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RE: Being a Good Dad

in #oldtimers8 years ago

Ive been raising my daughter on my own now for 12 years. As a single father I have met some crazy obstacles their are no easy roads. I have been treated worse than anyone should by Dr's teachers and so many others I have been told I should have just send her to live with her mom without them even knowing our situation, because I could not possibly understand the needs of a little girl and so much worse. Through it all I have never let on just how challenging it has been to her. Now she has grown into a amazing intelligent young lady top of her class as well as a top athlete, with more understanding and compassion for others than ten of her peers. To all those single fathers or just fathers who are involved with their daughters we will never do anything as valuable as to be their for them. Keep up the great work be the cloths hanger, the travel guide, the driving instructor, the mentor, be the father they deserve it is all worth it. Thanks for sharing !! love the photos and story. worthy of many upvotes !!!


Thanks for the great comment. I know the hassles that you talk about. Society always responds like that if you do any thing that is in the least bit "different". I am glad it all turned out well for your daughter and that is always the best vindication of your parenting. Well done, Sir.

Thank you its crazy how it you don't fit into their narrative or accepted truths you are outcast yet they pat themselves on the back for being SO inclusive.

Indeed. Sad but true.

Oh and by the way that bucket of chicken picture well now I have to go up to the kfc

Great reply to that fellow.

I agree.

God bless you for this.

Men have rights too. I hear you.

Thank you, and yes we do! They like so say its the other way round but Im a testament on how bias the system really is.