Almost everyone loves coffee or a hot soup or even any beverage they like to sip but I had a problem with sipping especially my hot coffee before which currently I cannot enjoy much because I can't sip it normally. I tried again yesterday when I asked my mother to give e some coffee in a plastic cup and I managed to sip some with a quite difficulty as I would spill some since I cannot close my mouth fully.
But I am thankful that somehow there are a bit of a change in my mouth as I can close it when I try to. That is why I can manage to sip some beverage or a soup but still with some spillage and that is good because it means my medicine is working although not completely effective as a surgery would do.
I also liked the fact that most of my body pains are greatly diminished by my medicine and that is really something to be thankful and grateful for. I just hope that my Leontiasis would stop into its progression and only a miracle would restore my appearance until Ii get some surgery to correct the functionality for my eating problem as well as my speech problem.
I am also still hopeful that my body will re-transform into being usable in terms of my eating and speech function not to mention a complete pain wipeout which is plaguing me for years already. And I do want to enjoy again a hot cup of coffee with spilling it out from my mouth, I would like to dream about that moment in the future.

We hope so that you will be fine soon and can enjoy more foods with help of God of blessings Amen
Good thing you have generally improved, despite the difficulties to absorb, with practice and your will you will achieve it, so continue with that attitude in the face of adversity, every day not only for you, it is a challenge, for all In general, when we open our eyes after sleeping, we have overcome the darkness and the challenge for all is to survive one more day and with the help of God we will achieve it, greetings @crytopie
From your apperance mouth condition It looks that sipping is difficult But can take coffe and soup bu using straw but for this cofee and soup must be littlebit cold although you can not enjoy as in hot condition but atleast youcan taste it and enjoy alittlebit God bless you and your parents
really you get rid of deases...
god bless you..
take care.....
hi dear how are you??/
i think you are right...
i pray for you....
i am understand your face condition.your should be a good doctor suggestion apply for your face.don,t take any tension.i hope you very early recover your face situation fully. gods your all dreams very soon comes true.thank you very much for your good post sharing..dear.. @cryptopie
The situation is too problematic.
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We all know that you have been sick for a long time. You have been shown to be a good doctor. After the fast train arrives, the pigeon will be healthy.
in life we are gave such troublesome circumstances that our comprehension is deserted, we achieve a phase in life in which we understand that we were conceived alone, that we become alone, and we bite the dust alone, comfortable minute, we start to see life extraordinary, we locate the genuine importance and we start to battle without weakness for our fantasies, your friend @crytopieyou are battling for your fantasies and for your life, don't get drained!, and when you feel tired, leave your weights in God and request that he help you consistently and restore you like the falcon, my welcome sibling.
Your posts are amazing! Don't stop!
Hope you're getting better
I have never been a coffee drinker myself @cryptopie . But I do enjoy ice tea and I pray that someday you get a chance to be able to enjoy your fav beverage i.e. Coffee :)
Praying for you, friend 😊
Nothing is impossible if you put your heart and mind to it,my friend. You are doing well. Your medications and maybe the way you vent out your feelings here in Steemit have done a good job! Continuing to wish you well, my friend.
I am thankful that the pain in your body is gone,you have shown some great improvements.
God will be with you my friend Your problems shall not be permanent ,you will experience a better kind of life in jesus almight name i pray..Amen @cryptopie
:( God bless you brother, you really are suffering from a hard time.
I pray for you......
@crytopie your post are always interesting hope that you recover :)
May you get well soon.