The phone will launch in India on 22 June, two days after the global launch. There are four pop-up events planned as part of the India launch, that will allow fans to experience the new phone first hand, and get a chance to avail offers on buying the device. The pop up events are scheduled for 23 June in New Delhi, 24 June in Bengaluru and Chennai, and 25 June in Hyderabad.
One plus 5 Phone Specification:
OnePlus 5 smartphone rumored to feature a 20-megapixel or 16-megapixel rear camera and a 16-megapixel selfie camera. The OnePlus 5 is also expected to come with 6GB or 8GB RAM and storage variants of 64GB or 128GB, with the option to expand further via a microSD slot (up to 256GB). On the software runs on Android 7.1.1 Nougat based on OxygenOS. Other connectivity options available on the smartphone include dual-SIM support, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS.
Security Concern with OnePlus Phones