize all the life lessons in it.

In the previous posts, i tried to show you why you need to be Expectant in the former and also showed you where your Loyalty must lie if you must achieve your life's goal and purpose. Today, i want to show you quickly the relationship between character and talent. But i must warn you: what i have here is only but excerpts. To get a full knowledge about my idea on this topic, you will need to get my book.


Several scholars and philosophers have frequently written about the immense value of character. It will be fool hardy if anyone decides or trivialize the importance of character. In an order of precedence, character is about the most consistent determinant of success after faith.

Your faith without good character will be as good as a car with a broken gear. You aren’t going anywhere!

Being hard working and being lazy are both characters and the results for both have always been obviously a tale of good fortune and misfortune respectively. Hard work is a master of poverty while slothfulness is a slave to misery. One eventual result of forming and maintaining good habits or character is that it becomes an exemplar part of you. Whether in a workplace or a church, in the neighborhood or with family, it is easier for people to relate with you and give you their attention.

In a simple term, a good character opens a way for you in people’s mind. If you feel that it is often very difficult for people to relate with you then it is time to check your character.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Albert Einstein thinks the definition of character is a function of position and i don't think his assertion is faultable. He tried to posit the character of a man by his level on the rungs of the ladder of life. And He is absolutely right. A lot of people are very humble while they are yet still struggling or while they are yet in the formative years of their careers or business or education but as soon as the tip of their success begin to show then they become this entirely different person altogether. People begin to ask if this is person they used to know and in your mind you will be like ‘look I have arrived, don’t you get it?’

It is not enough to travail through our struggles to get to the top in life and then throw away the medal of success because of pride or arrogance. Your abilities, resilience, dedication and good characters may take you to the top but to remain at the top is a consequence of your character. Put it in another way, your character is more important than your talent. People with talent often make it to the limelight, but without a strong character, they rarely stay there very long.

That is it for today on Excerpts from NO LONGER POOR@thedoobigpost. Please share and upvote and i will also be expecting your comments and contributions, thank you. Please follow me @rotciv and you can also visit my blog


In agreement to this sir,
Characters are the core features we are made up of..
Invariably intentions change with bad characters.
Esteem being tested,
Pressure to convince sets in.
While we all have great plans ,
Our characters determine the possibilities of their accomplishment.

Thanks for the post,,
Looking forward to your book.
Will prefer the e-version sir