OMG will be a part of the new iPhone!

in #omisego8 years ago (edited)

So guys… i really have stomach feeling…my thesis: OMG will be a part of the new iPhone!

why the hell is the Cofounder holding a f**** boring skateboard in every picture with the OmiseGo - Logo and loog at the Logo is next to it?.


They announce that big news are coming in September…which company is probably also launching the iPhone in September?

My suggestion is: that iPhone will announce a Facepay - Feature:


Back in 2014…was Omise also mentioning a cooperation with Apple (i know Ages - but let me the dream):


Put the seatbelts on! I am ready!

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I'm following it closely. People said it was 'just' a sticker. But there are many references floating around with a particularly high amount of apple emoji's too which make little sense unless they are a nudge-nudge-wink-wink to the community about upcoming things.

So I certainly hope Apple is involved, that would be yuge!

It may just be a sticker! BUT lets have our hopes up :-)