OhmWallet Tutorial (Earn Free and Easy OhmCoin)

in #ohm7 years ago (edited)

What is OHM?

OhmCoin is a Crypto-Currency that uses the blockchain and after you obtain some you can exchange it for Bitcoin or other coins. You do random acts of kindness and things helping the world and you get rewarded. Even from other various tasks that are over time personally made for your base skill's.

Want to get started?


Isn’t that really awesome? Doing what you normally do helping people proving proof and you get something in return! Even as simply as holding some coins and with proof of stake you get some Coins in return.

Ohm is currently on WINDOWS LINUX and MAC

The windows install is really easy really anyone could do this.


Open the Exe on windows to start and go threw the install options.

Once installed Click “NO” on would you like to import an existing wallet when prompt.

You will be out of sync as of now once program is started.

Click settings and encrpyt wallet.

Use a passphase of 10 or more random letters and numbers or 8 or more words.

IMPORTANT! Write this INFO down and never lose it.

Now restart the app.

Click Unlock wallet and enter your passphrase.

To start receiving OHM select the Receive coins tab.

Then copy the address you will need it for the tasks.

Join and install discord for voting and more info.


Keep your wallet on to receive OHM and mint.
Minting is where you are more eligible for more Proof Of Stake Rewards depending on the amount you are holding.
So plan to put it on a computer that you can leave on for long periods of time!

Exchange OHM

AIN SOPH says:

“Only you can do random acts of kindness and make great things happen.”

How can you obtain OhmCoin with The acts of kindness?



Actions which we will currently add to the ledger, and for which you will be rewarded:

Anything which enhances, exercises or nourishes the Mind, Body, or Spirit.

Assisting a human, in any way.
Performing a Creative Act. – Art, Poetry, Public Performance.
Physical activity with goals set and goals reached.
Planting a tree.
Developing DIY clean energy tutorials.
Community/Volunteer/Charity work.
Spreading awareness. There are many Truths, which do you hold dear?
Standing up for something you are passionate about; i.e., writing an article about said cause.
Providing a free resource (paper, webinar, podcast, etc…) on a topic of expertise for anyone seeking to learn it.
Donating a service you provide free of charge to someone in need.
Creating a group of individuals to achieve a common health/fitness goal, free of charge
Paying for another table’s bill at a restaurant
Volunteer through the nonprofit Musicians on Call to deliver live, in-room performances to patients undergoing treatment or unable to leave their beds.
After a wedding or party donate all of the flowers to a nursing home.
Write a letter to a deployed or wounded member of the military through Operation Gratitude.
Join the bone marrow registry.
Have a clean up party at a beach or park.
Every day, for 4 weeks, write down 3 to 5 things for which you’re grateful.
Stock a container with umbrellas and leave it at the front door of your office to be used by anyone needing one on a rainy day.
Shop at a local farmer’s market, and hand deliver the groceries to a shelter.
Identifying and requesting documents of interest.
A single Act will be rewarded with a single coin. There is a reason for this. We would like to start by giving One Million OHM. One Million Acts of Kindness.


Our Agenda is to Improve Reality.

Our only gain is the knowledge that you’ve participated, and attempted to make the world a better place. The implications of your involvement in our experiment extend beyond the reward you will earn from us in cryptocurrency (OHM). The worth of which is dependent upon the market and it’s volatility. Your action, reception, and participation adds a component never before introduced to back a currency.

Of course, one can not attribute a determinant monetary value on positive movements, interactions, progression, or creative action. Acts of Kindness are not Fiat Money. This being said, your Acts will remain an invaluable component in the composition of our Ledger. The scope or size of deed is irrelevant. All are equal and will be etched anonymously in our record. The results of your actions will have an immeasurable effect on the world. With, or without our involvement.


You must submit Proof of Work. It may evidence in the form of video, a link to your article/organization, a signed community service sheet, etc…If you would like to perform an Act of Kindness that is unlisted, or have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions you may contact us.

Together, we will accomplish wondrous things.

Other ways to obtain OhmCoin?

Finishing puzzles and tasks at S.V.V.'s Website

You could also purchase a MasterNode 3000 OHM with some help with the mods at the discord. This helps gain Coins quicker with proof of stake.

The Future of OhmWallet Looks pretty bright if you ask me. With values going up its sure to be a good alt-coin to look into more and have some fun with!

Maybe one day we will have lots of OhmCoin when it goes to the moon.


Good Luck and I hope I helped you understand how to utilize these new opportunities, obtaining coins in a brand new ways and platform's with games and other random meaningful tasks. It's been fun watching this growing group of individuals this past year. I look forward to seeing where things go and hoping some of you come along in the journey along with us all.

Donate OHM: MaW2UTani2k6v3GstTVGRH3RDpSigT789g