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RE: @TeamAustralia Christmas Party 2018

in #onelovedtube β€’ 6 years ago

Nawwww would have been fun to have been there!! And thanks @mattclarke for taking the pressie over πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ

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Hey @wildflowerjessi I received your present on Monday! Thanks so much! It's making its way into a office at a new dental practice on the Sunshine Coast! (it was liked that much!)

Merry Xmas yaal in @teamaustralia

Thanks @centerlink for the mighty welfare payments when steem was scarce @ausbitbank

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh thats heaps exciting!! Glad it got to you safely :-) Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸ˜

Wish you were there but it's all good we're coming to you next year! Thanks so much Jessi, it's one of my favourite things ❀

Favourite as in, if theres a fire, Im grabbing my painting, the cat, my silver and Im running πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ

Huge hugs to @mattclarke for being the best courier in Aus.