The problem is if you question MSM you no longer have any real ability to do anything about it. Our fake government is rigged to not answer to we the people if they actually bother to vote. And so many people are completely lacking in critical thinking capabilities, unable to research or analyse basic facts to determine what is objective and what is subjective and/or biased.
Okay to be fair to most people that last one is actually pretty hard but it is arguably the most important life skill anyone should have and Americans are far far behind the front of the pack in teaching their kids those skills.
And when you look at America's oligarchy status it is not that that it is one that it is surprising, it is for how little money the country is for sale. We have hundreds of billionaires and millions of millionaires. People who do not have to ever worry about working or retirement if they don't want to. They can sit back and throw money at our so-called "representatives" (fake government) and for a few million here and a few million there get whatever they want. Look they are at it again...
It's just mind blowing how many issues that affect the lives of millions of not all Americans are decided after some rich boys "think tank" or "foundation" bribes our main stream "government" with a few million dollars. Sometimes if something is really really important they might have to drop a few tens or hundreds of millions but if your oligarchical gang has trillions at its disposal and the payoff is 100x that is no problem at all. Meanwhile we the people fight for legislation that might if we are lucky give us a few percent improvement or so things getting worse, or maybe make them get less worse. Thanks for your soggy trickle down crumbs assholes.
Which is to say, we have a solution for MSM - turn it off. They live by the ads they run so if you stop consuming those ads they die. The number of eyeballs watching ads is probably one of the few places Americans actually get representative democracy so use it!
As mentioned we don't have a solution for the oligarchy - it's the law thanks to SCOTUS and its reinterpretation of the Constitution to remake America as a country of "We, the dollars". Thanks again assholes.
So, we get rid of the PACS, That abuse made lobbying and money in government way worse.
The citizens United Ruling has allowed foreign money abd billionares to tip the scales with out being
outed in the sun light!
Then we can go back to debate of how to limit public lobbying group contribution, and the cap on the individual contribution would have real teeth.