March - Pisces - Holy Nights Art Project 3

in #onchainart2 years ago (edited)


The bull (my rising sign - sagitarius rising) was galumphing along - picking up speed and had to come to a screeching halt as it was coming to the edge of the page - as it galumphed it was knocking over trees - it knocked into this beautiful dormant tree - as it is early spring, but the tree still has the underlying colors of the original Holy Night in it, which I did not want to touch for many weeks as I was very attached to it's beauty but for the purpose of this exercise I had to create "order" out of "chaos", so to speak to find the message for me... which is ... SLOW DOWN...

Pisces pisces pisces on Saturday - 5 Planets in Pisces with the New Moon

as I was making this - I also experienced the culmination of the fight I was in last month with the invaders - they "won" - and tried to "put me down" - exactly what Fregus says - about the thing you have worked so hard for starts to rob you...but it's a part of you, so you just have to recognize it and walk away...while still being in it but not letting the vampires suck your blood anymore...

but I work for God - so I can't be "put down" and they can only think they won. The moral of that story is that we live multi-dimensionally - and although there are skillful looking "snatched-bodies" that seem to "win" in the physical plain, keep fighting the war on the spiritual plain and you will ultimately triumph...

The bull is the color of the water and the sky - Nature... The Sun and the Tree both have elements of the original "chaos" in them from the original tissue paper collage - Nature - it is looking a lot like sunset in the picture - late afternoon - the death of Winter -

it is the solstice - first day of spring - so the galumphing bull has come to the end of winter, and spring starts today - rebirth...

The Earth has her cycles, but homosapiens gift is to bring the Cosmic Light Energy to Earth for Transformation - so either we do it, or we just let the cycles of the earth take us from generation to generation.

The invaders would like to continue to occult this information so that they are only ones that know our true purpose as Creator Beings... but some of us know it and spread the word.

This drawing is related to my friend Tarot By Fergus's reading about the New Moon / Equinox so perfectly.






Previous Posts

February Artwork

January Artwork

January 6 - Sagitarius

January 5: Scorpio

January 4: Libra

January 3: Virgo

January 2: Leo

January 1: New Year's Day Projection from NYE

December 31 NYE- Cancer

December 30 Gemini

December 29 Taurus

December 28 Aries

December 27 Pisces

December 26, Aquarius

December 25, Capricorn

Winter Solstice Intention, 12/21/22


I hope the bull energy is there when we need it!

Of course- if you pray - it is always available. I just reviewed the reading again and looked at my artwork again and I can see that taking guidance from the Creator allows "me" to be exactly in the correct energy for the moment...times are very bizarre - I am not crazy about how it is right now at all, but it IS what it IS and it's nice that 1. we have access to the Spirit-ual World for assistance and 2. can access Power from it for dealing with this world. There is no chaos in that world, the chaos is in this world - so drawing Power from that world into this world, makes it easier...