Hey Puppet Patch Fans! Today we would like to start a new set of shows called “Behind The Couch”. This is based on a suggestion made by @D00k13. He asked us to make some videos with the actual people that are part of this show. So in this 1st episode we have my oldest son Anthony. Anthony speaks about his experiences doing the show and even gives it a shot going after MR. RED. I wonder how successful he will be. I will say this, he has a great sense of humor and we have a lot of fun making these shows for all of you to enjoy.
Anthony is a major contributor to this show and voices/controls several puppets. Sometimes 2 at once.
The list of puppets that Anthony handles are:
Green Gene, Sunny D., POOPSI, Baby Harry and of course he is one of the “Dopey Duo” Josh from all of the Josh and Timmy Episodes.
Anthony also helps out with the skit and show ideas and had created: “POOPSI” and “Green Gene Needs Money 1, 2 and 3.”
We would like to thank EVERYONE involved here for your support. Without you none of this would be possible!
The Puppet Patch Team
▶️ DTube
On my way to the dentist but can’t wait to see this tonight @the-puppet-patch!!😃
@Kawaiicrush cool! Let me know what you think.
So sweet! I love this idea!
Thanks Beth! It was very hard not to crack up laughing when we were filming it.
This was such a fun idea! Your son has your smile Dad! :D
Two handsome fellas! I am looking forward to getting to know the whole team a bit better! I think his suggestion of them interviewing you is a pretty neat idea as well! Great stuff guys!! @the-puppet-patch
Yeah it was a lot of fun to do. Anthony was a good sport and took MR. RED on. Sometime today Episode 2 will be posted. Thanks for watching @kawaiicrush.