We face a powerful storm of disinformation and propaganda, spreading fitnah among communities and tribes, discrediting the honorable, with the aim of controlling awareness and directing behaviour and a certain bias towards a group or group, we live in a real media struggle in cold blood, taken from the word, image and sound weapons attack Using armies of journalists and media workers behind offices and black screens to mislead people, broadcast lies and obscure facts.
The media occupies the first power in these cold wars, because it relies very strongly on propaganda and false advertising, where it is used in advertising and propaganda and disinformation, the use of the art of lying, hypocrisy, valour and poking, which is like mixing the poison with honey, hardly distinguishes between what is true What's wrong, and if you're not careful, the flags will make you hate the oppressed, and you love those who practise oppression and injustice. And your eyes will sparkle as champions of the right ostensibly, while in the sub they are quite the opposite thank you @v4vapid