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RE: Odds and Ends — 6 January 2025

in #oddsandends17 days ago

Thank you for the picture of Bernie. The rest of it is mostly depressing. Cowards all

Something strange has been happening to The Apprentice, which despite acute timeliness and an 83 percent fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes has been willed away by the industry. Most distribution execs wouldn’t touch it; actors won’t talk about it.

I guess you can't blame people. The unthinkable has happened. What comes next? We don't recognize this country, because we never realized what many people really believe. They don't want equal rights. They don't want justice. They want a world in which everybody looks like them and everybody agrees with them. Womanizer? Insurrectionist? Serially liar and fraudster? They don't care.

It's stunning and depressing. Thanks for being out there and pointing out the truth.