Holiday memories

in #oculus3 years ago

Hello all!

I hope you had a happy holiday and I hope you all got to spend it with the people that mattered most whoever that may be.

Heres is a holiday story I hope makes you smile. My grandmother has had a lot of trouble this year like losing the ability to move under her own power. For a while she couldnt even feed herself but she has gotten better at that.

She told me the week before that she was getting cabin fever. And with it getting cold her nurses wont even let her be wheeled outside. So I brought her my new oculus quest 2 and let her go on a nature walk, float in outerspace, and see dinosaurs lol. I think she enjoyed it I'm just glad I could make her happy. And when she seen the brontosaurus and said that's a big girafe I liked to speed my self laughing lol.

After all was said and done she seemed like i had made her day except for the space walk I dont think she was to thrilled about that one. Lol

I hope this holiday season you made someone's day just a little better. A smile goes a long way to making the world a brighter place. Because if everyone tries we can make the world we live in a little more warm and loving.

Happy Holidays all!
Hope you have a blessed day.