OCD's Onboarding Program Compilation #143

in #onboarding4 months ago
Authored by @macchiata

Hello everyone!

This is a compilation post that will serve as a summary and status of the onboarding program. For those who are late to the party, OCD's onboarding program aims to bring more users to Hive and retain those users through the curation of posts submitted by the onboarders.

Anyone who's active in Hive is invited to apply as an OCD onboarder. Please see the details of the application process at the end of this post.

Who Onboarded Who

@soy-laloreto onboarded @jonathanrg

Hola, soy Jonathan... Te invito a conocer más de mi y dejar una "huella juntos". 👣 [spa/eng]

At the age of eight years old I became interested in drawing, admired by the drawings made by a maternal aunt, her name is Daxy, she draws by just using her imagination, since then I started to practice on my own, although it was not easy.

I used to watch cartoons on TV shows and tried to draw them in pencil on a freehand sheet, I started scribbling, after much practice, at the age of ten I was encouraged to draw on the walls of my room, my idea was to paint them to leave them as a nice souvenir.

@soy-laloreto onboarded @alirios25

Mi Presentación 👉 Hoy Comienza Una Nueva Aventura en Hive 😎 [ESP/ENG]

I come from a working and fighting family. My mother is a woman who was a father and a mother, a warrior woman, with an iron mettle who raised us alone, she gave everything so that her children had a good upbringing, her strength and desire to get ahead is to be admired and an example to her children, I have an older sister, when we were children and my mother had to work, my sister was in charge of taking care of us, feeding us, she fulfilled the role of my mother, she protected her siblings tooth and nail, I really love my sister, I have a twin brother, my other half, our childhood was full of laughter and pranks, we are super close, we always covered each other for the pranks we did together, our mother taught us to fight for our dreams and to face life with courage, our childhood was not easy Since we were teenagers we had to work and study to help with the cats in the house.

@soy-laloreto onboarded @ciela777

Mi Presentación 🫴 ✨❤️ Con Miedo🫣 Y Emoción🥳 Mi Viaje En Hive Comienza Hoy 🌻[spa/eng]

English Version

I am the mother of a beautiful 13-year-old teenager, who is going through a difficult age to manage due to constant mood swings and raging hormones, a situation that is sometimes difficult to manage but always asking God that no circumstance escapes me. hands. On the other hand is my 6-year-old boy, full of impressive energy. He never runs out of batteries and is always eager to explore many things. Despite the difficulties I go through every day, I always find great motivation to continue fighting and it is my children.

@dehai onboarded @mishurivon

Uncover My Existence: Dive Into the World of mishurivon

Hello! Good day, everyone! To start, I would like to tell the story behind my name. My first name– which I will not disclose for personal reasons, is based on a songwriter from our church. Then my second name, which is Micah is based on a book from the Bible. If people knew that this is the origin of my name, they would probably think that I have a reserved and more laid-back personality. But contrary to that, I am more carefree and energetic with the people around me.

@jeannamazing onboarded @reshychannn

A Girl Named Reshy Starting Her Hive Journey

Hello, everyone! My name is Reshy, and I am a twenty-two-year-old tourism college student. I have been a self-supporting student since my third year of college. I worked as a part-time ESL tutor in order to provide for my studies because I wanted to lessen the burden of my parents sending us to school. I started doing part-time jobs when I was still in my first year of college. However, I did not last long in my first ESL job because I became sick due to stress and fatigue. Then, I applied again when I was in my third year of college to another ESL company, and fortunately, I got hired. This part-time job is now helping me to send myself to school

@jeannamazing onboarded @hilariodigger

GTKM: Get To Know Me on Hive (Self-Introduction)

Like any other, I am named after my father in short I am his Jr. My father is Hilario, and Hilario Jr. that's me. I was born and raised in the humble town of Dalaguete. We are all 8 in the family including my parents. As much as we want to live together as a family it is not possible. My parents' income at that time was not enough to feed us. With that, my elder siblings have to be away from home to work while studying in the city for their future. I used to be left at home and take good care of my younger siblings. My family situation opened my eyes to the reality of life -that's hard. That is the reason why I am working hard to get the life I and my family deserve.

@soy-laloreto onboarded @jeank00

El comienzo de una nueva historia:MI PRESENTACION EN HIVE [SPA/ENG]

I have always liked having cats as pets, this one that many already know, because I have it as a profile picture on most of the sites where I am registered, he is called Vaquito, he didn't choose that name, but he has no other choice, in fact, almost nobody knows me by my picture, I think he is the famous one and here I present him hahaha!

@dehai onboarded @ksunnixx

🎶Discovering ksunnixx: An Adventure of Passion and Friendship🎵

I have a sister, and I’m the eldest. My sister and I aren't that close; we often quarrel like dogs and cats, but I still love her. My mother is a teacher who cares for us at home because my father works in Leyte. Every week, we have a mother-and-daughter or family bonding where we eat lunch at fast-food restaurants and shop.


39former onboarders266

Please take note that the stats do not reflect the current state of each onboarders as of this time because we are still catching up with this compilation post. The stats will be updated in each compilation post until it becomes up to date with the onboarding initiative.

Onboarder Application

OCD's onboarding program is conceptualized to be a powerful mechanism in attracting and retaining new content creators. Since incentives are given to active onboarders, it could be a nice income generation for those who wanted to focus more in inviting new users to Hive. For more information about this program, please refer to this post.

If you want to be an onboarder, join us in OCD's Discord Server and write your application in #onboarder-application channel. Your application must contain the following:

  1. Your Hive username.
  2. The types of users you will be inviting.
  3. The reason why you want to be part of the onboarding program.

Once you've applied, there will be a vetting process. We will check your on-chain activity to make sure that you can be trusted. Once you're in, you have the capacity to make an invite link using OCD's account creation token, invite anyone you think is a good addition to Hive with a quick and no SMS required account creation, nominate the posts of your invites through a special channel for curation, and get beneficiary rewards both from the users you've invited, posts like these and more benefits in the future!

Be warned that you are responsible for your invites. Meaning, their activity reflects on how you mentor them. Any suspicious activity of your invite can be a ground for your expulsion in the program. Make sure that before they start posting in Hive, you already oriented them on the activities to avoid such as plagiarism.

Be an onboarder now!

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with HiveSigner or on Hive Witnesses.

@ocdb supports community curation!
You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards - check out thegoodwhales.io.

Join our Discord channel for more information.


congratulations to all winners

Welcome to the new Hiveans 👋

Congratulations 👏👏🎉

Thank you very much for taking me into account, that motivates us to continue creating good content!

Soy nuevo y me parece interesante 😃