Set In Their Ways

in #oldschool5 years ago



A cotton rope

holds them to the tether on the roof, while the windows slowly get done.

HSBC Tower

houses the bank of the same name. It is on the corner of Av de Mayo and Maipu - pictures are strictly prohibited.
I was asked to delete my pictures when I filmed my kids riding bikes near the building one Sunday. So in response, I take pictures of the window washers, the equipment they have, and other items of interest. Then I post it all here because of the strangeness of it.

They start out crawling over the edge some thirty floors above the pavement and somehow seat themselves on an elaborate swing-set-type seat, the kind that is just a flat piece of wood, and then they start hanging 5 gallon pickle buckets to the right and left of their keisters.

Once they have wash water, rinse water and the rest of their gear, they wash and swing while joking and teasing each other.

They will do this a total of eight times until all the windows of the building are finished.

But what amazed me most about this crew is how they were able to land without getting tangled in the cables and framework of this strange device on the marble sidewalk just below them...


A Short Video

I can here them saying, "But we know how to use the ropes..."

sponge bob.jpg


Strange that you aren't allowed to take pictures in public. In the US, if you can see it from public, you're legally allowed to take pictures. The rules might be different there though.

At the time, this was the location for the Israeli Consulate and they considered any cameras to be an act of terror! I had my back to the building and focused the camera on my kids.
Ignorant Mallcops (building-cops)

Why boosting those comments to $5-$6? Lets put more attention and care on how we use our own rewards pool :-)

@sponge-bob, recuerdo cuando trabajábamos con @hosgug en Madero Center, habían días que estando en la oficina de frente a los vidrios de manera sorpresiva aparecía una persona sentada en una silla de madera moviéndose de un lado a otro limpiando los vidrios a quien llamábamos "Spider-man". Saludos, muy buenas las fotografías.

Trabajo cerca de esa torre y es común en el Microcentro porteño ver a estos intrépidos limpia vidrios. Hay que tener los nervios de acero para hacer semejante tarea

3 years ago here in Caracas in the well-known mall, there were some people cleaning the windows of those offices, the funny thing was that a young boy always made jokes in the windows, trying to imitate the mood of the people who worked in the office, at the end of everything they always finished their work. Seeing this post made me remember that moment.

Hello @sponge-bob and would you encourage yourself to do that work?

They should already be used to doing that, they already know the routine, but still they must take all the safety measures since the special scaffold does not work.

I've seen programs of people who do the most disgusting jobs like they say, like collecting excrement from animals in a zoo, or the coroner who must open the bodies of deceased people.

So this job is a wonder, just be careful, he who loves his job does it well.

How are people there under the sea Patricio and calamardo je je.

Hola @sponge-bob

Guao esas fotos me llevaron a un recuerdo, hace muchos años trabaje en la torre financiera del Banco Provincial de Venezuela. en el piso 37, muchas veces me todo ver como limpiaban los vidrios de la torre financiera del banco mercantil que estaba al frente del Provincial, era algo muy asombroso, una vez pude estar en la azotea y pude ver mucho mejor como era el trabajo de esos hombres y también mujeres de hecho había una mujer que estaba en ese equipo de hombres limpiadores de ventanas, en esa época aun los celulares no tenían cámara.

La torre provincial es la de cubos blancos. la mercantil es la de vidrios oscuros. esos edificios están en la capital de Venezuela.

Imagen Fuente

Estupendas fotografías, a mí me tiemblan las piernas si me asomo de un edificio, hay que ser muy valientes para realizar este trabajo y nervios de acero. En una ocasión me arme de valor y con unas amigas fuimos a parque central en Caracas, allí hay las torres más altas de la ciudad y están unidas por un túnel de cristal transparente puedes ver hacia abajo, me dio mucho miedo pasar por allí, pero lo logre. @sponge-bob

Great photographs, my legs shake if I look out of a building, you have to be very brave to do this job and nerves of steel. On one occasion I armed myself with courage and with some friends we went to the central park in Caracas, there are the tallest towers in the city and they are joined by a transparent glass tunnel you can see down, I was very afraid to go there, but I did it.

These are real spider men.

Super heroes really no cameras lights and action, is a job they must do.
Of course many of us are amazed, since we are not used to seeing that. Personally in Venezuela in my city I have never seen this kind of people, besides the buildings are not so tall either.

But I don't think I would risk it, but they have to pay very well to do it.

There are trades that are dangerous but that people love, I definitely admire them and all I know is that I wouldn't do it for all the gold in the world. He is worthy of admiring the courage of these men and the self-control to exercise such a profession. Just knowing that I will be in that chair that looks unstable at such a high altitude, it gives me a heart attack hahaha, thanks for sharing and teaching us something more than what happens somewhere in the world. I hug you back, @sponge-bob

One of the trades that I admire most, are the ones that some brave people risk and this is one of them. Having the guts of being able to be above a skyscraper just to clean, paint or repair anything is very daring, but in reality it is brave to be in impressive heights and that does not cause you any fear, it makes you admire your courage.

I think that those who do this work are very brave, I don't dare because fear dominates me, in relation to the photos they are spectacular. I loved the post. Greetings from Venezuela.

Trabajos sorprendentes y difíciles, esos hombres deben de tener nervios de acero. A mi de solo pensarlo me pone los pelos de punta.
Lo de los bancos debe ser por medidas de seguridad, por el terrorismo y todo eso, toman medidas especiales.
Buenas fotos, gracias por compartir

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting photographs and interesting to know that there are buildings that can not be photographed, these equipments have a winch system that keeps in correct filming the cable shelf avoiding an undesired node in it, however, the danger by insecurity is enough.

If it ain't broke - don't fix it? Until a rope breaks, I guess... 🤮

Wow and more awesome that work.

I have always said that there are difficult jobs, that someone must do it, this is one of those jobs.
The people who do it are heroes, because not everyone has that security, because to begin with, it is not the ideal equipment to do it, that from what I see in your photos, I happen to believe that it is damaged.

But the job has to be done somehow.

Above all, responsibility and always entrusting oneself to God the Father.

Ufff I know I wouldn't do it not because I don't want to but because I suffer from vertigo.

Just climbing stairs, elevators make me nervous, but it's really a very careful job, more than they do if the right equipment.

That should not be, the company must repair such equipment, because it can be done, but a life of a human being from falling and dying is not recovered.

But I admire them, they look like spiders.

The key question is whether they have good insurance that covers them and their family in the event of an accident at work, which in that context should be fatal. Regards.

Look at the burj khalifa some day that's more scary to look at

@sponge-bob. A pretty dangerous job. Maybe that is not exactly what the post is about, but, the first thing I think when I see those images, very nice by the way, is that the safest thing here in my country Venezuela, a job like that, does not give it the value it deserves, I am almost certain that he receives the same minimum salary as anyone and without some insurance to back it up.

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Creo que hiciste una movida interesante y bastante atrevida al tomar las fotografias de todas maneras. Chico listo. :)